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ArcScene: Spatial Analyst

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Presentation on theme: "ArcScene: Spatial Analyst"— Presentation transcript:

1 ArcScene: Spatial Analyst
“I can fly” I can fly

2 Find & Start Arc Scene I can fly

3 Add DEM Suggestion use Mt. St. Helens – Geodata—NW Region
I can fly

4 Now use Navigate tool to move around
I can fly

5 Create 3D rendition – go to Properties
I can fly

6 Layer Properties – Base Heights Click “Obtain heights for layer…” radio button
I can fly

7 Now you can Navigate as before or fly with the little birdie
Place bird over the DEM I can fly

8 Flying Right mouse click to fly up or out of the scene,
Left mouse click to fly down of into the scene If you get lost click speed to zero and go to full extant I can fly

9 Video Capture – add Animation toolbar
I can fly

10 I can fly

11 I can fly

12 I can fly

13 I can fly

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