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A closer look at some of our top INI settings!

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1 A closer look at some of our top INI settings!
Keeping an eye on ACEweb INIs! A closer look at some of our top INI settings!

2 Agenda What are ini settings? Where are they located?
Who can access and modify them? Notes on making and saving changes A closer look at: Settings that toggle ACEweb features on or off Settings for column selection and verbiage changes Settings that toggle some of our newest features

3 What are ini settings? Your aceweb.ini file contains many settings which allow you to control aspects of ACEweb such as: Behavior (toggling features on and off) Appearance (how and when things are displayed) Verbiage (class full message) Static variables (hours of operation, contact info) System settings (what mail server is used) Nearly 200 ini settings total System settings typically set on installation and only changed with server move

4 Where can I find them? Your aceweb.ini settings are stored in a file located on your ACEweb server, typically in c:\inetpub\aceweb\aceweb.ini Changes should be made using the ini editor from your ACEweb Administration page:

5 Where can I find them?

6 Who can access and modify them?
Your admin pages may be secured and might require both Windows and Student Manager credentials to access. Your SM login must have at least level 2 (view only) access in the aceweb category, or level 4 to edit your aceweb.ini Note: If you are running multiple COM servers, you may be required to reload them for setting changes to take effect. This requires level 6 in ACEweb access level category.

7 Making and saving changes
On/Off settings – simply change the value from the dropdown and click submit. Other settings without a noted “Defaults to” value require that you enter the setting as text. See description and samples for help.

8 Making and saving changes
Settings which contain a “Defaults to” section in the description can be left blank and will apply that configuration listed.

9 Making and saving changes
Editing the ini settings for alternate interfaces can only be done through the “text ini editor” be selecting the desired interface designation (awp1, awp2 etc) and clicking “Edit Alternate INI”. This brings you to the text editor for that ini file. You will not have descriptions or samples in this view, and your line must begin with the setting name followed by an equals sign.

10 Taking a closer look Settings that toggle a feature or function of ACEweb on or off: Allowwaitlist (global waitlisting toggle) Billfirm (allows invoicing the students firm) Printcoursenotes (displays course notes on confirmation page and ) Printregwarn (displays the reg warning message on confirmation page and ) Groupoption (single/dual level grouping) Notifyofc (staff registration notifications) Dupecheck (does another duplicate registration notification on ACEweb) Proxyreg (enables proxy registration)

11 AllowWaitlist *This option is only available with both Proxy Reg and Waitlisting ON. Great feature for OLLI groups or organizations with “free courses with membership” Or if you have a lenient cancellation/refund policy If ON, enables waitlisting for all closed courses. If OFF, disables waitlisting. HOWEVER, you can enable waitlisting for an individual course by checking the "Allow waitlisting on ACEweb" box on the Course ACEweb Info tab.

12 BillFirm If ON, invoices will be directed to the firm specified in the user's name record. Great for contract training and workforce development

13 PrintCourseNotes If ON, displays the course notes receipt message (conoteprt) on the Registration Confirmation page and includes it in the confirmation message sent to the student. Be careful if you’ve been using this field for internal info!

14 PrintRegWarn If ON, displays the Registration Warning message on the Registration Confirmation page and includes it in the confirmation message sent to the student. Careful for internal info!

15 GroupOption Configures how course groups are displayed on ACEweb:
-1 Disables catalog list entirely 0 No course groups, shows full catalog only 1 Single level of course groups 2 Two levels of course groups

16 GroupOption=1 Single course group option will display all of your course groups, with the courses listed under each.

17 GroupOption=2 Two levels of course groups will have a major group, a minor group, and then display the list of courses.

18 NotifyOFC If ON, an will be sent to staff member(s) identified in the Office setting when users create new accounts and enroll in courses.  For Office setting: address of the person selected to receive various reports (registration confirmation copies, suggest course s, *catalog requests, etc.).  Multiple addresses should be separated by commas. Reports will be sent to all addresses entered in this setting.  *If an address is entered in the Marketer setting, Catalog Request notices will be sent to it instead. 

19 NotifyOFC Staff are sent notices when users: Create a name record
Successfully enroll in courses Request catalog information Submit a course proposal Purchase an inventory item that has reached or exceeded it's reorder point Request a password reset (unless this option is disabled) Enroll in the last open slot in a workshop Add themselves to a course waitlist Send an to a friend using the Tell a Friend option Cause a 'suspicious' web hit Have a failed payment attempt

20 DupeCheck Triggers a final check for duplicate registrations (of the same user in the same course) as part of the payment routine. Can be set to automatically remove the duplicate entries from the Enrollment Cart, or to halt the payment process if duplicates are detected. 0 - Inactive (default) 1 - duplicate entries are removed from the Cart. 2 - duplicate entries are removed from the Cart. Does NOT check for previous registrations. 3 - If duplicates are detected, the payment process is aborted. 4 - If duplicates are detected, the payment process is aborted. Does NOT check for previous registrations. Only recommended if you are getting random duplicate registrations after troubleshooting with your tech.

