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What Makes PAS Different

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1 What Makes PAS Different
Peter McGratty, CFA Vice President, Strategic Partnerships

2 A Comprehensive Solution Set
Core Financial Planning Research Multi-Strategy Investment Platform Private-Labeled Marketing Collateral Practice Management Consulting Continuity & Succession Plans Comprehensive Client Relationship Team Integrated Technology Compliance Support (AdvisorAssist) Pinnacle has expanded our solution set considerably over the last couple years. So I want to spend a few moments setting the playing field for a broader discussion about how these solutions are differentiating. The Core Solution … A robust investment solution at its center to provide clients choice and free advisor time. Bundled services to help an advisor service clients and build their firms more effectively. The Comprehensive Solution … Starts with the Core Solution Then adds additional time saving solutions associate with the “back office”.

3 A Growing Set of Solutions
2015 Dynamic Market Strategy Dynamic Quant Strategy Client Relationship Group Integrated Technology Advisor Center 2016 Strategic Market Strategy Compliance Support Annual Partners Forum “Lunch and Learn” with Michael Kitces Technology for Data Aggregation This is a quick summary of some of the newest solutions added over the last couple years. I want to zero in on those highlighted in yellow and orange in the next two slides …

4 Rounding Out Multi-Strategy Platform
Strategies Strategic Market Dynamic Market Dynamic Prime Dynamic Quant Strategic Market Classic Strategic “Buy & Hold” Least Risk Management Four Risk Models 20 Asset Class Portfolio Rebalancing on Tolerance Bands ETFs: Low Expense Ratios and NTF Pinnacle rolled out its multi-strategy platform in 2015. The idea is that there are multiple strategies that will help clients reach their retirement goals, but each involves different risks. Pinnacle now offers the four strategies listed here. Each offers an increasing amount of risk management. Ken will spend more time on the unique value of this platform shortly. This month we are rolling out a Strategic Market Strategy to round out the platform. Describe the Strategy.

5 Added New “Back Office” Solution Set
Client Relationship Group Custodial Work, Client Billing & Client Reporting Integrated Technology Platform Best-in-Class technology for anytime and anywhere access to client info Compliance Support via Advisor Assist Pinnacle also rolled out a new “Back Office” Solution set to further relieve our partners from non-client facing activities. As always, these solutions are created in response to your feedback. Indeed 5 partners already in the onboarding process for this new solution.

6 Why Pinnacle Partnership Matters to Clients?
Access to Large Firm Resources, Delivered with Small Firm Touch In keeping with the theme of this conference, the big question is … … Why does this partnership matter to clients? The simple answer is …. … A partnership with Pinnacle allows you to provide clients the personal touch of a small firm … … with the resources of a large leading national firm. Indeed many advisors – including some in this room – left larger RIAs specifically to preserve the freedom to service clients your way.

7 Focus on Client Facing Activities
Pinnacle Frees 40-80% of Your Time by Assuming Busywork Enables You to Focus on Serving Clients & Prospects Enables You to Reinvest in Planning and Niche Specialization. The first advantage of this partnership is that it frees your time to focus on two differentiating efforts … It provides you more time to focus on clients. Lost clients are often due to lack of such personal attention. It allows you the time to invest in your general financial planning expertise as well as a niche specialization so you stay high value added and differentiated. Michael Kitces will spend more time on this topic with you this afternoon.

8 Differentiated Resources for the Client
Access to Michael Kitces Planning Expertise Multi-Strategy Investment Platform Client Level Investment Customization Comprehensive Technology Solutions In addition to freeing your time for high valued add client facing activities, Pinnacle provides several differentiated resources that will improve your client experience … Michael Kitces is one of the leading minds in financial planning and our partners have unique access to his research to stay abreast of the latest developments and techniques as well as Michael himself to help with specific client situations. Pinnacle has developed a multi-strategy investment platform. This platform sets the stage for a very unique two-step conversation with clients so they are invested in a suitable fashion for their circumstances. This platform provides choice. Affirms your role as a consultant. And improves client education and expectations setting. Ken Solow will spend more time with you on this topic. Pinnacle was the first commercial customer of iRebal – a trading and rebalancing tool that facilitates client level customization in the investment process not offered by other service providers and often not offered by even the most sophisticated wealth managers. These include Managing at the household level to reduce transaction costs and facilitate client communication Tax location in addition to more traditional tax management techniques. Customization for handling cash set-asides and client billing. And more. Comprehensive Technology Solution. Most firms do not have the resources to develop a best-in-class technology solution. Enables you to have access to comprehensive client information. Integrated Orion and Salesforce last year. Integrating Worldox and ByAllAccounts this year. Enables you to provide data security to clients. Expanding our ability to provide all information and to start the process at the “point of sale”.

9 An Exclusive Group Access to Senior Level Team Personal Service
Greater Facility for Customization Wealth managers supported by other third party solutions have told us they … No access to senior level management or to portfolio managers. Service levels can be poor due to employee turnover. The service provider often contacts the end client without consent and using its own branding. Pinnacle specifically chose to work with a select group of wealth managers. Those with similar values and philosophy. And those that we believe we can enable with our resources. We do this specifically to ensure the best service possible so you can provide the best service to your clients.

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