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# 1 18.06.08 The Land Administration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Presentation of Master of Science Thesis Jan van Bennekom-Minnema MSc Programme GIMA
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 2 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Agenda Introduction –Highlight main topics and MSc thesis project Details on Research Topics –Land Administration Domain Model, Model Driven Architecture, constraints in UML models, Kadaster survey measurements Model Driven Architecture Prototype –Transformations from PIM to PSM –Analysis of quality/accuracy of Dutch cadastral map Conclusion –Revisit research question, conclusions, recommendations Research TopicsMDA PrototypeConclusionIntroduction
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 3 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture INTRODUCTION Land Administration Domain Model 'Survey Package' Object Constraint Language Model Driven Architecture Kadaster Project "Registration Map Quality" MSc Thesis Project –Objective –Research Question –Approach Abbreviations LADM = Land Administration Domain Model LADM SP = LADM's Survey Package MDA = Model Driven Architecture PIM = Platform Independent Model (e.g. LADM) PSM = Platform Specific Model (e.g. for PostGIS) OCL = Object Constraint Language EA = Enterprise Architect (-> UML/MDA tool) Introduction
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 4 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Land Administration Domain Model 'Survey Package' Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) –UML class diagram [Lemmen and Van Oosterom, 2006] –ISO 19152 standard [ISO/TC211, 2008] Goals –Extensible basis for IS development, based on Model Driven Architecture (MDA) LADM packages –Core elements: Registered Object, RRR (Rights, Responsibilities, Restrictions) & Persons –5 LADM packages around core elements Focus on: Survey Package –Measurements of immovable objects –Representations of objects on the cadastral map Introduction
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 5 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Object Constraint Language Object Constraint Language (OCL) [OMG, 2006b] –UML is not capable of modelling every kind of constraint –Extension of the UML diagrams to formally describe constraints –No support for spatial data types and operations Example OCL constraint –Based on LADM Core Elements OCL invariant: context RegisterObject inv SumOfShares: self.RRR.share->sum()=1 or self.RRR->size()=0 Written constraint: the sum of all shares of a certain right (RRR) on a specific RegisterObject should be 1 Rights, Responsibilities and Restrictions Introduction
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 6 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Model Driven Architecture Model Driven Architecture [OMG, 2003] –Generate information systems (semi) automatically –Based on platform independent models Input: Platform Independent Model (PIM) –The LADM Survey Package UML Class Diagram (+ OCL) –Independent of implementation technology (e.g. PostGIS) E.g. classes, attributes, associations Output: Platform Specific Models (PSM) –The LADM 'Survey Package' PostgreSQL/PostGIS database –Specific for target platform (i.e. PostGIS) E.g. tables, columns, primary key and check constraints, views, triggers Introduction
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 7 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Kadaster Project "Registration Map Quality" Case Study: Project "Registration Map Quality" –NL: "Registratie Kaart Kwaliteit" –Survey Measurements Differences between: –Measured coordinates of parcels & buildings –Adjusted (Transferred) coordinates of parcels & buildings to fit in the cadastral map (with existing objects) Survey Measurements from Kadaster –April 2006 - December 2007 –Analysis of Quality / Accuracy of Cadastral Map Graphical Precision: difference = max. 20 cm in urban area and 40 cm in rural area Introduction
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 8 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture MSc Thesis Project Objectives and Research Question Objectives –Investigate the possibilities and limitations of the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach –Establish an extension of the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) with regard to its Survey Package Research Question How can the Land Administration Domain Model 'Survey Package' be implemented and deployed based on Model Driven Architecture principles, and how can the Land Administration Domain Model 'Survey Package' be extended and improved? Introduction
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 9 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture MSc Thesis Project Sub-topics Evaluation of LADM 'Survey Package' –Literature research Evaluation of Model Driven Architecture –Literature research & MDA Prototype experiments Evaluation of constraints in data modelling –Literature research and MDA Prototype experiments Case Study –Literature research and analysis of processes, tools and data for survey measurements Create MDA Prototype to implement Adapted LADM 'Survey Package' –MDA Prototype experiments Compliance with MDA concepts Degree of automatic MDA transformations Standard support and required custom development by MDA tool (i.e. EA) Introduction
