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Welcome to First Grade! August 9th, 2017 Dear first grade families,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to First Grade! August 9th, 2017 Dear first grade families,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to First Grade! August 9th, 2017 Dear first grade families, Thank you so much for taking the time to stop into our learning lab! I am overjoyed to be teaching an incredible group of first graders at Innovation Academy this year and am looking forward to the learning adventures we will share together! I know you probably have many questions about 1st grade, our classroom, our school, and me. I have included important information to ensure a smooth first few weeks of school. Many other questions and concerns will be addressed on the K-2 Parent night which is Monday, August 28th from 6:00-7:30pm. Morning Routine: Students may play on the playground when the gates open at 8:30. Starting Friday, students will place their backpacks on the ground outside of our exterior door. When the 9:00 bell rings, students will meet me at the tile on the playground that says “4” and we will walk to our classroom together. If you are running late and miss the bell, it is imperative that you stop in the office and sign your child in. Lunch/ Snacks/ water bottles: First grade lunch is from 11:15-11:35 followed by recess until 11:55am. Students are encouraged to pack an additional snack for our afternoon break. They should also bring a labeled water bottle to school daily. We have water fountains that students can use to refill them throughout the day. Homework/ homework folders We will be using the Innovation Academy folders for paper communication, student work, and unfinished classwork. : Students should keep the folder inside of their backpack daily. I will be posting our homework menu and newsletter on the class website and also sending out weekly s in an attempt to reduce our paper use. If you would prefer me to print it for you, please just let me know! School Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00-3:30pm (first bell rings at 9:00am) Tuesday: Early-out-Dismissal at 1:30pm.

2 Specialist Schedule: (12:30-1:20 daily)
Monday: PE (wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothes) Tuesday :Music Wednesday: Art Thursday: Computers Friday: Library Communication: I believe strongly that the key to your child’s success in school is having the parents, teacher, and student working together as a team. Part of being a strong team is open and consistent communication. Please feel free to send or or call if you have any questions or concerns. For now, the best source of information will be found on my webpage and on DOJO. Classroom phone number: (520) Front office: (520) Address: Class Dojo: (log-in information can be found in take-home-folders) *Folders stay in back packs and travel to and from school daily! This year promises to be an incredible opportunity for everyone at Innovation Hopefully I will see you again in a few weeks at our parent information night and at our community open house on the 19th. I am honored and excited for this year!!! We will work hard but play harder! Sincerely, Mrs. Ashley Manley-Watson

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