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To download a copy of today’s lesson go to TheGoodTeacher

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1 To download a copy of today’s lesson go to TheGoodTeacher
To download a copy of today’s lesson go to and click on “Gospel Meetings”

2 Check Your Worship Attitude
Joy of Worship Check Your Worship Attitude Presented by Chris Reeves * Junction Hwy. church of Christ Gospel Meeting * April 26, 2009

3 Worship Attitude and Culture
Our Worship Attitude is Affected by Our Present-Day Culture Get it, and get it quick approach to life More comfort and convenience Change the service rather than my attitude Shorten the worship service Drive-in sermons and drive-through communion

4 Length of Time is Proportional to Level of Interest
Do you spend along time at sporting events, or school functions? Do you spend along time going hunting, fishing, boating, etc.? Do you spend along time playing video games or board games, cards, etc.? Do you spend along time watching T.V. or movies? What about your time spent worshipping God?

5 Improper Worship Attitudes
Attitudes in Worship to Avoid Worship is a place to socialize Worship is a ritual, a routine Worship because “I have to go…” Worship is just a proper location Worship is just the proper “5 acts” Worship is like a periodic “tune-up”

6 Worship Attitude Proper Attitudes of Worship in the Psalms
Reverently (5:7; 89:7) Lovingly (26:8) Joyfully (95:1-2) Holy (96:7-9) Thankfully (100:4) Wholeheartedly (111:1) Gladly (122:1) Regularly (145:1-2) These Problems Are Solved with the Right Attitude talking, passing notes, “have to go,” drudgery, hypocrisy, selfishness, sleeping, daydreaming, boredom, clock-watching, “I don’t get anything out of the service…”, dreading to come, absenteeism, bare minimum attendance, etc.

7 Worship Attitude Proper Attitudes of Worship by NT Christians
Joy in Preaching and Study of God’s Word (Acts 2:41-42) Joy in Praying (Acts 12:5,12) Joy in Communion (1 Corinthians 10:16) Joy in Contributing (2 Corinthians 9:6-7) Joy in Singing (Colossians 3:16)

8 Worship Attitude What Brings Joy to Your Life?
When you understand the value, importance, or greatness of something (Num. 23:19; Hos. 11:9) When you get a good feeling about something (Isa. 40:31; Rom. 12:2; Cor. 4:16; Eph. 4:23) When you can see the positive results that follow (Lk. 24:52)

9 Worship Time Time Spent Worshipping God is Time Well Spent
Deuteronomy 31:9-13 – “thou shalt read this law before Israel in their hearing…” Nehemiah 8:3,18 – “And he read … from early morning until midday … Also day by day … he read in the book of the law…” Mark 6:34-35 – “And he began to teach them many things. And when the day was now far spent…” Acts 2:41,46 – “And with many other words he testified and exhorted them saying … And day by day … with one accord in the temple…” Acts 20:7-11 – “and prolonged his speech until midnight … Paul discoursed yet longer … talked with them a long while…”

10 What is Your Worship Attitude?
Your Attitude Toward Worship in This Life Prepares You For Your Worship In the Next Life Revelation 7:15; 14:3,7; 22:3,9

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