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Presentation on theme: "8-2 EARLY CHALLENGES."— Presentation transcript:


2 What were the early challenges that Washington faced as President

3 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What were the challenges America faced at home during Washington’s presidency? What were the challenges America faced abroad during Washington’s presidency? How were these challenges dealt with?



6 President Washington Had challenges as well DOMESTIC here at home
What is the name for those issues? DOMESTIC and overseas or abroad FOREIGN or INTERNATIONAL

7 Whiskey Rebellion When Where Who July 1794 western Pennsylvania
Farmers Hamilton Washington

8 Whiskey Rebellion What happened?
farmers refused to pay the new national whiskey tax destroyed buildings and attacked tax collectors


10 Whiskey Rebellion Why is it important?
1st rebellion to challenge the authority of the new government. showed new government’s strength. would use force if necessary How does it effect course of American history? showed citizens that if they wished to challenge a law- it must be peaceful and legally.

11 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What were the challenges America faced at home during Washington’s presidency? What were the challenges America faced abroad during Washington’s presidency? How were these challenges dealt with?

12 The next challenge- domestically

13 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What were the challenges America faced at home during Washington’s presidency? What were the challenges America faced abroad during Washington’s presidency? How were these challenges dealt with?

14 8-2 Early Challenges-Domestic
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled

15 8-2 Early Challenges-Foreign
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled

16 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1791

17 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1791 Northwest Territory

18 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1791 Northwest Territory Ohio-Indiana border

19 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1791 Northwest Territory Ohio-Indiana Border Wabash River

20 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1791 Northwest Territory Ohio-Indiana Border Wabash River Indian attacks on the frontier

21 Location of the battle location of battle

22 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1791 Northwest Territory Ohio-Indiana border Wabash River Indian attacks on the frontier Indians led by?

23 Little Turtle

24 ? When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1791
Northwest Territory Ohio-Indiana border Wabash River Indians led by Little Turtle of the ___?___ Tribe. ?

25 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1791 Northwest Territory Ohio-Indiana border Wabash River Indians led by Little Turtle of the Miami tribe. What happened?

26 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1791 Northwest Territory Ohio-Indiana border Wabash River Indians led by Little Turtle of the MIAMI tribe. Washington sent General Arthur St. Clair (& army 1,200) Little Turtle defeated army of Arthur St. Clair.

27 General Arthur St. Clair

28 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1791 Northwest Territory Ohio-Indiana border Wabash River Indians led by Little Turtle of the Miami tribe. Little Turtle defeated army of Arthur St. Clair.

29 St. Clair Massacre Marker

30 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1791 Northwest Territory Ohio-Indiana border Wabash River Indians led by Little Turtle of the Miami tribe. President Washington sent another force in.

31 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1791 Northwest Territory Ohio-Indiana border Indians led by Little Turtle of the Miami Tribe. President Washington sent another force in. Led by Anthony Wayne

32 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1794

33 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1794 Northwest Territory

34 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1794 Northwest Territory Indians continue to stop white settlement

35 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1794 Northwest Territory Indians continue to stop white settlement Washington sent in General Anthony Wayne to stop it

36 General “Mad” Anthony Wayne

37 Explain how it was handled
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1794 Northwest Territory Indians continue to stop white settlement Washington sent in Wayne to stop it Wayne forces defeat Indians.

38 Explain how it was handled
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1794 Northwest Territory Ohio- border (p. 265 in your book) Indians continue to stop white settlement Washington sent in Wayne to stop it Wayne forces defeat Indians. At Battle of?

39 Explain how it was handled
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1794 Northwest Territory Ohio- border (p. 265 in your book) Indians continue to stop white settlement Washington sent in Wayne to stop it Wayne forces defeat Indians. At Battle of FALLEN TIMBERS

40 Explain how it was handled
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1794 Northwest Territory Ohio Indians continue to stop white settlement Washington sent in Wayne to stop it Wayne forces defeat Indians. At Battle of FALLEN TIMBERS Indians forced to sign?

41 Explain how it was handled continued
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled continued 1794 Ohio Wayne forces the defeated Indians (& what Indian leader?) to sign Treaty of Greenville

42 Explain how it was handled continued
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled continued 1794 Ohio Wayne forces the defeated Indians (& what Indian leader?) to sign Treaty of Greenville

43 Blue Jacket was from what Indian tribe?
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled continued 1794 Wayne forces the defeated Indians (Blue Jacket) to sign Treaty of Greenville Blue Jacket was from what Indian tribe? SHAWNEE

44 Signing of Treaty of Greenville

45 What is the importance of the Treaty of Greenville?
opens up much of Ohio to white settlement, without fear of Indian attacks.

46 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What were the challenges America faced at home during Washington’s presidency? What were the challenges America faced abroad during Washington’s presidency?

