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Classification & The Six Kingdoms.

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1 Classification & The Six Kingdoms

2 TAXONOMY- the science of naming and classifying organisms
Aristotle: grouped plants and animals based on similarities Greeks & Romans-major groups called “genus” (means group) Carl Linnaeus-( ) - Sweden--gave organisms a 2 word name...

3 Binomial Nomenclature
Means “2 word naming system” Genus (1st letter always capitalized) species (lower case) either underlined or italics (only if typed) this is considered the Scientific name!

4 Universal Language = Latin
Provides a standard for communication among biologists, regardless of their native language 2 different organisms cannot have the same scientific name organisms can share one part of their scientific name w/another organism.

5 Hierarchical System Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus
species Dear King Phillip Came Over For Good Soup {SCIENTIFIC NAME}

6 5 or 6 Kingdoms? 5 Kingdom System: Monera (Bacteria), Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia *****6 Kingdom System: Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia

7 Species Generally defined as a group of organisms that can breed to produce fertile offspring All dogs are one species Horses and donkeys are different species because when they breed, their offspring (mules) are sterile!

8 Use the words in RED to fill in the blanks!
Kingdoms Use the words in RED to fill in the blanks!

9 6 Kingdoms Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia
These 2 are sometimes combined together to form the Monera Kingdom when only 5 Kingdoms are used

10 Cell Types Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
No nucleus No membrane-bound organelles Most μm in size Evolved 3.5 billion years ago Only Archaebacteria and Eubacteria Kingdoms Has nucleus Many organelles Many 2-1,000 μm in size Evolved 1.5 billion years ago Includes Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia Kingdoms

11 Types of Nutrition: Autotrophs or Heterotrophs
Autotrophs: 1.) photosynthetic -organism that uses energy from the sun to make its own food, and 2.) chemosynthetic -simple nonliving chemical nutrients such as H2S, sulfur, and iron is consumed and made into living tissue; makes its own food. All autotrophs make their own food! Heterotrophs: organisms that cannot make its own food—must eat other organisms or organic wastes Absorbers: produces enzymes that break down food particles outside its body, then absorbs the digested molecules

12 Prokaryotic cells Archaebacteria and Eubacteria Kingdoms

13 Bacteria Shapes Coccus (spherical shaped) Bacillus (rod shaped)
Singular Plural Coccus cocci Bacillus bacilli Spirillum spirilla Singular Plural Coccus cocci Bacillus bacilli Spirillum spirilla Spirillum(spiral/curved walls)

14 Kingdom Archaebacteria
methanic Kingdom Archaebacteria halophile halophile methanic sulfurous halophile

15 Kingdom Archaebacteria
Cell Type: Prokaryotes (original life form on earth and gave rise to eukaryotes; believed to be the ancestors of the protists; called the “ancient bacteria”) Cell structure: no nucleus, no organelles, have cell walls that contain lipids found in no other organism Body Forms: unicellular Nutrition: autotrophs or heterotrophs Niche: extreme environments such as deep sea volcanic vents, hot springs, salt flats and brine pools, and black organic mud that lacks oxygen (anaerobic) Reproduction: asexual (binary fission) Neat Facts: fewer than 100 species

16 Examples of Archaebacteria
Halophiles (Salt lovers) Acidophiles (love acidic environments) Sulfurous bacteria (high sulfur environments) Methanic bacteria (high methane environments) Anaerobic bacteria (no oxygen)

17 Kingdom Eubacteria

18 Kingdom Eubacteria

19 Kingdom Eubacteria Cell Type: Prokaryotes - gave rise to eukaryote cell organelles; believed to be the ancestors of mitochondria and chloroplasts; considered the “true bacteria” Cell Structure: no nucleus; no organelles; cell walls contain complex carbohydrates; all species have at least one inner cell membrane Body Forms: unicellular Nutrition: photosynthetic and chemical autotrophs, and heterotrophs Niche: Common environments, live in and on organisms Reproduction: mainly asexual (binary fission); sexual (conjugation) Neat Facts: extremely diverse—5,000 species; many cause disease; some make vitamins and help with digestion; used for food and drugs; decomposers, fix nitrogen

20 Examples of Eubacteria
Strep (Streptococcus aureus) Cyanobacteria Salmonella Clostridium botulinum E. coli

21 Bacterial Fossils of blue-green algae cyanobacteria
2.6 billion years old 3.2 billion years old Algal mats preserved in rock Modern day

22 Eukaryotic Cells – Kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
Protists – yellow; fungi – red; plantae – green; animalia - blue

23 Kingdom Protista from microscopic to 150 feet large (the “catch-all kingdom”)

24 Diversity in Kingdom Protista

25 Kingdom Protista Cell Type: Eukaryotes (“catch all” kingdom)
Cell structure: have a nucleus, mitochondria, and some have chloroplasts Body Forms: mostly unicellular, some multicellular, some colonial Nutrition: autotrophic or heterotrophic; ingestion, absorption, or photosynthesis Niche: freshwater and ocean water, in and on organisms; anywhere where there is water or a moist environment Reproduction: asexual or sexual Neat Facts: autotrophic protists produce 1/3 of oxygen in the atmosphere; wide range of sizes

