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The Colonial Trade Network

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1 The Colonial Trade Network
Chapter 3

2 Triangular Trade System of trade that developed between England, her colonies in North America, & the Caribbean. Trade system led to the development of major cities & proved the colonies were a major source of profit for England.

3 Mercantilism Economic idea
A country should export more goods than it imports and be self sufficient in raw materials in order to make more money England used her colonies as a source of raw materials. She would then sell back to the colonies manufactured goods made from the raw materials- a double bonus!

4 The Navigation Acts Law passed by England that stated:
1. All goods imported or exported from the colonies had to be carried on English ships. 2. ¾ of ships crew had to be English 3. Colonies could only sell raw materials to England (how they made all their money) This caused great anger in the colonies!

5 The Staple Act Required everything the colonies imported to go through England Merchants bringing goods to the colonies had to stop in England and pay taxes Then ship the goods on English ships This generates money for England and increases the price of goods in the colonies Makes the colonists angry!!!

6 England Cracks Down! To enforce these laws & maintain control over its resources, England begins to send royal officials to the colonies. The colonies become strictly controlled by England & the period of happiness is over.

7 Enlightenment Enlightenment – mvmt that b/g to question what type of gov’t was best Challenged the authority of the church in science and philosophy Rationalism – emphasized logic and reasoning Elevated the power of human reasoning Enlightenment thinkers Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu

8 Colonists Get Ideas! English Bill of Rights- abolished absolute power of English kings Makes the colonists think!!! Theories of John Locke “Natural Rights” – life, liberty & property - cannot be taken away by gov’t A gov’ts right to rule comes from the people. If a gov’t violates the natural rights of the people it should be overthrown People are “clean slates” shaped by society & education Society can be improved by a good gov’t

9 Rousseau A government can only be formed with the consent of the people People must make their own laws in order for them to be fair and just Believed a direct democracy was the best form of government Direct democracy – everyone votes on everything all the time

10 Montesquieu There should be 3 types (branches) of government:
1. Legislative 2. Executive 3. Judicial Separation into these 3 branches = fair gov’t (separation of powers) The 3 branches check the power of one another to keep any 1 branch from becoming too powerful Checks & balances

11 The Great Awakening Religious movement in the 1700’s
Stressed pietism – being devout & forming an emotional bond with God George Whitefield = minister from England who came to the colonies & started this movement Brought teachings of John Wesley (Methodist) Became very popular for his “revivals”

12 New or Old? New Lights Old Lights
Adopted this new religious attitude & teachings of the new churches being formed (Baptists, Methodist, Presbyterian) Old Lights Stuck to the old teachings & ways & refused to change (Puritans, Quakers, etc.) Baptist became very popular among Africans in the South (against slavery)

13 Impact of the Enlightenment & Great Awakening
1. Both movements stressed the formation of individualistic ideas 2. Both encouraged people to break from traditional ways of doing things 3. Both encouraged people to break from authority & form their own opinions about what is right & wrong 4. Both movements will encourage American colonists to stand up to the injustices they were suffering at the hands of the British government!

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