21 ProxyReg Determines whether, and how, one user can register by proxy on behalf of another. Options are:  NONE - disables Proxy Registration ENABLED - enables Proxy Registration

22 ProxyReg Both the person registering and the proxy will receive an confirmation As prev mentioned, recent versions of ACEweb also include the ability to proxy waitlist if both options are enabled. The proxy will be shown on the registration in Student Manager

23 Taking a closer look Settings that allow you to choose columns or customize verbiage on ACEweb: Fullmsg (customizes verbiage for full classes) Invoicemsg (customizes verbiage for invoicing) Schedulefields (determines which columns and their labels are displayed in course listings) Transcriptfields (determines which columns and labels are displayed for courses in student history) Workshopfields (determines which columns and labels are shown on the workshop listing page)

24 FullMsg This ini setting supports using basic html tags to further customize your text Note that FullMsg is only for the text shown on the Show Schedule page, before they click on it. The VerboseFullMsg setting is displayed on the course status screen.

25 InvoiceMsg Specify message that is displayed to user when selecting the billing option. Defaults to: Registration page (i.e. register.htm): "An invoice will be sent to the above address" if BillFirm is OFF "Click here to have the billing directed to your firm:" if BillFirm is ON Registration Confirmation Page and Confirmation: "An invoice will be sent to the above address." if BillFirm is OFF "'Firm will be charged." if BillFirm is ON

26 ScheduleFields Determines the fields/headers shown in the regularly scheduled course listing section (course type is Open, Event, or Workshop). This highly customizable setting can allow for a wide range of display options for your course listings, such as: Displaying additional fields from the course or course UDF tables Combining main and optional/mandatory fees into one fee (FullFee) Display multiple fee columns, such as resident and non resident fee amounts Display the enrollment status, such as showing open, or waitlist available on a course by course basis Recent installs with the tablesorter javascript allows for sorting by whatever column you use

27 TranscriptFields Determines fields and column headings on the Completed Courses page (Registration History).  This setting will allow you to include not only course information but fields from the register table as well, such as grades, hours, credits etc. Defaults to: coursename:Title;cobegdate:Start;coenddate:End;cosess:Sessions;rghours:Hours;rgceus:CEUs;rggrade:Grade;rgcrsefee:Fee

28 WorkshopFields Determines fields/headings shown on Workshop Listing page. *Only applies to the non tabbed course status design layout. New ACEweb installations using the RWD templates can modify their XCourseStatus.htm template to configure these columns.

29 Taking a closer look Newest Features!
Settings that allow you to enable or configure exciting new ACEweb features: MgrWebLevel (for Staff Web Access) ReportCertificate and ReportTranscript (for the ACEweb Student Online Reporting Module - STORM)

30 MgrWebLevel Minimum ACEweb Level required to carry out Staff Web Access operations. Staff access levels are configured in Student Manager under Tools > Password Maintenance 0 disabled 1-6 ACEweb access level on staff account

31 Staff Web Access Staff Web access allows your Student Manager staff members to: Create or look up student (name) records Enroll students in courses (without needing their password) View course information Perform super instructor abilities (view rosters, edit grades etc) Gives you access to key operations from any computer with a browser and internet! This feature requires a recent build of ACEweb and some additional files. Consult your tech to enable and configure.

32 ReportCertificate and ReportTranscript
These settings specify the name of the additional report in Student Manager for displaying the students course certificates and transcripts on ACEweb.

33 ACEweb STORM Students will be able to download and print PDFs of their registration transcripts, or Certificates, directly from ACEweb, using a Student Manager report template!

34 Student’s view From the history page, students will see buttons for “My Certificates” and “My Transcript”, if enabled YOU control which courses are eligible for cert and transcript downloading Consult with your ACEware tech to schedule a time to get this module installed!

35 Cool! Where can I find out more?
We have full webinars on both Staff Web Access and AW Storm in our webinar archive, located at Or contact your technician for more info View the recording of the live webinar via the YouTube links, and/or download the PowerPoint presentations

36 Next Webinars from ACEware
Software Update Webinar December 5th, :30-2:30 pm (Central Time)

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