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Fourth Edition Sherrie L. Nist © Townsend Press

2 Unit One: Chapter 6 • ante-, anti- • extra- • chron, chrono- • ject
Common word parts—also known as prefixes, suffixes, and roots— are used in forming many words in English. • ante-, anti- • extra- • chron, chrono- • ject • -cide • liber, liver • de- • vit, viv • dorm • voc, vok Page 28 in textbook.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 1 ante-, anti- • Before you enter Tyrone’s living room, you pass through a small anteroom, where guests can leave their coats. • A clever saying warns us not to anticipate trouble before it happens: “Worrying casts tomorrow’s clouds over today’s sunshine.” The word part ante- or anti- means A. after. B. free. C. before. Page 28 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 1 ante-, anti- • Before you enter Tyrone’s living room, you pass through a small anteroom, where guests can leave their coats. • A clever saying warns us not to anticipate trouble before it happens: “Worrying casts tomorrow’s clouds over today’s sunshine.” The word part ante- or anti- means A. after. B. free. C. before. Page 28 in textbook. The description of the location of the anteroom tells you it is a room you pass through before entering the main room. In the second item, the word before tells you the meaning of anti-.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 2 chron, chrono- • An acute illness is short and usually severe. By contrast, a chronic illness lasts a long period of time. • A resumé should list jobs in reverse chronological order—that is, the most recent job should be listed first. The word part chron or chrono- means A. time. B. outside. C. alive. Page 28 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 2 chron, chrono- • An acute illness is short and usually severe. By contrast, a chronic illness lasts a long period of time. • A resumé should list jobs in reverse chronological order—that is, the most recent job should be listed first. The word part chron or chrono- means A. time. B. outside. C. alive. Page 28 in textbook. If a chronic illness lasts a long period of time, chron must mean “time.” Chronological order means the order in which events occurred in time.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 3 -cide • Do the pesticides used in farming kill only pests? Or are they also harmful to humans? • Genocide isn’t simply the murder of a number of people. It’s the intentional killing of a particular racial, cultural, or political group. The word part -cide means A. alive. B. kill. C. freedom. Page 28 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 3 -cide • Do the pesticides used in farming kill only pests? Or are they also harmful to humans? • Genocide isn’t simply the murder of a number of people. It’s the intentional killing of a particular racial, cultural, or political group. The word part -cide means A. alive. B. kill. C. freedom. Page 28 in textbook. In the first item, the word kill tells you that the word part -cide means “kill.” In the second item, the word killing suggests the meaning of -cide.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 4 de- • When the two trains ran into each other, one was derailed, but the other stayed on the tracks. • A good kitchen fan can deodorize the room by drawing away strong cooking odors, such as those of onion and garlic. The word part de- means A. voice. B. preceding. C. removal. Page 28 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 4 de- • When the two trains ran into each other, one was derailed, but the other stayed on the tracks. • A good kitchen fan can deodorize the room by drawing away strong cooking odors, such as those of onion and garlic. The word part de- means A. voice. B. preceding. C. removal. Page 28 in textbook. In contrast to the train that stayed on the tracks, the other train was removed from the tracks by the force of the crash. In the second item, the words drawing away tell you that to deodorize is to remove odors.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 5 dorm • The volcano has been dormant for years, but it may awaken and erupt soon. • The dormouse, or “sleeping mouse,” got its name because it hibernates through the winter. The word part dorm means A. lively. B. separation. C. sleep. Page 28 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 5 dorm • The volcano has been dormant for years, but it may awaken and erupt soon. • The dormouse, or “sleeping mouse,” got its name because it hibernates through the winter. The word part dorm means A. lively. B. separation. C. sleep. Page 28 in textbook. In the first item, the word awaken suggests that dormant means “sleeping”. In the second item, the word sleeping tells you that the word part dorm in dormouse must mean “sleep.”

