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Resources Unit 5 Week 3 Day 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Resources Unit 5 Week 3 Day 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resources Unit 5 Week 3 Day 2

2 Question of the Week: How can stories be used to explain the workings of nature?

3 Greek and Latin Roots Many English words have Greek and Latin roots that can provide clues to the word’s meaning Root Meaning Origin Example ven to come Latin venture pod foot Greek tripod spec to look at spectacle amb around, about amble mem mindful remember

4 Literary Terms: Onomatopoeia and Alliteration
Onomatopoeia and alliteration are sound devices Onomatopoeia are words that sound like their meanings Ex: hiss, smack, buzz Alliteration is the repetition of a consonant sound at the beginning of words or within words Ex: A dime a dozen. Ex: Sally sells sea shells by the seashore.

5 Cause and Effect: Cause: what makes something happen
Effect: something that happens as the result of the cause

6 This, That, These, and Those
Grammar transparency

7 Independent Work: Finish 5.2 Vocabulary (due tomorrow)
5.2 Spelling Menu Read choice novel

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