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The Art of a Good Interview

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1 The Art of a Good Interview
Practice Interview Questions

2 Write these questions on your paper. Leave room for answers.
1. Who is someone you admire? (This should be a real person you actually know.) 2. Tell me why you admire this person. 3. If you had to use 3 words to describe this person, (character traits) what would they be? 4. Explain how this person fits these traits. What did he/she do that makes you see this in this person? 5. Which specific story about this person would you tell and why?

3 Your Turn Find a partner.
Conduct an interview. You should ask the questions out loud, listen and take notes as your partner responds to each question. Write your partner’s answers on your paper. Add notes about the interviewees reactions/nonverbals in ( ). Now switch roles. Turn in your completed interview notes.

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