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Building Your Professional Development Plan

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1 Building Your Professional Development Plan
Presented by Nicole Kearse Krescent Consulting LLP “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” - Pablo Picasso

2 In this session, we will discuss:
What is a professional development plan Why a professional development plan is important Key elements of a professional development plan Sample professional development plans Building your professional development plan Evaluating and updating your professional development plan

3 What is a professional development plan (PDP)?
A written plan in which an individual sets out his or her professional goals, ambitions and aspirations as well as strategies related to how to attain those goals, ambitions and aspirations.

4 “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”
Why is a PDP important? “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” - Benjamin Franklin

5 Why is a PDP important? It will help you: Clarify your career goals
Define where you are going in your career and how you are going to get there Understand your existing skills and expertise and identify what skills or expertise you need to develop in order to meet your career goals Create a structured timeline and plan to achieve your career goals Take control of your own professional goals and growth

6 Why is a PDP important? IT IS YOUR CAREER ROADMAP

7 Sample Professional Development Plans

8 Sample Professional Development Plans

9 Sample Professional Development Plans

10 Sample Professional Development Plans

11 Sample Professional Development Plans

12 Key elements of developing a PDP
Long-term career goals – Partner at Kearse LLP

13 Key elements of developing a PDP
Long-term career goals – Partner at Kearse LLP Required or possible short-term interim career goals – 5 years’ experience in oil & gas

14 Key elements of developing a PDP
Long-term career goals – Partner at Kearse LLP Required or possible short-term interim career goals – 5 years experience in oil & gas Necessary skills assessment – what you need to achieve these career goals Soft skills Technical skills/ experience Relationships Other

15 Key elements of developing a PDP
Long-term career goals – Partner at Kearse LLP Required or possible short-term interim career goals – 5 years experience in oil & gas Necessary skills assessment – what you need to achieve these career goals Soft skills Technical skills/ experience Relationships Other Identifying needed skills – what you have versus what you need

16 Key elements of developing a PDP
Long-term career goals – Partner at Kearse LLP Required or possible short-term interim career goals – 5 years experience in oil & gas Necessary skills assessment – what you need to achieve these career goals Soft skills Technical skills/ experience Relationships Other Identifying needed skills – what you have versus what you need Setting out action plan to obtain skills / experience

17 Key elements of developing a PDP
Long-term career goals – Partner at Kearse LLP Required or possible short-term interim career goals – 5 years experience in oil & gas Necessary skills assessment – what you need to achieve these career goals Soft skills Technical skills/ experience Relationships Other Identifying needed skills – what you have versus what you need Setting out action plan to obtain skills / experience Elements of Action Plan should be SMART

18 Key elements of developing a PDP
Elements of your action plan are SMART when they are: Quality S Specific M Measurable A Attainable R Relevant T Time bound

19 Key elements of developing a PDP
Elements of your action plan are SMART when they are: Quality Example S Specific Increase my number of clients by 20% M Measurable I currently have 5 clients. To increase by 20% I need 1 more A Attainable I have several leads that can help me achieve my goal R Relevant I need to increase my number of clients to X in order to make partner T Time bound Within two months

20 Key elements of developing a PDP
Long-term career goals - Example Required / possible short-term career goals – Example Necessary skills assessment – what you need to achieve these career goals Identifying needed skills – what you have versus what you need Setting out action plan to obtain skills / experience Set out time frames for accomplishing action items

21 Key elements of developing a PDP
Long-term career goals - Example Required / possible short-term career goals – Example Necessary skills assessment – what you need to achieve these career goals Identifying needed skills – what you have versus what you need Setting out action plan to obtain skills / experience Set out time frames for accomplishing action items Identify success criteria

22 Key elements of developing a PDP
Once your plan is complete, you will: Execute Track progress to: Stay accountable On track Stay motivated Review and revise

23 Building Your Professional Development Plan

24 PDP Development Process Overview
Long-term goals Short-term interim goals SMART plan

25 STEP 1: Set out long-term career goals
Depending on where you are in your career and your career thinking, this can be: 1 year out – “I want to make partner next year” 5 years out – “I want to be the GC of HSBC in 5 years” 10 years out – “I want to be the CEO of the National Oil Company” Timing depends on you!

