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Bodies & Officials - Can be appointed by the FIM, the FMNR, an FMN, Promoter or organiser
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Race Direction Race Direction with Event Management Race Direction without Event Management International Jury International Jury (with FIM Race Director) New: FIM Race Director without Event Management New FIM International Jury with FIM Race Director in all Championships where International Jury (Sidecar & Junior)
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Race Direction with Event Management MXGP / MX2 / WMX / VMX / MXN / SNX / WSNX Event Management Race Direction c. Panel of FIM Stewards - Whenever Race Direction with Event Management, we have 3 different bodies (see next slides)
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Race Direction with Event Management MXGP / MX2 / WMX / VMX / MXN / SNX / WSNX Event Management 1. Representative Championship Promoter / PRO / VR / CV 2. FIM Race Director / FIM / VR 3. Representative of the Organiser / ORG / NVR - Ensures the smooth and efficient running of the meeting - Explain who is nominated by who Promotor (PRO), FIM, Organiser (ORG) - Explain who has got voting rights (VR) , casting vote (CV)
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Race Direction with Event Management MXGP / MX2 / WMX / VMX / MXN / SNX / WSNX b. Race Direction 1. FIM Delegate / FIM / VR / CV 2. FIM Race Director / FIM / VR 3. FMNR Clerk of the Course / FMNR / VR Imposes penalties for any infringements on the Regulations Adjudicates on protests Approves the results - Explain who nominates who, FIM, FMNR - Explain who has got voting rights (VR), casting vote (CV)
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Race Direction with Event Management MXGP / MX2 / WMX / VMX / MXN / SNX / WSNX c. FIM Stewards Panel 1. FIM Chief Steward / FIM / VR / CV 2. FMNR Steward / FMNR / VR Adjudicates on appeals against Race Direction decisions - Explain who nominates who, FIM, FMNR - Explain who has got voting rights (VR), casting vote (CV)
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Race Direction without Event Management S1GP / SMN a. Race Direction Panel of FIM Stewards New Race Direction without without Event Management Consequently 2 different bodies (see next slide)
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Race Direction without Event Management S1GP / SMN a. Race Direction 1. FIM Delegate / FIM / VR / CV 2. FIM Race Director / FIM / VR 3. FMNR Clerk of the Course / FMNR / VR Ensures the smooth and efficient running of the meeting Imposes penalties and adjudicate on protests Approves the results Explain who nominates who, FIM, FMNR / same as previously mentioned Explain who has got voting rights (VR), casting vote (CV)
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Race Direction without Event Management S1GP / SMN b. FIM Stewards Panel 1. FIM Chief Steward / FIM / VR / CV 2. FMNR Steward / FMNR / VR - Adjudicate on appeals against Race Direction decisions - Explain who nominates who, FIM, FMNR / same as previously mentioned - Explain who has got voting rights (VR), casting vote (CV)
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Who decides on a modification of the time schedule in MXGP? Who decides on a modification of the time schedule in S1GP? The Event Management The Race Direction It is the Body that ensures the smooth running of the meeting However, in SuperMoto all decisions will be taken in consultation with the Championship Promotor His requests will be considered but decision is Race Direction
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International Jury (with FIM Race Director) Sidecar / Junior International Jury 1. Jury President / FIM / VR / CV 2. CMS Jury Member / FIM / VR 3. FMNR Jury Member / FMNR / VR Supervises the event Imposes penalties and adjudicate on protests Approves the results As of now, whenever we say “International Jury”, we mean International Jury with FIM Race Director Basically, the same as the International Jury But there is a FIM Race Director who has no responsibility in the organisation of the meeting Clerk of the Course works in permanent consultation with the FIM Race Director
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Nominated by the FIM Nominated by the FMNR FIM Delegate * FIM Race Director * FIM Permanent Technical Director/Steward FIM Medical Director Clinique Médical Mobile - FIM Chief Steward * Clerk of the Course * Chief Technical Steward Chief Medical Officer Timekeeper Environmental Steward - FMNR Steward * Name them Top is Race Direction Bottom is FIM Stewards Panel Time keeper can be FMNR or Championship Promoter (MXGP – SuperMoto) * = voting right in their respective Body Discuss other officials later
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Nominated by the FIM Nominated by the FMNR FIM Jury President * FIM Jury Member * - FIM Race Director FIM Medical Director FMNR Jury Member * Clerk of the Course Chief Medical Officer FMNR Technical Steward FMNR Timekeeper FMNR Environmental Steward FMNR Delegate Name them Top is International Jury * = voting right Discuss other official later
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General Recommended that they speak English or French fluently When on duty at FIM World Champioship/Prize events, must be holder of the appropriate FIM Official’s licence valid for the current year
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New 2016 MXGP MXGP Deputy SnowCross Ingo Partsch Jiri Sitina * Kurt Ljungqvist New 2016 2017 FIM Race Directors * Sitina = MXGP Deputy Race Director * Sitina = in support of Ingo / Europe CMS Experts SuperMoto Sidecar Rodrigo Castro Ralf Piva Jiri Sitina
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FIM Race Director (2/3) FIM Licence: Clerk of the Course SuperLicence / CMS Must be present at least 24h before the start of practice Must inspect circuit and safety installations before the start of the practices Is responsible for the communication between Event Management and Race Direction Inspection = circuit control
