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Exceptions to Octet Rule

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1 Exceptions to Octet Rule
Lewis Structures & Stability Multiple Bonds Bond Energies Resonance Exceptions to Octet Rule

2 Stability and Bond Energies
Bond energy is a measure of stability. Bond energy – amount of energy required to break a bond holding two atoms together. The values of bond energies decrease in order: triple > double > single. Example: N2 > O2 > H2

3 Bond Length Bond length – distance of separation of the bonded nuclei
Bond length is related to the presence or absence of multiple bonding. Bond length decreases as the number of bonds increase: single > double > triple

4 Resonance In some cases, it is possible to write more than one Lewis structure that satisfies the octet rule. Experimental evidence shows no double bond exists. The actual structure is a hybrid of these two.

5 Draw the resonance structures for:
Practice - Resonance Draw the resonance structures for: Ozone (O3) Benzene (C6H6)

6 Ozone

7 Benzene

8 Exceptions to the Octet
Incomplete octet Example: BeH2 Applies only to B and Be Odd electron molecules Example: NO Expanded octet Example: PF5 Applies to non-metals in periods 3-7 These elements have empty d-orbitals for excited electrons to jump into, creating more bonding sites

9 Homework Pages 99 and 101 Problem #’s 4.17 – 4.20

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