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Supplies: Genetics Workbook, TEKS Workbook, HW 16 and HW 17

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Presentation on theme: "Supplies: Genetics Workbook, TEKS Workbook, HW 16 and HW 17"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supplies: Genetics Workbook, TEKS Workbook, HW 16 and HW 17
Tuesday January 17 Learning Target: Determine that reproduction is a characteristic of living organisms and the instructions for traits are governed in the genetic material. Science Starter: Turn in Homework 16 Genetics, TEKS, Summary, Questions workbook-- Read pages and answer the questions. First Period Only—Read pgs and answer the questions Supplies: Genetics Workbook, TEKS Workbook, HW 16 and HW 17

2 Announcements Heartbeat Homework questions of the day (Row 1)
DCA over Genetics 1 week from TODAY! Due Thursday 1/19 Genetics, TEKS, Summary & Question Workbook Stations and station explanation Begin Stations (Stations will run Tuesday-Thursday or maybe Friday)

3 NOTE: This one will be graded and is required before Planaria!
Station 1—Fun Bugs Choose a parent set (You may work with a partner.) Answer all of the questions on pgs of the Genetics Workbook NOTE: This one will be graded and is required before Planaria!

4 Station 2—Taboo Vocabulary Game
In this version of the Taboo Game, each group of 2-4 students receives a deck of vocabulary cards, face down. (Partner or Group of 3 or 4) One student takes the top card and gives clues to help the other students guess the target word in the black box on the top of the card. In giving clues, the student may not use the two taboo words listed below the target word. Students should be instructed to use only biological clues (e.g. no "sounds like" or references to popular culture). The person who guesses the target word correctly gets the card and takes the next card from the deck to give clues to the other students. Once the deck is completed the student with the most cards is the winner. Alternatively, two students can play together and there will not be a winner (or loser).

5 Station 3—Mystery Mammals
Turn to pgs in your workbook Obtain 2 pennies…one for you and one for your partner Flip the coin to determine the sex of your mammal. Heads—X , Tails--Y Then flip the coin for each trait… Dominant-heads, Recessive-tails Circle the traits on pg. 30 Once you have finished all of the traits then use the key on pg. 31 to write the phenotype. ON a separate sheet of paper draw your mammal. One drawing per group (Put both group members names on the drawing) Turn in your drawing NOTE: This is graded and is required before Planaria.

6 Station 4—Create a Face Dominant-heads, Recessive-tails
Turn to pgs in your workbook Obtain 2 pennies…one for you and one for your partner Flip the coin to determine the sex of your mammal. Heads—X , Tails--Y Face data sheet on pg. 39 Then flip the coin for each trait… Dominant-heads, Recessive-tails Then enter the information for your child’s genes from each parent, genotype, and phenotype. Draw your child on a separate sheet of paper Be sure to include both partner’s name on the drawing. Turn in your drawing

7 Station 5—Heredity Prezi
1. Turn to page 13 in your workbook 2. Go to Mrs. Hinds Website and review the Heredity Prezi. 3. After viewing the Prezi label the diagram on pg. 13 4. This must be checked off by Mrs. Hinds or Ms. Hall. NOTE: This is a grade and is required before Planaria.

8 Station 6—Mouse Genetics
1. Turn to page in your Genetics Workbook 2. Log in to Explore Learning—go to Mrs. Hinds website 3. Follow the directions in the workbook and the answer the questions as you complete each activity

9 Station 7—Foldable on Reproduction
Fold paper in half length wise Then divide into 3 sections Unfold the flaps and cut top flap along folds Label the outside: Sexual Reproduction, Commons Characteristics, Asexual Reproduction Answer the questions on the foldable Turn this in after you complete the activity. You may use your textbook and workbook.

10 Station 8--Planaria 1. Required before beginning Planaria Lab
2. pg. 41 in Genetics Workbook 3. Answer questions 1- 2 in Pre-lab and Questions 1-3 Lab Group Discussion 4. ON pg. 42 diagram your cuts for your Planaria

11 Reproduction Foldable
Station Rotations 1. No more than 4 people at a station at a time 2. If you are waiting on a particular station, then you may work on pg. 14 and pg. 19 in your workbook 3. Planaria lab will be reward for those that complete all of their work in a timely fashion. 4. We will work on the Stations Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday…Possibly Friday 5. You will receive 5 grades for the stations Fun bugs Mystery Mammals Heredity Prezi Reproduction Foldable Station of choice

12 Closing/Exit Ticket Did we hit our target?

13 Science Starter: 1. Homework 17—Row 2
Wednesday January 18 Learning Target: Do not rewrite Determine that reproduction is a characteristic of living organisms and the instructions for traits are governed in the genetic material. Science Starter: 1. Homework 17—Row 2 Supplies: Genetics Workbook, and HW 17

14 Announcements Heartbeat Homework questions of the day (Row 2)
DCA over Genetics Tuesday January 24! Due Tomorrow 1/19 Genetics, TEKS, Summary & Question Workbook Stations

15 Reproduction Foldable
Station Rotations 1. No more than 4 people at a station at a time 2. If you are waiting on a particular station, then you may work on pg. 14 and pg. 19 in your workbook 3. Planaria lab will be reward for those that complete all of their work in a timely fashion. 4. We will work on the Stations Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday…Possibly Friday 5. You will receive 5 grades for the stations Fun bugs Mystery Mammals Heredity Prezi Reproduction Foldable Station of choice

16 Closing/Exit Ticket Did we hit our target?

17 Science Starter: Homework 17—Row 3 Turn in TEKS workbook
Thursday January 19 Learning Target: Do not rewrite Determine that reproduction is a characteristic of living organisms and the instructions for traits are governed in the genetic material. Science Starter: Homework 17—Row 3 Turn in TEKS workbook Supplies: Genetics Workbook, and HW 17

18 Announcements Heartbeat Homework questions of the day (Row 3)
DCA over Genetics Tuesday January 24! Stations

19 Reproduction Foldable
Station Rotations 1. No more than 4 people at a station at a time 2. If you are waiting on a particular station, then you may work on pg. 14 and pg. 19 in your workbook 3. Planaria lab will be reward for those that complete all of their work in a timely fashion. 4. We will work on the Stations Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday…Possibly Friday 5. You will receive 5 grades for the stations Fun bugs Mystery Mammals Heredity Prezi Reproduction Foldable Station of choice

20 Closing/Exit Ticket Did we hit our target?

21 Science Starter: Homework 17—Row 4
Friday January 20 Learning Target: Do not rewrite Determine that reproduction is a characteristic of living organisms and the instructions for traits are governed in the genetic material. Science Starter: Homework 17—Row 4 Supplies: Genetics Workbook, and HW 17

22 Announcements Heartbeat Homework questions of the day (Row 3)
DCA over Genetics Tuesday January 24! Finish Stations Planaria Begin DCA Review

23 Reproduction Foldable
Station Rotations 1. No more than 4 people at a station at a time 2. If you are waiting on a particular station, then you may work on pg. 14 and pg. 19 in your workbook 3. Planaria lab will be reward for those that complete all of their work in a timely fashion. 4. We will work on the Stations Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday…Possibly Friday 5. You will receive 5 grades for the stations Fun bugs Mystery Mammals Heredity Prezi Reproduction Foldable Station of choice

24 Closing/Exit Ticket Did we hit our target?

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