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 10 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Introduction - Summary Prepare an Platform Independent Model (PIM) –Adapted LADM 'Survey Package' Build a MDA Prototype –To Transform PIM into Platform Specific Model (PSM) –Target PSM = PostGIS –Based on Enterprise Architect (EA) Create PostGIS database –Generate DDL scripts to automatically create database Load Kadaster data –Analyse survey measurements -> quality/accuracy cadastral map Next: Research Topics IntroductionResearch Topics
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 11 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture DETAILS on RESEARCH TOPICS LADM Survey Package –Adapted LADM Survey Package Model Driven Architecture –Process Constraints in Data Modelling –Object Constraint Language (OCL) –Implementation examples Research Topics
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 12 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture LADM Survey Package Recommendations for extension –Minor errors reported –Preliminary recommendations, e.g. SurveyProject Publications relevant for extension –Observations and Measurements [Open Geospatial Consortium, 2006b] –Survey Record Management System [Lee, 2005] Adapted LADM Survey Package –To serve as input PIM for MDA prototype –To be able to contain the Survey Measurement data (Kadaster) Research Topics
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 13 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Research Topics Adapted LADM 'Survey Package' PIM / UML class diagram SurveyProject SurveyDocument SurveyPoint
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 14 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Research Topics Platform Independent Model (PIM) Adapted LADM 'Survey Package' PostGIS: geometry POINT POLYGON Etc. Platform Specific data types and operations Platform Specific Model (PSM) Target platform PostgreSQL/PostGIS Platform Specific implementation code (e.g. DDL & DML) Platform Independent data types and operations MDA Transformation Rules: Class to Table Generate Primary Key Enumeration Class Etc. Platform Specific Transformation Specification ISO19107: GM_Point GM_Polygon Etc. Model Driven Architecture Process
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 15 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Object Constraint Language Implementation example (1) Simple constraint for multiple attributes "startDate" must be before "endDate" OCL invariant for multiple attribute: context SurveyProject inv startDateBeforeEndDate: self.startDate < self.endDate Implemented as table check constraint Table survey_project CHECK ( start_date < end_date ) Research Topics
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 16 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Research Topics Object Constraint Language Implementation example (2) Complex constraint for multiple classes Sum of "share" must be equal to 1 (Not in thesis report -> FIG WW Stockholm) OCL invariant for multiple classes: context RegisterObject inv SumOfShares: self.RRR.share->sum()=1 or self.RRR->size()=0 Implemented as OCL View used in database trigger(s) create view v_ocl_sum_of_shares as select self.oid from register_object self, right_responsibility_restriction rrr where self.oid = rrr.register_object.oid having sum(rrr.share) = 1 OCL View: returns records that violate the OCL invariant
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 17 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Research Topics - Summary Adapted LADM 'Survey Package' defined (PIM) MDA process from PIM to PSM –Platform Specific Transformation Rules Set of MDA transformation rules, one for each PIM element Constraint (OCL) implementation examples Next: MDA Prototype Research TopicsMDA Prototype
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 18 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture MDA PROTOTYPE MDA Prototype Setup –Based on Enterprise Architect [Sparx Systems, 2007] –Transformations from PIM to PSM Result: Platform Specific Model –For Adapted LADM 'Survey Package' Analysis of Quality of Dutch Cadastral Map MDA Prototype
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 19 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture C# Windows Forms –5800 lines of source code –90% custom developed –demonstration MDA Prototype Setup MDA Prototype
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 20 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Transformations from PIM to PSM MDA Prototype Functionality First Transformation from PIM to PSM-1 –Transformation of PIM elements (UML class diagram) –based on EA functionality: Transformation Definitions Second Transformation from PSM-1 to PSM-2 –Fine-tuning of PSM elements (UML class diagram) –based on MDA Prototype in C# /.NET (EA SDK) Third Transformation from PIM OCL to PSM-2 –Initial experiments with OCL invariants –based on MDA Prototype in C# /.NET (EA SDK) Generate database creation scripts –E.g. Tables, Geometry Columns, Primary, Unique and Foreign Key constraints, Check constraints, Indexes, Views MDA Prototype
