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BUYER PERSONA A key insight guide into our customers.

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Presentation on theme: "BUYER PERSONA A key insight guide into our customers."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUYER PERSONA A key insight guide into our customers.

2 65% PERSONANAME The Caregiver FEMALE
A short summary about the persona from a high level lets you summarize a lot about them as a short elevator pitch of who they are. UNDER 10 10 TO 21 22 TO 35 35 TO 55 55 AND OVER The Caregiver The Caregiver is also known as: The saint, altruist, parent, helper, supporter. Motto: love your neighbor as yourself Core desire: to protect and care for others Goal: to help others Greatest fear: selfishness and ingratitude Strategy: doing things for others Weakness: martyrdom and being exploited Talent: compassion, generosity 65% FEMALE

3 Wants to rise up the corporate ladder quickly and is always looking for ways to look good to their boss. Another motivation. MOTIVATIONS What drives our audience..

4 PRIMARY Has a hard time saving money due to school loans and cost of living in the city. Another Pain PAINS Pains and challenges are key elements to your persona and finding value. In marketing and sales, being able to solve every day pains is how we capture attention and convince. SECONDARY A secondary pain

5 PERSONALITY The Caregiver
“I would love to change the world and make sure that I do something that has a positive impact” “There is no I would buy a product where the company does not support the causes and values I find important.” The Caregiver The Caregiver is also known as: The saint, altruist, parent, helper, supporter. Motto: love your neighbor as yourself Core desire: to protect and care for others Goal: to help others Greatest fear: selfishness and ingratitude Strategy: doing things for others Weakness: martyrdom and being exploited Talent: compassion, generosity

6 BRANDS BUYING FACTORS What factors are important when this person chooses a product? Brand Name The trendy name can drive a purchase. Price Due to the typical age, price is always an impact.

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