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An Ontology-driven Faceted Query Engine

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1 An Ontology-driven Faceted Query Engine
for the Kentucky Cancer Registry (R21CA231904) MPIs: GQ Zhang (contact), Licong Cui Co-Is: Shiqiang Tao, Eric Durbin Institute for Biomedical Informatics University of Kentucky NCI ITCR PI teleconference, August 3, 2018

2 The Kentucky Cancer Registry (KCR)
Established in 1991 at the University of Kentucky (UK) Markey Cancer Center (MCC) New cancer cases from all healthcare facilities and physicians in Kentucky within 4 months of diagnosis Required by state law Part of the NCI SEER program since 2000 Recently renewed contract with NCI for up to 10 years 729,331 total cases 32,480 new cases per year recently 5 aspects of data are captured: patient data, case data, follow-up, therapy data and pathology reports

3 Data Use for Research Top: a typical data use pipeline that involves 7 steps Below: Desirable pipeline that starts with data exploration (shaded), and centralize and automate data-readiness tasks (two shaded tasks on top combined into one)

4 Basic Challenge: Human-data Interaction

5 Basic Challenge: Human-data Interaction

6 Faceted Query

7 Using NCI Thesaurus As Facets

8 NCI Thesaurus -> Nested Faceted System (NFS)

9 OncoSphere NCI Thesaurus Nested Facet System

10 OncoSphere: Functional Architecture

11 Specific Aims 1. Facet: Transform and implement NCI Thesaurus into an NFS to enable OncoSphere’s interface features 2. Quality: Audit the hierarchical structure of the NCI Thesaurus to enhance its quality in supporting nested facet query 3. Evaluation: Evaluate expressiveness, performance and usability on OncoSphere

12 Quality Auditing on the Hierarchical Structure of the NCI Thesaurus
Soundness: All items within each facet are relevant to the facet Completeness: Any sub-facets relevant to a specific facet are already contained in and accessible through the facet Precision and Recall: Incomplete facets will reduce recall; unsound facets will reduce precision

13 Quality Auditing on the Hierarchical Structure of the NCI Thesaurus

14 Acknowledgment NCI 1R21CA 06/06/2018 – 05/31/2020

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