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 21 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Research Topics Model Driven Architecture Transformation Rules Object Oriented UML (PIM) –Class –Attribute –PIM data type GM_Point (ISO19107) GM_Polygon (ISO19107) –Association –Super & Sub Class Flattening of class hierarchy branch –Enumeration Class –CodeList Class –Attribute with [0..*] bounds Relational DBMS (PSM) –Table + Primary Key constraint –Column –PSM data type POINT (PostGIS) POLYGON (PostGIS) –Foreign Key Constraint –One Table Inherited columns for super class attributes –Check constraint –'Look-up' table –Child table with foreign key MDA Transformation Rule for each PIM element
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 22 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture MDA Prototype Example MDA Transformation Rule: 1) Column Data type –PIM: StringGM_PointGM_MultiSurface –PSM: varchar(100)POINTMULTIPOLYGON PIM PSM: PostGIS
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 23 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Example MDA Transformation Rule: 2) Transformation of Super and Sub Classes Super class SourceDocument –Inherited by table legal_document and survey_document Super class SourceDocument PIMPSM: PostGIS MDA Prototype Sub class LegalDocument Sub class SourceDocumen t
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 24 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture MDA Prototype Example MDA Transformation Rule: 3) Transformation of > class Enumeration class SurveyPointQuality –Implemented as check constraint check_survey_point_quality PIMPSM: PostGIS
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 25 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture MDA Prototype Result: Platform Specific Model (PSM) Adapted LADM 'Survey Package' in PostGIS Platform Independent Model (PIM)Platform Specific Model: PostGIS
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 26 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture The Netherlands (April 2006 - Dec. 2007) Connection Points –Of existing objects –Measured Coordinate –Transferred Coordinate –Used for analysis of quality/accuracy of cadastral map MDA Prototype Difference between measured and transferred coordinate Max 20 cm in Urban area Max. 40 cm in Rural area Population of PostGIS Survey Measurements
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 27 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Analysis of provided data Cadastral Office National level 20 cm MDA Prototype Difference between measured and transferred coordinate Max 20 cm in Urban area Max. 40 cm in Rural area
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 28 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Analysis of provided data Cadastral Section Outside Kadaster Norm –Less than 95% of measurements within resp. 20 and 40 cm MDA Prototype
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 29 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture MDA Prototype - Summary Custom developed MDA prototype (C#) Based on possibilities Enterprise Architect Based on specified MDA transformation rules Automatically generates PSM from PIM Automatically generates DDL creation scripts Analysis of cadastral map accuracy performed Next: Demonstration MDA Prototype Next: Conclusion MDA PrototypeConclusion
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 30 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Demonstration MDA Prototype From PIM to PostGIS (database create scripts) SurveyProject, SurveyDocument & SurveyPoint MDA Prototype
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 31 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Conclusions Research objective reviewed Conclusions on MSc thesis project Recommendations for Future Conclusion
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 32 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Research objective reviewed Focus on Model Driven Architecture –"to gain experience with Model Driven Architecture (MDA) by performing a literature study, and by creating a prototype of the (adapted) LADM Survey Package, based on MDA principles". Performed partially –the analysis of the quality / accuracy of cadastral map differences between measured and transferred coordinates of connection points –the involvement of OCL constraints in the MDA prototype Limited amount of experiments –the extension and improvement of the LADM 'Survey Package' Conclusion
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 33 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Conclusions (1) MDA Prototype Automatically transforms PIM to PSM –PIM -> PSM -> PostGIS –complaint with MDA concept [OMG, 2003] –Based on Enterprise Architect Solution for difference between O-O (PIM) and relational DBMS (PSM) –Based on Platform specific transformation specification MDA transformation rules –Considerable custom development required Conclusion