26 STEP 2: Set out shorter-term career goals / interim steps
The interim steps required/possible to take in order to achieve longer-term career goals.

27 STEP 2: Set out shorter-term career goals / interim steps
The interim steps required/possible to take in order to achieve longer-term career goals. LONG Term Goal = General Counsel of HSBC

28 STEP 2: Set out shorter-term career goals / interim steps
The interim steps required/possible to take in order to achieve longer-term career goals. LONG Term Goal = General Counsel of HSBC Shorter-term goals/ interim steps: LLM in finance Law firm experience Exposure to various aspects of the banking industry

29 STEP 2: Set out shorter-term career goals / interim steps
The interim steps required/possible to take in order to achieve longer-term career goals. LONG Term Goal = General Counsel at HSBC Shorter-term goals/ interim steps: LLM in finance Law firm experience Exposure to various aspects of the banking industry MAKE THESE SMART!

30 STEP 3: Set out required skills / experience
Getting from where you are to where you want to go Research and identify the skills required to achieve the interim steps Interim Step Skills / Experience Required LLM in finance Undergraduate degree Finance experience Law firm experience Relevant contacts Exposure to various aspects of the banking industry Internships In house positions

31 STEP 3: Set out required skills / experience
Getting from where you are to where you want to go Research and identify the skills required to achieve the interim steps Ways to research: Look online Network Mentor Career coach

32 STEP 4: Personal Assessment
“One has to know the size of one's stomach.” - Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo

33 STEP 4: Personal Assessment
The individual SWOT Analysis in the context of your career goals Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats SWOT

34 STEP 4: Personal Assessment
The individual SWOT Analysis in the context of your career goals Strengths - What am I good at? - What skills / experience do I have? Weaknesses Opportunities Threats SWOT

35 STEP 4: Personal Assessment
The individual SWOT Analysis in the context of your career goals Strengths Weaknesses - What am I not so good at? What skills am I lacking? Opportunities Threats SWOT

36 STEP 4: Personal Assessment
The individual SWOT Analysis in the context of your career goals Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities - What opportunities are available that could help achieve your goals? Threats SWOT

37 STEP 4: Personal Assessment
The individual SWOT Analysis in the context of your career goals Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats - What could hinder your ability to achieve your goals? SWOT

38 STEP 4: Personal Assessment
The personality test – identify what you don’t know about yourself Myers Briggs 16 personalities Etc.

39 Practical Exercise Your personality test

40 STEP 5: Skills and Experience to Attain
Required Skills and Experience Existing Skills and Experience Skills and Experience to Attain

41 STEP 6: Develop Action Plan
This is the MEAT of the professional development plan SMART Actions to obtain needed skills / experience and other supports SMART Action Plan Short-term goals Existing Skills Required Skills Long term goals

42 STEP 7: Set Time Frames Implementation schedule
Define action items and use a calendar

43 Practical Exercise Your professional development plan

44 Enhancing Your PDP Finding a mentor Career coach Networking
Getting feedback

45 Evaluating and Updating Your PDP

46 Evaluating Your PDP and Your Goals
Your PDP is not a static document Developing your PDP involves an iterative process

47 Evaluating Your Plan and Your Goals
Continue to review the goals set out in the plan Review your goals to make sure they are up to date and reflect your interests and positions At least yearly Be flexible and revise as necessary Continue to review the action plan Review your progress at least quarterly How much have I accomplished? Is my plan realistic? What am I doing well? What adjustments do I need to make? Change activities? Add more activities?

48 Evaluating Your Plan and Your Goals
Prioritise your professional development Make time to develop your plan Make time to review your plan Make time to review your goals

49 Conclusion What a professional development plan is
Why a professional development plan is important Key elements of a professional development plan Sample professional development plans Built your professional development plan Evaluating and updating your professional development plan

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