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Gerundivium et Gerundium

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1 Gerundivium et Gerundium
Robert Patrick, PhD Parkview High School

2 -ndus, -nda, -ndum Gerundivium est participium. Est futurum. Est passivum. Vir “senator” vocandus meus pater est. Femina “mater” mox vocanda est uxor mea. Coloni e nave “Mayflower” vocata saxum conspexerunt “Plymouth” vocandum.

3 Quomodo formatum est? Present stem + ndus, nda, ndum 1. Voca + ndus = vocandus (-are verbs) 2. Doce + ndus = docendus (-ēre verbs) 3. Scrib + endus = scribendus (-ere verbs) 4. Audi + endus = audiendus (io -ere and –ire verbs: capio/capere; venio, venire)

4 Usus Gerundivi Most common: gerundive + some form of esse = obligation
Medicus vocandus est. The doctor must be called. Discipuli magistro docendi sunt. The students must be taught by the teacher. Fabula mihi scribenda erat. The story had to be written by me/I had to write the story. Res iudici audienda erit. The case will have to be heard by a judge.

5 Usus Gerundivi 2 Gerundivum ut adiectivum Puella invenienda
The girl to be found Puer spectandus The boy to be watched Bellum gerendum The war to be waged (practice on notes)

6 Usus Gerundivi 3 Gerundivum in sententia propositi (purpose):
Discipuli ad refectorium cucurrerunt . . . The students ran to the cafeteria . . . ad prandium consumendum to eat lunch ad gladiatores videndos to see the gladiators ad amicos conveniendos to meet friends ad puellas agitandas to chase girls ad pueros molestandos to bother boys (practice on notes)

7 Quid est gerundium? A gerund is the neuter form of the gerundive used as a noun only in the genitive, dative, accusative and ablative case. Exempli Gratia: Genitive: clamor pugnandi The noise of fighting Dative: Pecunia adest solvendo. Money is here for spending. Accusative: Panem paravi ad gustandum I prepared the bread for enjoying. Ablative: Argumentum carminis est de amando. The theme of the song is about loving. (practice on notes)

8 Subject please? In Latin, when we want a verbal action to be the subject, we simply use the infinitive which is treated like a neuter, singular noun. Working teaches me patience. Laborare me patientiam docet. Living is good. Vivere est bonum. Sharing with another is a good thing. Partire cum alio est bonum.

9 Practice Singing is my gift. Cantare est donum meum. Rejecting evil is the good road. Spernere malum est via bona. Grieving is a wound of the soul. Dolere est vulnus animi. Write one of your own.

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