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Lecture 1: Introduction

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1 Lecture 1: Introduction
UCSD ECE 111 Prof. Farinaz Koushanfar Fall 2017 Some slides are courtesy of Prof. Lin

2 Course info Instructor: TA and helpers: Office Hours
Prof. Farinaz Koushanfar Jacobs Hall #6401 TA and helpers: Main TA: Keith Yu ( all questions to main TA) Bita Darvish Rouhani Siam Umar Hussain Office Hours Instructor: Tues 12-1:50pm, Jacobs (EBU1) #6401 By appointment

3 ECE 111, fall 2017 Lectures: Tues/Thurs 2-3:20PM
Location: MANDE, Room B150 Discussion session: Wed 2-2:50PM Location: Center Hall, Room #212

4 ECE 111 Course goals Digital Circuit design using the hardware description (SystemVerilog) Language Use tools to simulate and implement circuits in the SystemVerilog Using commercial CAD tools for Field Programmable Logic Arrays (FPGAs) Implementing designs and optimizing Complex digital designs from algorithms to implementation Hands-on projects The name “SystemVerilog” describes hardware at the same level as “Verilog”, but it adds a number of enhancements and improved syntax SystemVerilog files have a “.sv” extension so that the compiler knows that the file is in SystemVerilog rather than Verilog.

5 More info on ECE 111 Various types of activities
Lectures Design tools Discussion sections – design examples The central resource for this course: Course website TritonEd Announcements, slides, syllabus, homework, project assignments and submission Piazza Discussion board

6 Course text Recommended textbook
Digital Design and Computer Architecture, Second Edition, by David Harris and Sarah Harris We will only be using Chapter 4 of this book, which provides a good overview of SystemVerilog with good examples. Make sure you get the 2nd Edition since the 1st Edition uses Verilog instead of SystemVerilog Book recommended, but not required. This is NOT a lecture-based class. Class time used to talk about SystemVerilog in the beginning, but mostly about specific examples and project information for the rest of the quarter.

7 Software Design tool: Vivado HLx Webpack edition
Xilinx ISE (Integrated Synthesis Environment) is a tool for synthesis("compilation") and analysis of HDL designs on Xilinx FPGAs Simulation tool: ModelSim PE Student Edition Links to software download and basic tutorials on the class website

8 Course work 6 project assignments Final project
You need to do the smaller project assignments to be able to do the final project Final project will be evaluated on 2 criteria: Best delay = number of clock cycles x clock period Best area/delay = area x delay Last three projects, including the final one, done in teams of 2 students.

9 Honor code The UCSD student conduct code
conduct/regulations/22.00.html Violations will be reported to the Student Conduct Office Accommodations available for students with disabilities, religious and ethnic holidays, and illness (with proper documentation)

10 Syllabus (detailed schedule on the website)
Week 1: Introduction, intro to SystemVerilog and ModelSim environments Week 2: Combinational and sequential logic in SystemVerilog (P1) Week 3: FPGA and number conversion in System Verilog (P2) Week 4: Finite state machines in System Verilog (P3) Week 5: Testbenches and parameterizable modules in SystemVerilog (P4) Week 6: Handshaking and FPGA implementation issues Week 7: Design area and performance optimization (P5) Week 8: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter and its variants (Final Porject) Week 9: Final project discussions and testbenches Week 10: Summary and final project optimization (Project due 12/10/17)

11 Lectures Lectures are based on slides – both great and bad
Slides are great Organizes the course material Great addition to the textbook Can use pictures and animation to explain Slides are bad Well-known that instructors teach faster by slides They make hard things look easier than they are They can make you fall asleep I encourage you to be proactive and take notes I may use the board when/if necessary

12 Back to digital design basics

13 Basic digital circuit design components

14 Sequential circuits Circuit whose output values depend on current and previous input values Include some form of storage of values Nearly all digital systems are sequential Mixture of gates and storage components Combinational parts transform inputs and stored values

15 Flip flops and clocks Edge-triggered D-flipflop Timing diagram
stores one bit of information at a time Timing diagram Graph of signal values versus time

