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Understanding the Muscular System

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding the Muscular System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding the Muscular System

2 Benefits of Muscular Fitness
Reduce risk of muscle injury Increase capacity to perform daily tasks and activity by reducing fatigue Reduce bone and muscle loss as you age Improved physical appearance Reduce chance of health-related problems Aids in weight control

3 Issues with Inadequate Muscular Fitness
Low back pain Abnormal movement due to muscular imbalance Poor posture due to muscular weakness Inability to function effectively on a daily basis Muscular injuries/pain

4 Muscle Basics MUSCLE – a band of fibers which shorten and lengthen to produce movement. TYPES OF MUSCLE 1. skeletal muscles – located around the joints and bones and allow us to move 2. cardiac muscles – the muscles of the heart 3. smooth muscles – found in arteries and internal organs, controls bodily functions (i.e. digestion)

5 CONNECTIVE TISSUE 1. Ligament– connects bone to bone 2. Tendon – connects muscles to bone 3. Cartilage – found between the bones, acts as a cushion

6 Muscle Growth Hypertrophy - the enlargement of the diameter of the muscle fiber Atrophy - a condition in which the muscle fibers become smaller in diameter due to lack of use Muscles do not turn into fat if you stop training!

7 Muscle Fibers 1. Slow-twitch muscle fibers – move slowly but last long, good for endurance activities (i.e. long distance running or swimming) 2. Fast-twitch muscle fibers – move quickly but do not last long, good for quick burst activities (i.e. sprinting or shotput) 3. Intermediate fast-twitch muscle fibers – in between fast and slow, good for high intensity, moderate duration activities (i.e. middle distance running)







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