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FIM Race Director (3/3) Has no responsibility in the organisation of the event, his duties are for representative or supervision purposes only (unless acting as a Member of the Race Direction) May make suggestions to the Event Management which affect or vary from the programme May, in exceptional circumstances occuring during the Practices or Races and on his own initiative, take decisions which affect or vary from the published programme To Event Management: such as the postponement, stopping or abandonment of the event On his own initative: duration, stopping and re-running of a practice session/race, the disqualification of a rider
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FIM Delegate FIM Licence: Sporting Steward SuperLicence / CMS Chairs the meetings of the FIM Race Direction Exercises supreme control of the event and is responsible for ensuring that all the FIM Regulations are observed Has no responsibility in the organisation of the event, his duties are for representative or supervision purposes only (unless acting as a Member of the Race Direction) Has the casting vote in the Race Direction - CMS Member or Official
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FIM Chief Steward FIM Licence: Sporting Steward SuperLicence / CMS Has no responsibility in the organisation of the event (unless acting as a Member of the FIM Stewards Panel) Gives verdict on appeals against decisions of the Race Direction and is responsible for ensuring that all the FIM Regulations are observed Has the casting vote in the FIM Stewards Panel - CMS Member or Official
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FIM Jury President FIM Licence: Sporting Steward SuperLicence / CMS Chairs the meetings of the International Jury Has no responsibility in the organisation of the event, his duties are for representative or supervision purposes only Must ensure that the decisions of the International Jury conform to the FIM Regulations Has the casting vote in the International Jury - CMS Member or Official
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FIM Jury Member FIM Licence: FIM Sporting Steward SuperLicence / CMS Has no responsibility in the organisation of the event, his duties are for representative or supervision purposes only Must ensure that the decisions of the International Jury conform to the FIM Regulations
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FIM Permanent Technical Director / Steward* (1/2) New 2017 MXGP SuperMoto* MX Sidecars* S1GP* Andy Summers Thomas Suchy Allan Laurimäe Thomas Suchy Are appointed by the Director of the FIM International Technical Commission in consultation with the Director of the FIM Motocross Commission
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FIM Permanent Technical Director / Steward (2/2) FIM Licence: Technical Steward / CTI Must be present for the Technical Verifications and inspect the sound levels of the motorcycles Works in co-operation with the FIM Race Director and FIM Delegate Reports concerns/deficiencies to the FIM Race Director and FIM Delegate and presents proposals to resolve them Is the final arbiter in relation to technical issues at the event
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What does the FIM Permanent Technical Steward have to do in case of a severe or fatal accident? He will examine with the Chief Steward the motorcycles and/or equipment of any rider involved and present a written report to the FIM Delegate
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FIM Medical Director (1/5) MXGP MXGP MXGP David McManus Martin Syrucek Moreno Scevola Are jointly nominated by the CMS and CMI Directors Must be present as of Friday
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FIM Medical Director (2/5) FIM Licence: Chief Medical Officer / CMI The overall aim of having a Medical Director is to ensure: The safety and wellbeing of all participants That the event medical services are in accordance with the FIM Medical Code That all participants are provided with rapid, appropriate and all necessary medical care of the highest standard (in order to so if necessary, attend the hospital)
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FIM Medical Director (3/5) Works in co-operation with the FIM Race Director and the Chief Medical Officer Reports concerns/deficiencies of the medical services to the FIM Race Director and presents proposals to resolve them Is available for medical questions and advice for participants and will liaise with the Chief Medical Officer and medical services on their behalf - Handles the “Rider Management System” (MXGP class) Proposal: also means delaying or cancelling practices or races / Decisions taken by Event Management Advice/question: also for Antidoping requirements “Rider Management System” : kind of a medical passport / Can share info with CMO but Med Dir is sole person with access to FIM database
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FIM Medical Director (4/5) The FIM Medical Director with the Chief Medical Officer: Inspects the circuit the day before the first practice Attends serious incidents and renders assistance as may be necessary Examines all unfit/injured riders to assess their fitness Gives advice as to their fitness to compete
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FIM Medical Director (5/5) Is not responsible for the medical services of the event Is not responsible for medical treatment Can challenge the decision of the Chief Medical Officer in declaring a rider fit or unfit to race Is the final arbiter in relation to medical issues at the event Explain “can challenge” CMI interpretation of the rules
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Centre Médical Mobile (1/3) Mr Ramel
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Centre Médical Mobile (2/3) - In Europe only; a French crew of 3 persons - Have X-Ray and ultra-sound scan facilities In support of the medical services for the event (Local organiser’s medical services must be staffed according to FIM Medical Code requirements) - In cooperation with the FIM Medical Director & CMO of the event Funded by: YouthStream (MXGP-MX2-WMX-MXN) & FIM (JMX)
