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Presentation on theme: "Neo-paganism/Paganism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Neo-paganism/Paganism
Often drawing on ancient traditions or primal religions Ecologically-minded Mixed inspiration Not Satanists!

2 Mid-1600s Scholars taking interest in
ancient religions 1717 John Toland (d. 1722) becomes first Chosen Chief of the Ancient Druid Order (British Circle of the Universal Bond) 1875 Helena Blavatsky (d. 1891) founds Theosophical Society Interest grows in northern Europe (Norse and Saxon), Lithuania

3 1951 Last anti-witch laws repealed
Gerald Brousseau Gardner (d. 1964) publishes Book of Shadows Wicca

4 1960s and 1970s Paganism becoming influenced by Hinduism and Taoism Growing interest in First Nations and Afro-American traditions in N. America, e.g. shamanism, vodoun Links to feminism and eco-awareness Diversification of the tradition

5 Today Very widespread, esp. among educated “middle class” Over half female; also very high proportion of gay/lesbian/bisexual adherents Influence of technology Political activism

6 Today Questions of organisation Do as you wish, provided you harm no-one Threefold Law: Whatever you do will be visited back upon you threefold

7 Reverence for nature Divine manifested through nature Celebrating natural cycle

8 Forms of the divine Polytheism (many deities) Pantheism (divine in everything) Monism (unity of all reality; sacred in various forms) Duotheism (two deities)

9 The value of experience
Myths as inspiration only Avoidance of dogmatic positions Personal relationship with the divine

10 Wheel of the Year. Source: Wikipedia: <http://en. wikipedia

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