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Chapter 6 More Right Triangles

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 More Right Triangles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 More Right Triangles
Students will continue to study the similarity and side ratio relationships of right triangles. Students will understand more properties of special right triangles.

2 Students will extend their understanding of previously learned topics.
Sections 6.2 Students will extend their understanding of previously learned topics.

3 Portfolio Section This entire section is made up of group problems and culminating problems What you will need for each section What we do in class written neat and organized, making sure you answer the questions The continuation problem form the book or other sections Answer the following questions What math processes did you use Did you learn any new processes How could this process be usefull/helpful

4 Section 6.2.1 How can I model it: Students will review similarity and trig ratios to solve problems.

5 Group work 6-48 What are you going to try to use to solve this How did you draw your diagrams, what do you know what is unknown 6-49 Draw a picture of the top view Think of where she is serving from and where the ball is going to hit What do you see Can you do any calculations

6 Continues work 6-50 Draw a side view What are you going to use from the first problem to do the second What do you notice 6-51 Additional information

7 Continuation Addition to portfolio 6-52

8 Section 6.2.2 Angles on a pool table: angle it hits the side is the same as it leaves.

9 Group Work 6-59 Draw a picture of the pool table, label specific sections What process are your going to use to try and solve this What did you notice about the triangles formed

10 Virtual Pool Incoming Angle is the angle formed with the path of the ball and the cushion (smaller of the two angles) Outgoing Angle is the angle formed by the cushion and the path of the ball leaving ( smaller angle) Key idea here is the incoming angle and the outgoing angle are congruent

11 Group Work 6-60 additional pool table problems Using a compass to predict shots

12 Continuation Add to your portfolio 6-61

13 What is the shortest distance
Section 6.2.3 What is the shortest distance

14 Group Work 6-68 What are key ideas you learned and used

15 How can I represent it, using algebra to find a max
Section 6.2.5 How can I represent it, using algebra to find a max

16 Group Work 6-90 What are key ideas you learned and used

17 How can I analyze it to make a decision
Section 6.2.6 How can I analyze it to make a decision

18 Group Work 6-97 What are key ideas you learned and used

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