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Chapter 10 Interaction design

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1 Chapter 10 Interaction design

2 The Human Action Cycle The Details of the Human Action Cycle
Using the Human Action Cycle to Influence the Design Process UIDE Chapter 10

3 Human Action Cycle Form a goal
Creates/executes actions that move toward that goal. Perceives and interprets the outcome Recognizes possible need to reformulate UIDE Chapter 10

4 Human Action Cycle UIDE Chapter 10

5 Using the Human Action Cycle to Influence the Design Process
Walk through the prototype May be able to predict user difficulties May be able to suggest suitable changes May be able to suggest skills for the user May be able to devise new requirements for the UI design UIDE Chapter 10

6 Using the Human Action Cycle to Influence the Design Process
What are the steps to lowering the volume? Suggest changes to the design of the volume and channel control UIDE Chapter 10

7 Communicating the Designer’s Understanding of the System
Designer’s Model System Image How the User Interface Enables the User to Develop an Accurate Mental Model UIDE Chapter 10

8 Communicating the Designer’s Understanding of the System
Designer’s Model: An explicit and consciously developed model User’s Model: Mainly functional information System Image: UI, documentation, training. UIDE Chapter 10

9 Using Metaphors to Develop Accurate Mental Models
The Benefits of Metaphor Problems with Metaphor Choosing a Suitable Metaphor or Set of Metaphors UIDE Chapter 10

10 Metaphor “a figure of speech in which a word or phrase denoting one king of object or action is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them” Common UI Metaphors Words on the screen Static images and icons Interactive graphics UIDE Chapter 10

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