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 34 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Conclusions (2) Transform and implement Geometric data types and operations –Transforming geometric data types e.g. GM_Point, GM_LineString, GM_Polygon –No Topology -> future research Constraints assessed and classified for implementation –Object Constraint Language (OCL) extension of UML -> constraints that cannot be recorded in UML. –Implementation by row and statement level triggers –Custom development of a "transaction management mechanism" required Conclusion
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 35 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Conclusions (3) Analysis of quality of the cadastral map at different levels –required "graphical precision" (20/40 cm) is obtained at level of Cadastral Offices –individual cases exist at cadastral section level need analysis Conclusion
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 36 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Recommendations (1) Improve the standard MDA transformations in Enterprise Architect –Support more complex MDA transformation rules by EA Not only the EA Software Developers Kit (~ custom development) –Support OCL Enhance the current MDA Prototype –Aimed at changes to existing target databases –Support additional MDA transformation rules Conclusion
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 37 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Recommendations (2) Build MDA Transformation Tool based on XMI –Independent of commercially available tool –Based on XMI (input/output) [OMG, 2005] –Variation of MDA transformation rules for UML and OCL Further research into combination of MDA, OCL, Geometry, and Topology –Other geometric data types and operations –Topological data types, structures and operations Conclusion
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 38 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Recommendations (3) Extend the OCL with spatial definitions –Spatial data types and operations –Platform independent level: e.g. ISO19107 –Platform specific level: e.g. ISO/IEC 13249 SQL/MM Extend the LADM 'Survey Package' –Resolution of errors and improvements (from MSc thesis report) –Publications on survey measurement related areas [Ingvarsson, 2005, Lee, 2005, Open Geospatial Consortium, 2006b]. Conclusion
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 39 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Recommendations (4) Further analysis of quality of the Cadastral Map –Outliers in the data –Which sections are Urban and which are Rural? –Cadastral Sections with less than 95% within 40 cm range Implement improvements with regard to Survey Measurement Handling –Currently based on different and separated applications –Not all data is preserved (digitally and centrally) –Recommended: Permanent storage in an integrated structured database with constraint validation and handling –Possible result: improving the (less accurate) cadastral map with (more accurate) measurements in stead of the reverse Conclusion
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 40 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Sources MSc Thesis & MDA Prototype source – – FIG Working Week 2008, Stockholm –The Model Driven Architecture Approach Applied to the Land Administration Domain Model Version 1.1 - with Focus on Constraints Specified in the Object Constraint Language – Future articles –Currently planning sub-sequent article MDA/OCL Conclusion
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 41 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Discussion Thank you for your attention Next: Discussion IntroductionConclusionMDA PrototypeResearch Topics
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 42 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture BACKUP
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 43 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture OCL Example (1) Constraint for one attribute "name" must be in uppercase OCL invariant for attribute: context CadastralMunicipality inv nameUppercase: = Implemented as table check constraint Table cadastral_municipality CHECK ( name = upper(name) ) Research Topics
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 44 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Research Topics Implementation of Constraints Row, Statement, Transaction level Example Transaction –Group of insert, update, delete statements –SurveyProject, SurveyDocument, SurveyPoint
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 45 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Research Topics 1st phase free network adjustment Various measurements of one (1) point Local and/or Dutch RijksDriehoek spatial reference system Create one (1) Measured coordinate Input 2nd phase adjustment
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 46 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Research Topics 2nd phase control point constraint network adjustment Convert measured coordinate to fit into the cadastral map Result: Transferred coordinate –In cadastral map
