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First Intermediate To the Middle Kingdom.

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1 First Intermediate To the Middle Kingdom

2 Narmer to Memphis Establishment of the ultimate autocrat: King of Egypt …then there was Pepi II …and successive weak flood seasons …and he split the country into upper and lower Egypt …and he gave hereditary power to the nomarchs (and wealth that goes with it)

3 Pepi II …so the monarchy didn't get that money
…and he lived to be 100? …so things were crap for a long time …then there were '70 kings in 70 days.'

4 First Intermediate Period
There is government (oligarchy or plutocracy), but not good government, so Herakleopolis (until ) Keti, the mad ruler eaten by a crocodile, leads a coup at Memphis. Rise of Thebes under Intef who takes the Horus Name Sehertawy

5 Civil War The great overloard of upper and lower Egypt and son of Ra vs all others Siege of Thebes Intef breaks the siege! But dies… Intef II and III gradually take upper Egypt but that's all

6 Mentuhotep II 2010 Unites Egypt (again)
First King of the Middle Kingdom Destroys Herakleopolis Thebes is the new capital CENTRAL AUTHORITY

7 Dynasty 12 (2010-1630) The Golden Age of the Middle Kingdom
'White Chapel' Karnak

8 Amenemhat I Visier of Mentuhotep IV
Crushes all, builds temples, pyramid (out of the blocks from Cheops!)at Lisht Campaign to Nubia – back to second cataract Itjtawy


10 Senusret I (II&III) The Teachings of Amenemhat
More trade, more killing Nubians, more prosperity for Egypt Senusret III brings nomarchs to court, and makes boarder 'fence' to keep Nubians down III invades Nubia again, 'kills his women and makes off with his children'


12 Sobeknefru First Female King of Egypt Rise of Kush
Impending Arrival Hyksos

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