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Juvenile Salmonid Predation

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1 Juvenile Salmonid Predation
Yakima Klickitat Fisheries Project Michael Porter Fisheries Biologist Juvenile Salmonid Predation Yakima River Basin Yakima River Irrigation Diversions Great Blue Heron Intro slide

2 2009 YN began it’s reintroduction of Summer Chinook
176,000 Summer Chinook Released in the Yakima Basin 30,000 were PIT tagged 1 PIT tag = 6 fish June 12th release date With the numbers of Summer Chinook which were tagged and released in the Yakima Basin by the YKFYP in 2009 , the predation project was surprised to find a high number of Summer Chinook Mortalities when scanning for PIT tags. PIT Tags – Passive Integrated Transponder Tags Detailed info – Origin, Run, Rear…. In river interrogation sites which track tagged fish

3 - Based on the 2009 PIT tag numbers, in 2010 PIT tag surveys were continued.
- Surveys focused on areas of known PIT tag concentration due to Salmonid Predation and Mortalities Summer Chinook PIT tags detected for 2009: Wapato Diversion - 422 Sunnyside Diversion - 444 Chandler Diversion – 365 Wapato Wildlife Rookery -120 Selah Rookery -13 AWPE colony at Badger Island – 201 (PSMFC data) (Read top two Bullets) The decreased Numbers of Summer Chinook PIT tags were derived from surveys done in Heron Rookeries, Irrigation Diversions, and the Double Crested Cormorant Rookery which is an invasion into a Great Blue Heron Rookeey. Data provided by the Pacific states marine fisheries commision on an American White Pelican Colony of the columbia River also contributed to these findings. ~1600 Summer Chinook tags found ~10,000 fish accounted for 5% Summer Chinook tags accounted for in Heron Rookeries and Diversions scanned in 2009

4 2010 PIT Tag Survey Sites Barker Ranch
2010 PIT tag survey sites included: Selah rookery Wapato Dam Sunnyside Dam Wapato Wildlife Rookery Toppenish Creek Rookery Neimeyre rookery Sunnyside Wildlife Rookery Grandview Rookery Chandler Canal Rookery Wanawish Dam

5 PIT Tag Detections 2010: Irrigation Diversions
Chandler Wapato Sunnyside In 2010 the areas of focus were three major irrigation diversions and their fish screening facilities : Chandler, Wapato, and Sunnyside

6 Irrigation Diversion PIT tags
These facilities had shown high mortality numbers in 2009 evidenced through surveys . PIT tag scanning was conducted in front of fish screens and behind screens. Surverys were Timed to coincide with BOR annual maintence. Numerous tags were found behind trash screens and Underwater cameras behind trash screens show fish predation in previous studies Irrigation Diversion PIT tags Conducted in front of fish screens and behind screens Timing of scanning coincides with BOR annual maintence Numerous tags behind trash screens Underwater cameras behind trash screens show fish predation

7 Fish Diversions uses rolling screens with a sweeping velocity to direct fish to three bypass pipes
In 2009 the Wapato Screening Facility was discovered to have two of the fish bypass pipes were completely inoperable and one operating less than 15%. n The structure of these fish screening facilities and the amount of water they pull from the river alone are both factors contributing to fish mortality. Certain other properties of a screening facility may also increase fish mortality within it’s system. Some but not all of these properties are: Length of Canal leading to forebay Location of inlet in relation to river structure (entrainment) River Tempererature “The fish became passive as a result of fatigue, and eventually became impinged” – A Fisheries Evaluation of the Richland and Wapato Canal Fish Screening Facilities , Spring 1987

8 Assuming uniform fish distribution
above Sunnyside Dam, about 75% of the fish in the Yakima River may be diverted through the Sunnyside Canal Fish Screening Facility. - A FISHERIES EVALUATION OF THE SUNNYSIDE CANAL FISH SCREENING FACILITY, SPRING 1985 Irrigation Diversions pull ~ 1,000 CFS Low flow in the river causes more fish to be entrained in diversions Summer Chinook released mid June subject to higher entrainment with lower river flow 2009 PIT surveys, proved diversions to be contributors to the high mortality of Summer Chinook Salmon (Read slide)

