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2 History of Cells Robert Hooke (1665)- Hooke first observed cells in a piece of cork. Hooke was the first to give them the name cells. Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1673)- The first person to observe living cells.

3 What are we made of ?

4 What are cells ? Cells are the building blocks of life
Too small to be seen without a microscope Cells are different shapes and sizes.

5 Cell Theory All living things are made of cells
Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things All cells come from other cells

6 Cell Theory Matthias Schleiden- concluded that all plants are made of cells. Theodor Schwan- Schwan came to the same conclusion as Schleiden except his idea applied to animals. Rudolf Virchow- Came to the conclusion that all cells come from previous cells. All three scientists made contributions to the cell theory.


8 CELLS ARE NOT ALL ALIKE Cells have many different shapes, sizes and functions. Your body has 200 different types of cells.

9 Surface Area The size of all cells are limited by their surface area to volume ratio. If cells became too large they would not be absorb nutrients and remove waste throughout the entire cell.

10 Shape Helps Function A diversity of shape effects the diversity of function Example: Nerve Cell




14 Two Main Types of Cells Eukaryotic Cells Prokaryotic Cells

15 Prokaryotic Cells The simplest form of cells
- Lack complex membrane bound organelles and have no nucleus. - Bacteria are Prokaryotic cells Single cell organisms Prokaryotic cells existed on earth long before eukaryotic cells.


17 Types of Bacteria E-coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus

18 Eukaryotic Cells More complex than Prokaryotic Cells
CONTAIN MEMBRANE BOUND ORGANELLES Contain a nucleus -Make up the cells of most plants and animals -10 to 50 µm or .002 inches.

19 Eukaryotic Prokaryotic

20 Eukaryotic Cells

21 Organelles Organelles- Part of the cell that performs a specific job.

22 Multicellular organization
Cells → Tissues → Organ → Organ System



25 Cell Membrane Functions (Found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic)
Separates the cell from its surroundings Gatekeeper Regulates what enters and exits the cell. Protection Protects and supports the cell and also gives the cell its shape. Communication between cells Allows messages to be passed through out the entire organism.

26 Cell Membrane (also called plasma membrane)
Selectively permeable Allows certain molecules to enter while keeping others out. Lipid bilayer Made of phospholipids Have a polar head and two nonpolar tails Hydrophilic phosphate head and hydrophobic fatty acid tails.

27 Lipid Bilayer

28 Parts of the Membrane Peripheral Proteins Integral Proteins
Found inside or outside the membrane Integral Proteins Imbedded in the membrane Act as channels for molecules to pass through Can also act as a pump for molecules to pass through Carbohydrates Hold cells together Docking sites Communication


30 Fluid Mosaic Model Molecules can move laterally
Membrane more like a liquid Be able to describe the fluid mosaic model


32 Cell Wall Found in plants only Provides support and protection
Membrane found inside of cell wall

33 Notice Notice cells are 3-d not flat

34 Cytoplasm (found in all cells)
Everything that lies between membrane and nucleus A jelly like substance called cytosol Allows material to move around in the cell

35 The Nucleus

36 Nucleus Eukaryotic cells only Command Center
Stores genetic information

37 Structure of the Nucleus
The nucleus has three main parts Nuclear Envelope- Membrane that surrounds the nucleus also a bilayer Nuclear pores- small openings in the envelope Nucleolus- location where ribosome are made

38 Draw Picture of Nucleus



41 Ribosomes Found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic
Organelle where proteins are made Free floating ribosomes Make proteins for inside the cytoplasm Other ribosomes attach to ER Makes proteins for the membrane to be exported


43 Golgi apparatus (in plants and animal cells)
Works closely with the ER Process, packaging and secreting organelle of the cell. Sorts and packages proteins made by the rough ER.


45 Endoplasmic reticulum (In plants and animal cells)
A complex network that transports material throughout the inside of the cell Name often shortened to ER Two types Rough ER Smooth ER


47 Rough ER Has ribosome attached to its surface
Intercellular highway, a pathway for molecules to move throughout the cell. Manufactures proteins for the membrane and for those to be shipped out of the cell

48 Smooth ER No ribosomes on surface
Participates in the making and breaking down of lipids Used to detoxify our cells of drugs like alcohol



51 Mitochondria (in animal and plant cells)
Power Station Makes chemical energy into usable energy (ATP) Cells with highest energy need, have the most mitochondria Found in both plants and animal cells More found in animal cells


53 Chloroplasts PLANTS ONLY Chloroplasts Found only in plant cells
Converts sunlight into chemical energy Site of photosynthesis. 6H20 + 6CO2 + energy → C6H12O6 + 6O2 Ultimate source of energy on earth is the sun.


55 Lysosomes Spherical membrane bound sacs that contain digestive enzymes
Able to destroy invading viruses and bacteria Also used to dispose of unwanted organelles Rarely found in plant cells



58 Vacuoles (found in plants and animal cells)
Stores materials such as water, salts, proteins and carbohydrates Often found swollen in plant cells Also where cellular waste is stored


60 Cytoskeleton (in plants and animals
Provides support for cell Located in cytosol Two major components of cytoskeleton Microtubules Microfiliments

61 Centriole Small cylindrical shaped organelle which aids in cell division. Often located near the nucleus.

62 Cilia Short thread like structures found on the outside of cell
Can move cells in water or can move substances across cell surface EX: Lungs


64 Flagella Long whip like structure on outside surface of cell
Used for movement


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