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 47 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture MDA Prototype Example MDA Transformation Rule: 2) Column Cardinality Column errors of type ProjectMessage –With cardinality [0..*] –Implemented as child table errors_survey_project PIM PSM: PostGIS
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 48 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture MDA Prototype MDA Prototype Setup Enterprise Architect Based on Enterprise Architect EA = UML modelling tool –PIM: Adapted LADM 'Survey Package' –PSM: e.g. PostgreSQL/PostGIS OCL support is limited in EA –Limited validation / no transformation & implementation EA supports MDA transformation –EA Transformation Definitions –EA Software Developers Kit –Aimed at custom development
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 49 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture MDA Prototype Example MDA Transformation Rule: 5) Transformation of > class CodeList class SurveyDocumentType –Implemented as look-up table codelist_surveydocumenttype PIM PSM: PostGIS
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 50 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Implementation of Constraints SQL sub select in base table check constraint ALTER TABLE survey_document ADD CONSTRAINT amount_of_survey_points CHECK (not exists (select count(spt.source_oid) from survey_point spt where oid = spt.source_oid having not (count(spt.source_oid) = 0 or count(spt.source_oid) > 2) ) ); SQL standard [ISO/IEC, 2003] –Assertions –Sub selects in base table check constraints –Suitable, but not possible/available SQL Assertion create assertion amount_of_survey_points Check (not exists (select * from v_ocl_amount_of_survey_points)); Research Topics
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 51 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture MDA Prototype Open Source Tools PostgreSQL / PostGIS database – & uDig: visualisation of the geographic information – 7.5 million records provided by Kadaster
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 52 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Research Topics Kadaster Project "Registration Map Quality" Handling of Survey Measurements 1st phase free network adjustment –Input: various survey measurements of one point –Output: one Measured Coordinate 2nd phase control point constraint network adjustment –Input: Measured Coordinate –Output: Transferred Coordinates for Parcels and buildings on cadastral map Survey Measurements are "fitted in" the cadastral map
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 53 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Research Topics Quality of cadastral map Difference Measured and Transferred Coordinate –i.e. before and after 2nd phase adjustments –Graphical Precision: max. 20 cm in urban & 40 cm in rural area –Kadaster Norm: Graphical Precision: valid for 95% of survey measurements
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 54 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Analysis of provided data Cadastral Municipality Difference between measured and transferred coordinate Max 20 cm. in Urban area Max. 40 cm. in Rural area MDA Prototype
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 55 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Constraints in Data modelling Implementation possibilities in target PSM RDBMS standard provided functionality, e.g.: mandatory columns (i.e NOT NULL) primary key constraint unique key constraint foreign key constraint Base table Check constraints Research Topics
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 56 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Constraints in Data modelling Implementation possibilities in target PSM Alternative: Table triggers using OCL Views –Row level; firing for each record –Statement level; firing for a group of records for one table –Some (more complex) constraints require triggers at Transaction Level For example: the "SumOfShares" constraint SQL standard –SQL assertion –Sub-select statements in check-constraints Transaction Management Mechanism –Handling records for multiple tables –Requires a custom development Research Topics Not available
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 57 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture MDA Prototype C# Windows Forms –5800 lines of source code –90% custom developed Input: –Platform Independent Model Output: PSM –Platform Specific Model PIM PSM MDA Prototype Setup Adapted LADM 'Survey Package' Target platform PostgreSQL/PostGIS
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 58 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Population of PostGIS Parcels and Buildings Province of Utrecht MDA Prototype
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 59 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Population of PostGIS Cadastral Office, Municipalities, Sections The Netherlands MDA Prototype Municipality Houten Section K
Master of Science Thesis Presentation # Research Topics IntroductionMDA PrototypeConclusion 60 18.06.08 The Land Aministration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture
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