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Asian Concrete Federation (ACF)
Korea, Japan, and India were the three key countries who launched the ACF eleven years ago. Thanks to the contribution of all ACF members, ACF will be one of the three major International Concrete Federation in the world. Prof. Manyop Han President of ACF Yi Sun-Shin Bridge, Main Span 1,545m, The 4th Longest Bridge in the world 01 / 32
Asian Concrete Federation (ACF)
History, Organization, Activity and Publications of ACF will be shown. 1. History 2. Organization 3. Activity 4. Publications Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, Main Span 1,991m, The Longest Bridge in the World 02 / 32
1. History of ACF □ Asia in the world
The Increasing Importance of Asia - 32% of Land mass of the World is Asia - 61% of World Population lives in Asia - 33% of World Gross Production (2015) -> 39% (2017) - 40% of World Construction (2015) -> 43% (2020) 39% Economy 33% Before the Introduction of the ACF, we’d rather briefly review the Increasing Importance of the Asia. 32% of Land Mass of the World is Asia. 61% of World Population lives in Asia. Asian Economic Growth for the last 40 years, is even more dramatic, 33% of World Gross Production in 2015 will be increased to 39% in 2020 which shows the growth of the Asian economic power. Naturally, very active construction is going on in Asia. 40% of the World Construction in 2015 will also be increased to 43% in 2020. Asia 60.8 % Population 03 / 32
1. History of ACF □ Beginning
Asian Concrete Forum – Preliminary Meeting for ACF - 1st Forum : July 2001, Sapporo, Japan, Hosted by JCI - 2nd Forum: Oct 2002, Seoul, Korea, Hosted by KCI - 3rd Forum: Sep 2003, Pune, India, Hosted by ICI Asian Concrete Forum in 2001 was the beginning of the ACF. We had three consecutive Forums at Sapporo, in 2001, at Seoul, in 2002, and at Pune, in 2003. 04 / 32
1. History of ACF □ Beginning
The Asian Concrete Federation (ACF) started in 2004. The first ACF Conference held at Chiangmai, Thailand The first Executive Council (EC) Position Country Name Affiliation President Japan Prof. Taketo Uomoto Director of ICUS Vice Korea Thailand Prof. Keunjoo Byun Dr. Pichai Nimityongskul President of KSCE President of TCA EC Member India Indonesia Nepal Philippines Taipei Vietnam Prof. Mahesh Tandon Dr. FX Supartono Dr. Mohan Prasad Aryal Peter N, Aventajado Prof. Jenn Chuan Chern Prof. Nguyen Tien Dich President of ICI Head of Publication HAKI Vice President of NCI President of PICE President of CICHE Vice President of VCA Treasurer ICCMC Prof. Tamon Ueda Chairman of ICCMC As a result of the three Forums, ACF (Asian Concrete Federation) started in The first ACF Conference was held at Chiangmai, Thailand. The first EC members are shown in the table. Professor Uomoto served as the first president of ACF. 05 / 32
2. Introduction of ACF □ ACF in the world
Three Major International Concrete Federations - ACI started in 1904, 20,000 members from 120 countries - fib started in 1952, 1,000 members from 43 countries (CEB and fip were merged in fib in 1998) - ACF started in 2004, members from 35 countries Since 1952 1,000 Members 43 Countries The three Major International Concrete Federations are shown in the Map.. ACI International is the oldest and the biggest Organization of all. ACI started in 1904, 111years ago, and it has 20,000members from 120 countries. Almost 50 years later, CEB and fip were founded in 1952, and they were merged to fib in 1998. So, fib has 63 years history, and it has 1,000members from 43 countries Exactly 100 year after the ACI, ACF started in 2004, and ACF has 400members from 35 countries. Since 2004 400 Members 35 Countries Since 1904 20,000 Members 120 Countries 06 / 32
2. Introduction of ACF □ Objectives
