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The EU pilot programme on Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)

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1 The EU pilot programme on Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)
Pierre Henry European Commission Directorate-General for Environment

2 ETV is also part in the Green Action Plan for SMEs:
Policy framework Environmental Technology Verification was developed as an instrument for eco-innovation in SMEs under the Eco-Innovation Action Plan. Commission Staff Working Paper SEC(2011) 1600 final ETV is also part in the Green Action Plan for SMEs: enabling SMEs to turn environmental challenges into business opportunities Commission Communication COM(2014) 440 final ETV mentioned in the Circular Economy Action Plan: supporting SMEs access to innovative technologies. Commission Communication COM(2015) 614 final

3 What is ETV? Environmental Technology Verification (ETV):
is a third-party validation of the performance of innovative environmental technologies. that promotes innovative environmental technologies helps manufacturers to prove the reliability of their claims, and technology purchasers to identify innovations that suit their needs. accelerate the market uptake of innovative environmental technologies The objective of Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) is to promote environmental technologies by providing technology developers, manufacturers and investors access to third-party validation of the performance of innovative environmental technologies. This helps manufacturers prove the reliability of their claims, and helps technology purchasers identify innovations that suit their needs. This expected impact on technology markets is to accelerate the acceptance and diffusion of innovative environmental technologies. At a European level, the European Commission launched a voluntary scheme for ETV on an experimental basis: the EU ETV pilot programme. This programme is intended for innovative technologies presenting an added value for the environment and ready for the market.

4 Standardised performance tests
Positioning of ETV Pilot and demonstration Test of concept Testing in-house or in labs Early product with innovative technology 3rd party Verification Bodies Mature product Product certification Standardised performance tests certification Bodies A new technology/product typically moves, after research, from pilot and demonstration to early commercialisation of the innovative technology then deployment of the mature product. At the stage of pilot and demonstration, the testing of concept and feasibility/performance is done in-house of by test laboratories under instructions by the technology developer. At the stage of deployment of mature product, testing is done on the basis of established standards and norms by certification bodies. In-between, at the stage of early product, in-house or ad hoc testing is not sufficient anymore to credibly prove performance claims, and standards are not fixed yet. ETV fills this gap by providing credible information on the technology performance. This is done by Verification Bodies, under quality conditions comparable to those of certification, on the basis of the technology specific features and performance claims instead of (non-available) standards.

5 ETV pilot programme Pilot programme set up with 7 Member States, implemented by 14 accredited Verification Bodies Active in 3 technology areas: Water treatment and monitoring Energy technologies Materials, waste and resources Market-readiness is important to avoid that the technology tested evolves further before commercialisation: the technology to be verified under ETV should be the one proposed to the market.

6 15 accredited verification bodies available
15 accredited verification bodies available

7 Performance claims ETV Statement of Verification
ETV process Performance claims ETV Statement of Verification Specific protocol preparation phase Assessment and Verification phase Testing phase If new tests are needed Contact phase Proposal phase Publication phase

8 Example of verification

9 EU ETV pilot phase figures
2016 Update of the EU ETV pilot program ETV indicators show continued progress of the pilot programme – but not enough to ensure the success and recognition of the instrument

10 ETV and R&D ETV for market-ready technologies; possibility to verify prototypes where no technological evolution is planned. Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 8, exceptionally 7 ETV mentioned in Horizon 2020 programmes, horizontal measure on SMEs – cost of ETV eligible as one element of a larger project When planning R&D projects with ETV, need to involve a Verification Body and preserve its independance in the project

11 International aspects
New ISO standard on ETV process at adoption stage; publication early 2017 ETV programmes existing in Japan, Korea, the Philippines, in transition in Canada and the USA More than 1400 technologies verified globally by ETV programmes; cooperation to achieved mutual recognition based on ISO standard

12 EU ETV what is next ? End 2016 - 2017 Evaluation of EU ETV program
Keeping the ETV pilot until a policy decision is taken based on its evaluation in 2017 Explore synergies with other environmental policies ETV as support to Green Public Procurement and Public Procurement of Innovation 2. ETV as support to legislations based on technology performance, e.g. support to emerging techniques under IED 3. ETV as complement to standards, e.g. on raw materials, to Product policy tools (ecodesign, labelling, environmental footprint)

13 Thank you for your attention
For more information, send questions to or visit the ETV website at

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