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“Unhappy Boston, see thy sons deplore,

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1 “Unhappy Boston, see thy sons deplore,
Thy hallowed walks besmeared with guiltless gore, While faithless Preston and his savage bands, With murderous rancor stretch their bloody hands. -Paul Revere, March 1770 1. Colonists of Boston 2. Redcoat soldiers 3. Unprovoked attack on unarmed colonists committed by Redcoats V 1


3 Was it really a “massacre”?
NO. 5 people died. Colonists “exaggerated” the event. They used a form of communication called: An engraving by Paul Revere PROPOGANDA: A form of communication aimed at influencing the attitude of a community. Underlying Cause: led to a widespread anti-British feeling among the colonists. Colonists grew MORE UNITED as a result. V 3

4 1. TEA ACT 1773: 2. law passed by England that required
colonists to buy Tea directly from the East India Tea Company. 2. The Tea Act actually made the price of tea lower than other suppliers. Colonists saw it as a TRICK by England to undercut colonial tea merchants and collect more taxes without representation. V 4


BOSTON TEA PARTY: Led by Samuel Adams and a colonial protest group, called the SONS OF LIBERTY disguised as Indians, boarded a British Tea Company’s ship and dumped 45 TONS of tea into Boston Harbor. 3. KING GEORGE WAS FURIOUS!! V 6

7 The INTOLERABLE ACTS 1. Colonists are to house any British soldier who comes to their door and asks to stay. 2. The port of Boston is closed until the damages from the Boston Tea Party are paid for. 3. British officials accused of a crime shall not stand trial in the colonies. Rather they are to be sent back to England and tried before a British Judge and Jury. 4.Colonists are no longer allowed to conduct town meetings.

8 Which law do you think was most severe? Explain
Answers will vary 1- No privacy, feel like your under constant watch 2- Colonial merchants will go out of business 3- British are acting like they are “above the law” 2. Great Britain actually named these laws “The Coercive Acts”. Why do you think they came to be known by colonists as “The Intolerable Acts”? Colonists found the laws unacceptable. 3. In what ways were the Intolerable Acts a threat to liberty in the colonies? Answers will vary

9 Role Audience Format Topic 1. Sam Adams Cousin John Adams Letter
You are describing the necessity of the Tea Party and, if necessary, the use of armed resistance against the King’s policies. 2. King George Parliament Speech As the King, demands that the Parliament take immediate and harsh actions to the city of Boston to punish them for the Tea Party

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