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 6 extra- • Chang studies hard for his classes, but he’s also involved in extracurricular activities, including soccer and chess. • Extrasensory perception, or ESP, is the ability to receive information in ways that do not involve the physical senses. The word part extra means A. enclosed. B. throw. C. outside. Page 28 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 6 extra- • Chang studies hard for his classes, but he’s also involved in extracurricular activities, including soccer and chess. • Extrasensory perception, or ESP, is the ability to receive information in ways that do not involve the physical senses. The word part extra means A. enclosed. B. throw. C. outside. Page 28 in textbook. Extracurricular activities are activities outside the regular curriculum. Extrasensory perception is perception that is outside the physical senses.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 7 ject • The pilot ejected from the plane shortly before the crash. Fortunately, his parachute opened in time to save his life. • The farther away a projector is, the larger the picture it onto the screen. The word part ject means A. throw. B. keep. C. call. Page 29 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 7 ject • The pilot ejected from the plane shortly before the crash. Fortunately, his parachute opened in time to save his life. • The farther away a projector is, the larger the picture it throws onto the screen. The word part ject means A. throw. B. keep. C. call. Page 29 in textbook. An ejection seat in a plane throws the pilot out of the plane in an emergency. In the second item, the word throws reminds you that a projector throws a picture onto a screen.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 8 liber, liver • Freddy is very liberal with advice. He constantly tells all his relatives and friends how they should run their lives. • According to the Bible, Moses delivered the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt. The word part liber or liver means A. alive. B. free. C. outside. Page 29 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 8 liber, liver • Freddy is very liberal with advice. He constantly tells all his relatives and friends how they should run their lives. • According to the Bible, Moses delivered the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt. The word part liber or liver means A. alive. B. free. C. outside. Page 29 in textbook. If Freddy constantly tells people how to run their lives, he is very free with his advice. In the second item, when Moses delivered the people of Israel from slavery, he freed them from slavery.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 9 vit, viv • My elderly aunt still has great vitality: she works in a bakery part-time and walks two or three miles every day. • People who survive a disaster sometimes feel guilty because lived through it, while others died. The word part vit or viv means A. life. B. separation. C. death. Page 29 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer. A vividly colored flower

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 9 vit, viv • My elderly aunt still has great vitality: she works in a bakery part-time and walks two or three miles every day. • People who survive a disaster sometimes feel guilty because lived through it, while others died. The word part vit or viv means A. life. B. separation. C. death. Page 29 in textbook. The elderly aunt’s activities show that she has a great deal of life. In the second item, the word lived suggests that the word part viv means “life.” A vivid or lively color

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 10 voc, vok • My father is extremely vocal in his disapproval of text-messaging. He always yells at me, “If you want to talk to someone, use the phone!” • The man on trial for robbery invoked his Fifth Amendment rights, saying he would not give any information that could be held against him. The word part voc or vok means A. memory. B. voice. C. time. Page 29 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 10 voc, vok • My father is extremely vocal in his disapproval of text-messaging. He always yells at me, “If you want to talk to someone, use the phone!” • The man on trial for robbery invoked his Fifth Amendment rights, saying he would not give any information that could be held against him. The word part voc or vok means A. memory. B. voice. C. time. Page 29 in textbook. Since the father is extremely vocal, he voices his disapproval of text-messaging (in this case, by yelling). The man on trial voices his Fifth Amendment rights.

23 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. ante-, anti- B. chron C. cide D. de- E. dorm F. extra- G. ject H. liber I. vit, viv J. voc, vok 1. At the Italian restaurant, we had a(n) ( pasto) ___ of olives, cheeses, and other appetizers before the main dish. 2. I was very tired when I got home from work, but a short nap (re ed) ___ me. Page 30 in textbook. Answers: 1. antipasto; 2. revived The next slide explains the answers.