26 Examples of Protists Euglena Paramecium Amoeba Diatoms Slime mold
Algae Kelp Red Tide

27 Kingdom Fungi

28 Kingdom Fungi Cell Type: Eukaryotes
Cell structure: have a nucleus, mitochondria, but no chloroplasts; cell wall of chitin Body Forms: some unicellular, most multicellular Nutrition: heterotrophic (absorption); mostly decomposers Niche: most are terrestrial (land), some live on organisms Reproduction: asexual and sexual (rarely) Neat Facts: some cause disease; fix nitrogen; make medicine and foods; major decomposers

29 Examples of Fungi Bread molds Mushrooms Yeast Mildews Truffles

30 Kingdom Plantae

31 Kingdom Plantae Cell Type: Eukaryotes
Cell structure: have a nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts; cell walls of cellulose; advanced differentiation of tissues (roots, leaves, reproductive structures) Body Forms: multicellular Nutrition: photosynthetic terrestrial autotrophs Niche: mostly on land (terrestrial); some water Reproduction: sexual Neat Facts: provide oxygen; convert energy to food; used for paper, textiles, medicine

32 Examples of Plants Trees Flowers Ferns Mosses Grasses

33 Kingdom Animalia

34 Kingdom Animalia Cell Type: Eukaryotes
Cell structure: have a nucleus, mitochondria, but no chloroplasts and no cell walls; advanced differentiation of tissues and complex organs Body Forms: multicellular Nutrition: heterotrophic Niche: anywhere—land (most), water, sea and air Reproduction: sexual and asexual Neat Facts: used for food, clothing

35 Examples of Animals Snails Sponges Fish Turtles Snakes Mammals Birds
Worms Insects

36 Major Characteristics of the 6 Kingdoms
PHYLUM Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia CELL TYPE (prokaryote or eukaryote) Prokaryotes (gave rise to eukaryotes); “ancient bacteria” Prokaryotes (gave rise to eukaryotic cell organelles); “true bacteria” Eukaryotes (catch-all kingdom) Eukaryotes CELL STRUCTURE (description of various organelles) Have cell walls, lack cell nuclei, and membrane-bound organelles Cell walls contain complex carbohydrates; all have at least one inner cell membrane Have a nucleus, mitochondria, some have chloroplasts Have a nucleus, mitochondria, but no chloroplasts; Has cell wall of chitin Have a nucleus, mitochrondria, chloroplasts, cell walls of cellulose; tissue differentiation Have a nucleus, mitochondria, no chloroplasts, no cell wall; advanced tissue/ organ differentiation BODY FORMS (unicellular or multicellular) Unicellular Mostly unicellular, some multi-cellular; colonial Some unicellular, most multicellular Multicellular NUTRITION (autotophic or heterotrophic) Autotrophic or heterotrophic Photosynthetic and chemical Autotrophs,and heterotrophs Autotrophic or heterotrophic; Heterotrophic (absorption);mostlydecomposers Photosynthetic terrestrial autotrophs Heterotrophic NICHE (where they live) extreme environ-ments, no oxygen, volcanic vents, hot springs, brine pools Common environments; Live in and on organisms Freshwater, seawater, in and on organisms Most are terrestrial, live on organisms terrestrial Anywhere – land, freshwater, oceans, air REPRODUCTION (asexual or sexual) Asexual Both Sexual NEAT FACTS Fewer than 100 species Many cause disease; some make vitamins; used for food/drugs Autotrophic protests produce 1/3 of O2 in atmosphere Some cause disease; fix nitrogen; make medicine; release free O2 into air Provide O2; convert energy to food; used for paper, textiles, meds Food; clothing EXAMPLES Methanic bacteria, halophile bacteria; anaerobic bacteria; acidophile bacteria Strep, anthrax, cyanobacteria, salmonella, gonorrhea, E.coli Algae, kelp, slime molds, red tides, amoeba, paramecium Bread molds, mushrooms, yeast, mildews, truffles, penicillin Trees, flowers, ferns, mosses, grasses, vascular & non-vascular plants Snails, turtles, fish, mammals, birds, insects, spiders, snakes, worms

37 Phylogenetic Tree Branched diagram that represents relationships of organisms Clues to relationships found Fossil record Comparative anatomy and physiology Correlation of DNA

38 http://images. google. com/imgres. imgurl=http://www. med. nyu

39 DICHOTOMOUS KEYS Key used to identify something, like organisms
Uses pairs of contrasting descriptions (A or B) The correct description either leads to another pair of descriptions or identifies the object. Always start at #1 each time you use one.

40 Help! Scientists have discovered quite a few new creatures on planet Pamishan. They need your help to identify and classify them. Use the Class set dichotomous key to identify these creatures. QUIETLY write them down and wait for all to finish. Raise your hand if you need help. 2 1

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