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Calculate the Total Fuel Loading: Digital Photo Series

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1 Calculate the Total Fuel Loading: Digital Photo Series

2 Calculate the Total Fuel Loading: Digital Photo Series
Shrubs = 3 tons/ac Litter = 4 tons/ac Duff = 10 tons/ac Woody Material = 2 tons/ac Crown mass = 18 tons/ac Surface Fuel Loading (ex duff) = 9 tons/ac Total Fuel Loading = 37 tons/ac

3 What is the Species and Total Fuel Loading?

4 1. Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

5 2. Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

6 3. Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

7 4. Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

8 5. Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

9 6. Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

10 7. Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

11 8. Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

12 9. Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

13 10. Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

14 1. What we Know: Lodge pole Pine Stems per acre = 638
Mean DBH (>4”) = 7.7” Mean Height (>4”) = 32.4’ Woody Fuel = 17.8 tons/ac Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

15 2. What we Know: Quaking Aspen Stems per acre = 1,224
Mean DBH (>4”)= 7.8” Mean Height (>4”) = 44.1’ Woody Fuel = 30.5 tons/ac Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

16 3. What we Know: Quaking Aspen Stems per acre = 1,361
Mean DBH (>4”) = 8.3” Mean Height (>4”) = 47.6’ Woody Fuel = 17.8 tons/ac Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

17 4. What we Know: White, Red, and Jack Pine Stems per acre = 14,180
Mean DBH (>4”) = 8.5” Mean Height (>4”) = 53.4’ Woody Fuel = 4.6 tons/ac Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

18 5. What we Know: ABGR/LAOC/PSME/PICO Stems per acre = 915
Mean DBH (>4”) = 8.1” Mean Height (>4”) = 49.2’ Woody Fuel = tons/ac Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

19 6. What we Know: Hawaiian Rainforest Stems per acre = 2100
Mean DBH (>4”) = 2.9” Mean Height (>4”) = 25.1’ Woody Fuel = tons/ac Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

20 7. What we Know: Chestnut Oak (GA) Stems per acre = 1500
Mean DBH (>4”) = 9.2” Mean Height (>4”) = 56.4’ Woody Fuel = 8.3 tons/ac Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

21 Chamise Chaparral (CA) Stems per acre = 3,878
8. Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels What we Know: Chamise Chaparral (CA) Stems per acre = 3,878

22 PIPO in Juniper/Sage Woodland Stems per acre = 0
9. What we Know: PIPO in Juniper/Sage Woodland Stems per acre = 0 Mean DBH (>4”) = 7.8” Mean Height (>4”) = 23.0’ Woody Fuel = tons/ac Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels

23 10. What we Know: Big Sagebrush Mean DRC = 1.2” Mean Height = 1.2’
Predominately tall trees and low-lying shrubs/cwd with very little ladder fuels What we Know: Big Sagebrush Mean DRC = 1.2” Mean Height = 1.2’ Woody Fuel = tons/ac

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