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The New Deal.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Deal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Deal

2 Securities and Exchange Commission
A system of laws to regulate the stock market and prevent fraud. All financial information had to be disclosed to the SEC. SEC still regulates the Stock Market.

3 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Reestablished faith in the banks. Government insured savings up to $ Today deposits are insured up to $250,000.

4 Federal Emergency Act Provided $500 million for food distribution and cash payments. Bought excess agricultural products from farmers. Basis of modern day welfare.

5 Social Security Act Set up a retirement program for those 65 and older, or disabled. The 1st payment was 12 cents. Program still exists today.

6 Jobs Programs Works Progress Administration employed workers in construction jobs. Ex. Roads, bridges, schools. The government still provides money for public works projects. Civilian Conservation Corps provided jobs improving National Parks. Most jobs programs were eliminated in the 1980’s.

7 Jobs Programs, cont. National Youth Administration oversaw works projects and provided educational grants for youth. The government still provides aid for higher education. Federal Arts Project employed artists, actors, dancers and historians. The NEA provides grants to artists.

8 Agricultural Adjustment Act
Adjusted production to match consumption. Paid farmers to destroy crops and livestock. Farmers still receive some subsidies.

9 National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)
Workers had the legal right to form Labor Unions and bargain collectively. Union membership skyrocketed. Unions still exist, but membership has dwindled.

10 Tennessee Valley Authority
Brought electrical power to rural America. Built dams throughout the country. Still the nations largest power supplier.

11 THE END ???????????????????

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