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Mrs. Spears 8 Grade Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Spears 8 Grade Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Spears 8 Grade Science

2 A Little About Me I Grew up on Long Island, New York
I have traveled out of the country to South Africa, Zambia, Brazil, and Bermuda

3 Before moving here I taught 8th grade science for 2 years in Lakeland FL




7 Classroom Procedures ENTERING THE CLASSROM
Make a single file line from the door to the emergency exit When let in, take your seat and complete the following: Copy down the objective and your homework in your agenda Your ‘Do NOW!’ [Instructions on the SMART Board]

8 Classroom Procedures DURING CLASS
Don’t get up for any reason without permission. Use the specified hand signals to ask to use the bathroom, sharpen pencil, throw out trash, and get water Raise hand to speak in class- NO calling out please

9 Classroom Procedures DURING CLASS
If you finish your work early, you may quietly read for pleasure, work on another class’s assignment, or ask for a puzzle to complete. 1 puzzle=1 extra credit point. Some worth MORE! If someone comes to the door, only the teacher or another adult may let the visitor in the room.

10 Classroom Procedures EXITING THE CLASS
The teacher dismisses class, not the bell. Class will not be dismissed until desks are put back in order and all textbooks and binders are put back on shelves.

11 Classroom Procedures EMERGENCIES
If the emergency signal starts to ring walk out the door, make a right and exit the building Form a single file line on the field where I stand.

12 LATE/MAKE UP WORK NO late work will be accepted.
Check the class website: to see what was missed Make up work should be placed in the bottom shelf on the stackable

13 Serious offences will result in IMMEDIATE office intervention
Consequences Failure to follow classroom rules and/or procedures will result in disciplinary action: Verbal Warning Fill-In-The-Blank Periodic Table Seat Change/Isolation Timeout in another classroom Phone call home (5 periodic tables= automatic phone call home) Office Referral Serious offences will result in IMMEDIATE office intervention Consequences are given at the teacher’s discretion

14 Periodic Table of Elements


16 Life Science Any Questions?

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