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Prehistoric and ancient Egyptian Art history Quiz info

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1 Prehistoric and ancient Egyptian Art history Quiz info

2 Date and format Date: Tuesday, Nov. 20th
Format: Multiple Choice and Matching You will be assessed on your knowledge

3 Things to review: Prehistoric
The Paleolithic Period (when it occurred)​ The Lascaux Cave (where it is located and what is contained in it)​ The Altamira Cave (where it is located and what is contained in it)​ Why animals were common on cave paintings​ Megaliths Stonehenge (location, when it was built, who was buried here, what stone likely represented​, and what the entrance faces) Post-lintel construction​ Fertile Crescent (what it is) Mesopotamia (location and who settled here before 4500 B.C.) Ziggurat (meaning and what it symbolized) Cuneiform writing Neo-Sumerian Period Akkadian Period Stele

4 Things to review: Egyptian
Bent Pyramid (how it was built) The Great Pyramid (location, and why it is significant) Know that sculptors carved the Pharaoh’s portrait into hard stone and placed it in the tomb near the sarcophagus Rules and characteristics of Egyptian painting Hieroglyphics Pharaoh Dynasty Old Kingdom The Middle Kingdom The New Kingdom Ka (meaning and what Egyptians believed happened to it during/after life) Sarcophagus Mastaba Who the Egyptian temples were dedicated to Step Pyramid (how it was built)

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