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GCSE AQA Product Design

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1 GCSE AQA Product Design
EVALUATION OF SKETCHES (against Specification) Construct a table in Word or Excel with all the Specification points you outlined down the left hand column. Rate each design out of 10 for each Specification point - Some will be difficult to judge from a drawing, make your best guess. Total up all the scores to give an overall Total mark for each design. Finally and very importantly, write a Summary of Results at the bottom. A paragraph or two explaining in depth any reasons why you think each design achieved that particular total score. Focus particular attention on the ones that scored lowest & highest, but you need to make clear why they are good or bad. GCSE AQA Product Design Section 2- Design Development (including modelling)

2 GCSE AQA Product Design
EVALUATION OF SKETCHES (against Specification) GCSE AQA Product Design Section 2- Design Development (including modelling)

3 GCSE AQA Product Design
M.E.S.S. DEVELOPMENT (Moral, Environmental, Social and Sustainability Implications) Place a photocopy of your “Final Sketch Proposal” and evaluate / annotate it against the 6 R’s, suggesting ways/reasons to improve it against environmental & sustainability considerations. Also think about social and moral factors that may affect the way you design/package your product. 1. Explain how you think your design is Sustainable 2. Explain how your design is not Sustainable. 3. Suggest ways to make your design more Sustainable. My finished design could be considered to be Sustainable because …. My finished design is not Sustainable because …. My finished design could be made more Sustainable by …. GCSE AQA Product Design Section 2- Design Development (including modelling) Moral and cultural issues Some products might not be suitable for certain markets because of moral, cultural or religious reasons. If this is the case you need to highlight this in your evaluation and suggest how the product might be altered to make it acceptable e.g. your jewellery design might be based on a “Gothic” theme; some people would object to the satanic/evil imagery associated with that style. Or, your clock might be based on Pop Art; Pop Art is closely associated with American culture and it might not sell very well in countries that are occupied by American forces. Add notes on your page where you think it is appropriate.

4 GCSE AQA Product Design
M.E.S.S. DEVELOPMENT (Moral, Environmental, Social and Sustainability Implications) GCSE AQA Product Design Section 2- Design Development (including modelling)

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