16 How to represent hardware?
If you’re going to design a computer, you need to write down the design so that: You can read it again later Someone else can read and understand it It can be simulated and verified Even software people may read it! It can be synthesized into specific gates It can be built and shipped and make money UCSD ECE 111, Prof. Koushanfar, Fall'16

17 Ways to represent hardware
Draw schematics Hand-drawn Machine-drawn Write a netlist Z52BH I1234 (N123, N234, N4567); Write primitive Boolean equations AAA = abc DEF + ABC def Use a Hardware Description Language (HDL) assign overflow = c31 ^ c32; Slide courtesy of Prof. Milo Martin, Upenn

18 Hardware description language (HDL): allows
designer to specify logic function only. Then a computer-aided design (CAD) tool produces or synthesizes the optimized gates. Most commercial designs built using HDLs Two leading HDLs: – Verilog developed in 1984 by Gateway Design Automation became an IEEE standard (1364) in 1995 – VHDL Developed in 1981 by the Department of Defense Became an IEEE standard (1076) in 1987

19 HDLs Textual representation of a digital logic design
Can represent gates, like a netlist, or abstract logic HDLs are not “programming languages” No, really. Even if they look like it, they are not. For many people, a difficult conceptual leap Similar development chain Compiler: source code  assembly code  binary machine code Synthesis tool: HDL source  gate-level specification  hardware

20 Pros and cons Why using an HDL? Easy to write and edit Compact
Don’t have to follow a maze of lines Easy to analyze with various tools Why not to use an HDL? You still need to visualize the flow of logic A schematic can be a work of art But often isn’t!

21 Synthesis vs. Simulation
Extremely important to understand that SystemVerilog is BOTH a “Synthesis” language and a “Simulation” language Small subset of the language is “synthesizable”, meaning that it can be translated to logic gates and flip-flops SystemVerilog also includes many features for “simulation” or “verification”, features that have no meaning in hardware! Although SystemVerilog syntactically looks like “C”, it is a Hardware Description Language (HDL), NOT a software programming language Every line of synthesizable SystemVerilog MUST have a direct translation into hardware (logic gates and flip flops) Very important to think of the hardware each line of SystemVerilog produce

22 SystemVerilog Hello World!

23 Simple logic gate in SystemVerilog
Module module not_gate(in, out); // module name+ports // comments: declaring port type input in; output out; // Defining circuit functionality assign out = ~in; endmodule

24 System Verilog

25 Synthesis SystemVerilog:
module example(input logic a, b, c, output logic y); assign y = ~a & ~b & ~c | a & ~b & ~c | a & ~b & c; endmodule Synthesis: translates into a netlist (i.e., a list of gates and flip-flops, and their wiring connections) * Schematic after some logic optimization

26 Basics of digital design with HDL
Stimulus block Circuit Under Design (CUD) Generating inputs to CUD Checking outputs of CUD 4 8 Test bench

27 Useless SystemVerilog Example
module useless; initial $display(“Hello World!”); endmodule Note the message-display statement Compare to printf() in C

28 SystemVerilog Syntax Case sensitive No names that start with numbers
Example: reset and Reset are not the same signal. No names that start with numbers Example: 2mux is an invalid name Whitespace ignored Comments: // single line comment /* multiline comment */

29 Hierarchical modeling concepts
SystemVerilog HDL Hierarchical modeling concepts

30 Design methodologies

31 Hierarchical design

32 A simple design methodology

33 Hierarchical design Circuits are too complex for us to design all the detail at once Design subsystems for simple functions Compose subsystems to form the system Treating subcircuits as “black box” components Verify independently, then verify the composition Top-down/bottom-up design

34 Synthesis We usually design using register-transfer-level (RTL) Verilog Higher level of abstraction than gates Synthesis tool translates to a circuit of gates that performs the same function Specify to the tool the target implementation fabric constraints on timing, area, etc. Post-synthesis verification synthesized circuit meets constraints

35 Physical implementation
Implementation fabrics Application-specific ICs (ASICs) Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) Floor-planning: arranging the subsystems Placement: arranging the gates within subsystems Routing: joining the gates with wires Physical verification Physical circuit still meets constraints Use better estimates of delays

36 What we have learned today…
Digital systems use discrete (binary) representations such as gates and FFs Combinational and sequential circuits History of Verilog HDL Principals of digital design using HDL Our first design example…

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