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A Walk in the Desert Vocabulary Practice.

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1 A Walk in the Desert Vocabulary Practice

2 Most deserts have hot, dry ______.
swallows climate eerie lumbering

3 That was Brilliant! climate – noun – the average weather conditions of a place or region through the year

4 Try again.

5 We heard an owl’s ____ hooting as we walked home in the dark.
swallows silken eerie climate

6 That was Brilliant! eerie – adjective – strange in a scary way

7 Put a ________ hippo in the water and it becomes a graceful swimmer.
climate eerie lurk lumbering

8 That was Brilliant! lumbering – adjective – moving in a slow, clumsy way

9 Many animals _____ in their dens to escape the heat of the day.
eerie lumbering lurk shimmer

10 That was Brilliant! lurk – verb – to lie hidden

11 Antonio wrote a poem about the girl’s long _____ hair.
lumbering lurk shimmer silken

12 That was Brilliant! silken – adjective – like silk in appearance

13 Kathy’s sore throat hurts every time she ______.
shimmer swallows climate silken

14 That was Brilliant! swallows – verb – causes food or other substances to pass from the mouth to the stomach

15 The walls of the canyon began to ______ in the rays of the setting sun.
lurk shimmer silken swallows

16 That was Brilliant! Shimmer – verb – to shine with a faint, wavering light; glimmer

17 Susan Ging Lent Production
Words are Fun See you next week Susan Ging Lent Production

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