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This is our Home RRONEILL©2014

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Presentation on theme: "This is our Home RRONEILL©2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 This is our Home RRONEILL©2014
Ruby Joe & Juk This is our Home RRONEILL©2014

2 This is Joe

3 This is Ruby

4 This is Juk

5 Ruby and Joe live in a beautiful old caravan in Richard’s garden.
Juk lives in his kennel underneath.

6 When they want to go somewhere else the caravan is pulled by Hokta the horse, he lives in a field.

7 These are the wardrobes where Ruby and Joe keep their clothes.

8 This is the cupboard where Ruby and Joe keep their food

9 Ruby and Joe like to keep their caravan very clean.

10 Ruby and Joe like their caravan very much.

11 Ruby and Joe have had a busy day and it’s time for bed.
Goodnight Ruby Goodnight Joe.

12 Ruby, Joe and Juk are part of Lollobal Storytelling

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