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Ancient Middle East and Egypt

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1 Ancient Middle East and Egypt
Chapter 2 Ancient Middle East and Egypt

2 2.1 City-States of Ancient Sumer - Objectives -
Understand how geography influenced the development of civilization in the Fertile Crescent. Outline the main features of Sumerian civilization. Explain how the advances in learning made by the Sumerians left a lasting legacy for later people to build on.

3 Terms, People, and Places 2.1
Fertile Crescent Mesopotamia Sumer The Epic of Gilgamesh Hiearchy Ziggurat Cuneiform

4 Lecture 2.1 Geography Influences Fertile Crescent Civilization
Sumerian Civilization Takes Shape Lasting Legacy of Sumer

5 Formative Assessment 2.1 (Bridge Page)
Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 2 Assessments Section 1 Progress Monitoring (1-10)

6 2.2 Invaders, Traders, and Empire Builders - Objectives -
Outline the achievements of the first empires that arose in Mesopotamia. Understand how conquests brought new empires and ideas into the Middle East. Describe how the Persians established a huge empire. Summarize the contributions the Phoenicians made to the ancient Middle East.

7 Terms, People, and Places 2.2
Sargon Hammurabi Codify Civil Law Criminal Law Nebuchadnezzar Barter Economy Money Economy Zoroaster Colony Alphabet

8 Lecture 2.2 First Empires Arise in Mesopotamia
Conquests Bring New Empires and Ideas The Persians Establish a Huge Empire Contributions of Phoenician Sea Traders

9 Formative Assessment 2.2 (Bridge Page)
Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 2 Assessments Section 2 Progress Monitoring (1-10)

10 2.3 Kingdom on the Nile - Objective -
Understand the ways in which geography Analyze the achievements of the Old Kingdom in Egypt. Describe the events that brought turbulence to Egypt’s Middle Kingdom. Explain how Egypt grew strong during the New Kingdom.

11 Terms, People, and Places 2.3
Cataract Delta Dynasty Pharaoh Bureaucracy Vizier Hatshepsut Thutmose II Ramses II

12 Lecture 2.3 Geography Helps Shape Egypt The Old Kingdom Forms
The Turbulent Middle Kingdom New Kingdom Egypt Grows Strong

13 Formative Assessment 2.3 (Bridge Page)
Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 2 Assessments Section 3 Progress Monitoring (1-10)

14 2.4 Egyptian Civilization - Objectives -
Describe the ways in which religious beliefs shaped the lives of ancient Egyptians. Understand how the Egyptians viewed the afterlife. Explain how the Egyptians organized their society. Outline the advances that the Egyptians made in learning, the arts, science, and literature.

15 Terms, People, and Places 2.4
Amon-Re Osiris Isis Akhenaton Mummification Hieroglyphics Papyrus Decipher Rosetta Stone

16 Lecture 2.4 Religion Shapes Life in Ancient Egypt
How Egyptians Viewed the Afterlife Egyptians Organize Their Society Egyptians Make Advances in Learning Egyptians Develop Arts and Literature

17 Formative Assessment 2.4 (Bridge Page)
Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 2 Assessments Section 4 Progress Monitoring (1-10)

18 2.5 Roots of Judaism - Objectives -
Understand what made the ancient Israelites’ belief system unique from others at the time. Outline the main events in the early history of the Israelites. Analyze the moral and ethical ideas of Judaism.

19 Terms, People, and Places 2.5
Monotheistic Torah Abraham Covenant Moses David Solomon Patriarchal Sabbath Prophet Ethics Diaspora

20 Lecture 2.5 The Ancient Israelites Shape a Unique Belief System
Judaism Teaches About Law and Morality

21 Formative Assessment 2.5 (Bridge Page)
Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 2 Assessments Section 5 Progress Monitoring (1-10)

22 Summative Assessment Chapter 2 (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 2 Assessments Chapter Progress Monitoring (1-20)

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