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Ecosystem Dynamics (6.4) Part 1

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Presentation on theme: "Ecosystem Dynamics (6.4) Part 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecosystem Dynamics (6.4) Part 1
Pre AP Biology Ecosystem Dynamics (6.4) Part 1

2 Energy Flow & Matter Cycling

3 10% Rule of Energy & Trophic Levels

4 Ecosystem Dynamics (6.4) Part 2
Pre AP Biology Ecosystem Dynamics (6.4) Part 2

5 Water Cycle

6 Carbon Cycle

7 Nitrogen Cycle

8 Phosphorus Cycle

9 Ecosystem Dynamics (6.4) Part 3
Pre AP Biology Ecosystem Dynamics (6.4) Part 3

10 Harvesting (Removing matter & nutrients)

11 Sources for Acid Precipitation

12 Previous Acid rain pH across the U.S.

13 Effects of Acid Precipitation

14 Biomagnification (Poison accumulation over time)

15 Rachel Carson

16 Rising CO2 and rising temperature

17 CFCs destroying Ozone molecules

18 Ozone hole over Antarctica in dark blue

19 Melting Antarctic Ice

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