24 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. ante-, anti- B. chron C. cide D. de- E. dorm F. extra- G. ject H. liber I. vit, viv J. voc, vok 1. At the Italian restaurant, we had an ____________ of olives, cheeses, and other appetizers before the main dish. antipasto An antipasto is served at the beginning of the meal, before the main dish. 2. I was very tired when I got home from work, but a short nap ___________ me. revived Page 30 in textbook. A short nap can give a tired person new life.

25 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. ante-, anti- B. chron C. cide D. de- E. dorm F. extra- G. ject H. liber I. vit, viv J. voc, vok 3. The veterinarian asked Rosa to hold her cat firmly while he gave it an (in . . .ion) ___ to protect it from rabies. 4. A microwave oven is perfect for ( frosting) ___ frozen foods in a hurry. Page 30 in textbook. Answers: 3. injection; 4. defrosting; 5. dormitories The next slide explains the answers. 5. The conference was held at a college campus, so participants could sleep in the ( itories) ___ instead of going to hotels.

26 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. ante-, anti- B. chron C. cide D. de- E. dorm F. extra- G. ject H. liber I. vit, viv J. voc, vok 3. The veterinarian asked Rosa to hold her cat firmly while he gave it an __________ to protect it from rabies. injection An injection “throws” the rabies vaccine into the cat. 4. A microwave oven is perfect for __________ frozen foods in a hurry. defrosting Page 30 in textbook. Putting frozen food into a microwave removes the frost from the food. 5. The conference was held at a college campus, so participants could sleep in the __________ instead of going to hotels. dormitories A dormitory is a building used as sleeping quarters for college students.

27 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. ante-, anti- B. chron C. cide D. de- E. dorm F. extra- G. ject H. liber I. vit, viv J. voc, vok 6. In a crisis, people sometimes perform ( ordinary) ___ feats of strength, like lifting an automobile off a crash victim. 7. Modern inventions have ( ated) ___ us from many household chores. For instance, the dryer frees us from having to hang laundry on a clothesline. Page 30 in textbook. Answers: 6. extraordinary; 7. liberated The next slide explains the answers.

28 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. ante-, anti- B. chron C. cide D. de- E. dorm F. extra- G. ject H. liber I. vit, viv J. voc, vok 6. In a crisis, people sometimes perform ___________ feats of strength, like lifting an automobile off a crash victim. extraordinary Lifting a car is a feat of strength that is beyond the ordinary. 7. Modern inventions have __________ us from many household chores. For instance, the dryer frees us from having to hang laundry on a clothesline. liberated Page 30 in textbook. Liberate means “to set free.” The word frees is a clue.

29 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. ante-, anti- B. chron C. cide D. de- E. dorm F. extra- G. ject H. liber I. vit, viv J. voc, vok 8. (Regi ) ___ means “the killing of a king.” A famous instance is Charles I of England, who was beheaded in 1649. 9. Leah has an amazing ( abulary) ___ for a two-year-old. She was just telling me the difference between “Mr. Crocodile” and “Mr. Alligator.” Page 30 in textbook. Answers: 8. regicide; 9. vocabulary; 10. anachronism The next slide explains the answers. 10. An (ana ism) ___ is someone or something that seems to belong to an earlier time and is out of place in the present. San Francisco’s cable cars are an example.

30 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. ante-, anti- B. chron C. cide D. de- E. dorm F. extra- G. ject H. liber I. vit, viv J. voc, vok 8. ____________ means “the killing of a king.” A famous instance is Charles I of England, who was beheaded in 1649. Regicide Regicide means “the killing of a king.” 9. Leah has an amazing __________ for a two-year-old. She was just telling me the difference between “Mr. Crocodile” and “Mr. Alligator.” vocabulary Page 30 in textbook. Vocabulary comes from a Latin word meaning “to name or call.” 10. An ___________ is someone or something that seems to belong to an earlier time and is out of place in the present. San Francisco’s cable cars are an example. anachronism Anachronism contains the word parts ana (“against”) and chron (“time”).


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