47 French Revolution –July 1789

48 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1793 war between FRANCE & BRITAIN

49 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1793 ? war between FRANCE & BRITAIN

50 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1793 Europe & Atlantic Ocean war between FRANCE & BRITAIN

51 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1793 Europe & Atlantic Ocean war between FRANCE & BRITAIN What did the war do to Americans?

52 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1793 Europe & Atlantic Ocean war between FRANCE & BRITAIN Divided Americans

53 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1793 Europe & Atlantic Ocean war between FRANCE & BRITAIN Divided Americans ?

54 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1793 Europe, America war between FRANCE & BRITAIN Divided Americans Washington hoped for ?

55 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1793 Europe & Atlantic Ocean war between FRANCE & BRITAIN Divided Americans Washington hoped for Neutrality

56 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1793 war between FRANCE & BRITAIN Divided Americans Washington hoped for Neutrality Proclamation of Neutrality announced

57 Proclamation of Neutrality
Prohibits Americans from fighting in the war between Britain and France Prohibits British and French warships from all American ports.

58 Explain how it was handled
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1793 war between FRANCE & BRITAIN Divided Americans What person threatened Washington’s neutrality? Washington hoped for Neutrality Proclamation of Neutrality announced

59 Explain how it was handled
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1793 war between FRANCE & BRITAIN Divided Americans Edmond Genet’s actions Washington hoped for Neutrality Proclamation of Neutrality announced

60 Explain how it was handled
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1793 In U.S. war between FRANCE & BRITAIN Divided Americans Edmond Genet’s actions Washington hoped for Neutrality Proclamation of Neutrality announced

61 Explain how it was handled
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1793 In U.S. High Seas war between FRANCE & BRITAIN Divided Americans Edmond Genet’s actions Washington hoped for ? Neutrality Proclamation of Neutrality announced

62 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1794

63 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled? 1794 High seas (Atlantic, Caribbean,)

64 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled (continued) 1794 High seas (Atlantic, Caribbean,) British were practicing impressment of American sailors

65 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled (continued) 1794 High seas (Atlantic, Caribbean,) British were practicing impressment of American sailors Jay’s Treaty is negotiated (179?)

66 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled (continued) 1794 High seas (Atlantic, Caribbean,) British were practicing impressment of American sailors Jay’s Treaty is negotiated (1794) Many Americans were unhappy with treaty. Why?

67 *did not deal with impressment or interference in trade
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled (continued) 1794 High seas (Atlantic, Caribbean,) British were practicing impressment of American sailors Jay’s Treaty is negotiated (1794) Many Americans were unhappy with treaty. *did not deal with impressment or interference in trade

68 When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled (continued) 1795

69 Explain how it was handled (continued)
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled (continued) 1795 Mississippi River

70 Explain how it was handled (continued)
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled (continued) 1795 Mississippi River Spain limited use of Miss. River to Americans.

71 Explain how it was handled (continued)
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled (continued) 1795 Mississippi River Spain limited use of Miss. River to Americans. Thomas Pinckney signs a treaty

72 Explain how it was handled (continued)
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled (continued) 1795 Mississippi River Spain limited use of Miss. River to Americans. Thomas Pinckney signs a treaty Allows Americans to use Miss River/ access to New Orleans.

73 Washington’s Farewell



76 Washington’s Farewell
Warns against two things? Political Parties Foreign alliances (entangling)

77 8-2 Early Challenges-Domestic
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1794 1791 Western Pa Northwest Territory Ohio-Indiana border Wabash River Western Farmers refused to pay national tax on whiskey-that was proposed by Hamilton- attacked tax collectors and destroyed buildings Indians led by Little Turtle of the MIAMI tribe Washington crushed the rebellion-formed an army and marched to put it down Washington sent General Arthur St. Clair (& army 1,200) Little Turtle defeated army of Arthur St. Clair.

78 8-2 Early Challenges-Domestic
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1794 Northwest Territory Ohio Indians continue to stop white settlement Washington sent in Wayne to stop it Wayne forces defeat Indians. At Battle of FALLEN TIMBERS Indians forced to sign? Treaty of Greenville opens up much of Ohio to white settlement, without fear of Indian attacks.

79 8-2 Early Challenges-International/Foreign
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1793 Europe war between FRANCE & BRITAIN Divided Americans Edmond Genet – tried to recruit Americans to help French Washington hoped for Neutrality Proclamation of Neutrality Announced Prohibits Americans from fighting in the war between Britain and France Prohibits British and French warships from all American ports.

80 8-2 Early Challenges-International/Foreign
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled 1794 Atlantic Ocean British were practicing impressment of American sailors Jay’s Treaty is negotiated (1794) Many Americans were unhappy with treaty. *did not deal with impressment or interference in trade

81 Explain how it was handled (continued)
When Where What was the challenge? Explain how it was handled (continued) 1795 Mississippi River Spain limited use of Miss. River to Americans. Thomas Pinckney signs a treaty Allows Americans to use Miss River/ access to New Orleans.

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