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Centre Médical Mobile (3/3)
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Clerk of the Course (1/3) FIM Licence: Clerk of the Course SuperLicence / CMS Works in permanent consultation with the FIM Race Director Is responsible for the perfect running and conduct of the event Cannot be at the same time FMNR Steward/FMNR Jury Member
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Clerk of the Course (2/3) Must ensure that the track/installations are in good condition, that all officials, safety, the medical and control services are present, ready to carry out their functions/on duty May make suggestions to the Event Management which affect or vary from the programme
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Clerk of the Course (3/3) Can prevent a rider or motorcycle from starting , or order their withdrawal from the event, if necessary for safety reasons Must notify the Race Direction/International Jury of any protest handed over to him Attends the Race Direction / International Jury Meetings
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What if… The FMNR does not have a Clerk of the Course holding a valid FIM SuperLicence, or when he/she lacks the necessary experience? The CMS will propose an experienced Clerk of the Course holding a valid FIM SuperLicence Usually, it will be one of the FIM Race Directors The goal is that FMNR CoC gets the experience and/or will participate in the Super Licence Seminar The FMNR must pay for the cost
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Chief Technical Steward FIM Licence: Technical Steward / CTI Must verify that the motorcycles and equipment are in accordance with the FIM Regulations Must prepare a written report and hand it to the Clerk of the Course Must examine the motorcycle and equipment of any rider involved in a severe fatal/accident and prepare a written report May attend Race Direction/International Jury meetings but has no voting right
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Chief Timekeeper FIM Licence: Timekeeper / FIM Can also be appointed by the Championship Promotor Must be qualified to use the timekeeping system of the event and produce the official results according to the FIM Regulations If requested by a rider, verify his results Must send the official results to the FIM May attend Race Direction/International Jury meetings but has no voting right
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Chief Medical Officer (1/3) FIM Licence: Chief Medical Officer / CMI Must inform the local hospitals about the event an obtain written confirmation that they are aware of the event and accept to treat participants with minimum delay Must be familiar with the circuit and the organisation of the medical services of the event at which he is appointed Main task on the screen
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Chief Medical Officer (2/3) Must attend Circuit Control and Meeting with the Organisers Works together with the FIM Race Medical Director (if any) Must confirm and ensure that all medical services and staff are briefed, in place and ready to function according to the FIM Medical Code - Confirms all OK but also reports concerns/deficiencies of the medical services and presents proposals to resolve them
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Chief Medical Officer (3/3) Must give information on injured riders to the Race Direction /International Jury Must examine all unfit/injured riders to assess their fitness Must prepare a written report on the accidents that occurred during the event - May attend Race Direction/International Jury meetings but has no voting right
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Environmental Steward FIM Licence: Environmental Steward / CIE Must ensure that the FIM Environmental Code is respected Is responsible for all environmental aspects of the event - Must prepare a report and send it to the FIM Administration May give recommendations on environmental aspect prior to and during the event May attend Race Direction/International Jury meetings but has no voting right
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FMNR / FMN Delegate FIM Licence: Sporting Steward /CMS Must be announced in writing by his FMN to the FMNR at the latest 15 days before the event Represents his FMN’s riders/passengers entered in the event Must explain his questions to the Jury President to the International Jury is aware of all circumstances Has the same rights/obligations as the FMNR Delegate May attend International Jury meetings but has no voting right
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FMNR Member of the International Jury FIM Licence: Sporting Steward / CMS Must ensure that the decisions of the International Jury conform to the FIM Regulations
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FMNR Steward FIM Licence: Sporting Steward / CMS Has no responsibility in the organisation of the event (unless acting as a Member of the FIM Stewards Panel) Gives verdict on appeals against decisions of the Race Direction
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Flag Marshal (1/3) Must be minimum 18 years old Must wear uniform shirts or bibs (in no case yellow or red) Must have participated in a briefing with the Clerk of the Course and/or an official nominated by him New 2016 Are the eyes of the riders The Clerk of the Course must prepare a list of the marshals occupying each post
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Flag Marshal (2/3) - Must be on his position in due time Minimum 2 marshals per post (one to use the flag) (one to give assistance to a rider in the interest of safety) (Additional marshals are recommended at jumps) Must remain available until protest/appeal time has expired
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Flag Marshal (3/3) - Must have a whistle - Medical flag at each post New position of the marshal on the track New 2016
Bodies & Officials 49 Thank you and Ride with us!
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