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Financial Market Theory

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1 Financial Market Theory
Thursday, October 4, 2018 Professor Edwin T Burton

2 The Capital Asset Pricing Model
Markowitz – mean, variance analysis Tobin – the role of the risk free rate Sharpe (and others) – beta and the market basket October 4, 2018

3 Main Conclusion of Markowitz Theory
Mean Boundary of “feasible” portfolios “Efficient” Portfolios σ σ October 4, 2018

4 Tobin’s Result Mean Use of Leverage E Risk Free Asset
Standard Deviation October 4, 2018

5 The Capital Asset Pricing Model
Markowitz – mean, variance analysis Tobin – the role of the risk free rate Sharpe (and others) – beta and the market basket October 4, 2018

6 Capital Asset Pricing Model
Makes all the same assumptions as Tobin model But Tobin’s model is about “one person” CAPM puts Tobin’s model in equilibrium, by assuming that everyone faces the same portfolio choice problem as in Tobin’s problem Only difference between people in CAPM is that each has their own preferences (utility function) October 4, 2018

7 CAPM – two conclusions M – the “efficient” basket
Bill Sharpe M – the “efficient” basket The pricing rule based upon “beta” October 4, 2018

8 Capital Market Line M Rf Mean What is M ?
Answer: contains all “positively” priced assets, weighted by their “market” values. Rf STDD October 4, 2018

9 i = Rf + i [M – Rf] i M Security Market Line Mean Rf
Beta 1 October 4, 2018

10 Things to think about Beta is not volatility Beta can be negative
M contains everything of value, weighted by market value Excess return ≡ E[R] – Rf “Beta equation” relates excess returns October 4, 2018

11 How do you test this theory
You need M Or some proxy for M Usually S&P500 or Russell 3000 used as a proxy for M in beta calculations October 4, 2018

12 Richard Roll’s Critique (1977)
Using a proxy for M won’t work CAPM could be false But the proxy might make it look true CAPM might be true But tests using the proxy might make it look false Conclusion: theory is not testable unless you have the true M October 4, 2018

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