9 Wapato Irrigation Diversion
1607 Total number PIT tags 587 Migration Year 2009 422 Summer Chinook Sunnyside Irrigation Diversion Forebay 1962 Total number of PIT tags 575 Migration Year 2009 387 Summer Chinook 2009 PIT tag surveys at irrigation diversions provided surprising numbers concerning summer Chinook Sunnyside Irrigation Diversion Aft Forebay 312 Total number of PIT tags 78 Migration Year 2009 57 Summer Chinook

10 Letter written to the Bureau of Reclamation from the Yakama Nation for
“there has undoubtedly been a net improvement in juvenile fish survival (relative to fish screening facilities) as a direct result of this evaluation program.”- A Summary of 22 Years of Fish Screen Evaluations in the Yakima River Basin Summary Report 1985 – 2007 Letter written to the Bureau of Reclamation from the Yakama Nation for failure in fish bypass operations: BOR has not been maintaining the fish passage facilities at Wapato Dam The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) has had the responsibility and funding to maintain and operate these fish passage facilities. An examination of the facilities showed the juvenile by-pass facilities maintained by Reclamation at Wapato Dam was blocked due to lack of maintenance by Reclamation. Yakama Nation may wish to seek restitution and/or other compensation for our losses

11 2010 Diversion PIT tags Total PIT Tag numbers much lower at Wapato Forebay, possible impact by Heavy equipment before survey took place Sunnyside and Chandler numbers are up leading to YKFP’s development of various survival studies focused on these diversions PIT antennas developed for 2011 to aid in gathering entrainment, mortality, and survival of juvenile salmonids entering these diversions. Read slide

12 2009 Migration year: Summer Chinook numbers increased from 365 to 664
Chandler irrigation diversion produced an interesting increase of 299 new 2009 Summer Chinook tags which were not discovered the previous year 2008 spring Chinook tag numbers increased from 222 to 518 showing how variable sediment load and tag dispersal can affect surveys 2009 Migration year: Summer Chinook numbers increased from 365 to 664

13 Summer Chinook tags in the Wapato diversion which were very high in 2009 increased from 445 to 422
This marginal increase is overall very high for this diversion which normally produced many pit tags in previous years but did not compare to the total increase of tags of Sunnyside diversion with 1056 new and Chandler diversion with a whopping 2073 new

14 Sunnyside diversion producing many new tags saw a major jump in Summer Chinook tags for the 2009 migration year coming in at 2nd for 2009 Summer Chinook tags at 588 up from 444

15 Rookery PIT tags Very High numbers at the Wapato Wildlife Rookery
Selah PIT tag numbers down correlate with Drop in Great Blue Heron numbers Attempt at time of deposition of PIT tags at Selah Rookery using Tarps failed PIT antenna will be constructed in attempts to Gain time of PIT deposition Barker Ranch included in survey produced many Idaho Snake River PIT tags (Read slide)

16 Wapato rookery showed a large jump in tag numbers with 1017 new tags found making its overall tag numbers 3474 it also produced the most 2010 Summer Chinook migrants of the surveys

17 Selah rookery has suffered numerous losses of nesting trees and is expected to continue with this decline 2005 migration year PIT tags still remain the most prevalent tags for this survey site and are being used to produce a report on flows and predation of the Roza reach

18 Conclusions Surveyed PIT tag numbers now stand at 23,487
PIT tags surveyed and Smolt mortality can be linked to Yakima River Flows Smolt Mortality linked to late Migration Date as Shown by 2009 failures of Summer Chinook and Summer Chinooks improvement in 2010 (Read Slide) PIT tags are being used to identify areas and time periods which produce high mortallity levels in smolts. Flows and structures have been the main focus of this study and will continue to be in the future

19 2005 average monthly CFS is circled here
2005 average monthly CFS is circled here. This year produced high numbers of PIT tags in the Yakima Basin

20 If you have any questions I cannot answer please refer them to the project biologist
Whose information I can provide for you after the conference.

21 Questions?

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