To promote the understanding of concrete structure To provide the services to the Asian society Initiation and support of international collaborative activities - Development of research and technology of concrete structure Dissemination of useful information - Publications, Conferences, symposia, workshops and Seminars Promotion of updating and revising concrete codes/standards - Structural design, Materials, Construction and Maintenance Interaction with members and keeping them aware of the activities of the federation The objectives of ACF is to provide the understanding of concrete structure and the services to the Asian society. International collaborative activities, Dissemination of useful information, Updating and revising concrete codes/standards, Interaction with members. 07 / 32
Category of Membership Number of Persons for Benefit
2. Introduction of ACF □ ACF Membership Category of Membership Subscription Voting Right at GA Number of Persons for Benefit Other Benefits Representative Member (RM) A: US $4000 B: US $2000 C: US $1000 D: US $500 A: 100 B: 50 C: 25 D: 12 A: 8 B: 4 C: 2 D: 1 Voting rights for the election of the Executive Council and nominating rights for candidates of an Executive Council member 2) A copy of any publications issued by the Federation …... during the membership period. Organization Member (OM) or more L: US $200 A: 10 B: 5 A: 4 B: 3 1) A copy of any publications issued by the Federation during the membership period. 2) “L” is for Library member Individual Member (IM) A: US $50 B: US $40 C: US $30 D: US $20 S: US $20 A : GDP > US $10,000 B : GDP < US $10,000 C : GDP < US $ 5,000 D : GDP < US $ 3,000 1) A 10% rebate on registration fee at Federation-organizing events for participants, in case of not mentioning registration fee for ACF members 2) IM's subscription depends on their GDP. 3) “S” is for student member ACF has three categories of members: Representative Member (RM) stands for National member, Organization Member (OM) includes Company and Library members, and Individual Members (IM) includes student members. 08 / 32
Member’s Nationality ( RM / IM )
2. Introduction of ACF □ ACF Regions and Members ACF has 6 Regions and 49 countries in Asia, 14 countries in Oceania ACF has 10 RMs, 23 OMs, and 400 IMs from 35 countries ACF Regions Member’s Nationality ( RM / IM ) Regions Members (35) Candidates (34) R1 (5) East Korea, Japan Mongolia Chinese Taipei China R2 (6) South Indonesia .Singapore Thailand, Vietnam Malaysia, Philippines Cambodia Laos Myanmar R3 (8) Mid West North India, Pakistan Bangladesh Nepal, Sri Lanka Iran, Iraq, UAE Afghanistan Bahrain, Kuwait Saudi Arabia,Qatar Egypt, Turkey Russia, Kazakhstan Uzbekistan R4 (2) Oceania Australia New Zealand Papua New Guinea Other (14) Europe Germany, Uk Italy, France Netherlands Norway, Hungary Bulgaria Spain, Portugal Denmark, Sweden Finland, Poland, Czech, Slovakia Romania, Croatia Ukraine, Greece America (3) USA, Canada Brazil Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Columbia Africa Algeria, Libya South Africa Morocco, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Nigeria There are 49 countries in Asia and 14 countries in Oceania. The numbers are too big to be managed in one group, so they are divided into 6 Regions. East West, South, North and Mid Region and Oceania Region. ACF has 10 RMs in red color, 23 OMs, and 400 IMs from 35 countries in blue color.
2. Introduction of ACF □ Representative Members (RM) – 10 countries
□ Organizational Members (OM) – 23 companies Now you are looking at the Logos of 10 RMs and 23 OMs 10 / 32
2. Introduction of ACF □ Individual Members (IM) members from 35 countries 35 National Flags are shown. 19 flags in Asia, 2 in Oceania, 8 in Europe, 3 in America, and 3 in Africa 11 / 32
Executive Council (EC)
2. Introduction of ACF □ ACF Organization General Assembly (GA) Executive Council (EC) President / Vice-Presidents Treasurer / EC members Advisory Committee (AC) Vice-President Technical (VPT) Technical Board (TB) Sustainability Forum (SF) Vice-President Editorial (VPE) Editorial Board (EBJ) Editorial Board (EBM) Vice-President Policy (VPP) Regional Board (RB) Organizing Committee(OC) Journal Magazine East Region West Region South Region North Region Mid Region Oceania Region Conference Symposium Seminar Forum Workshop TC1: Design TC2: Material & Construction TC3: Maintenance Auditor This chart shows the Organization of ACF. ACF is operated by EC, which has 3 Vice Presidents: VP policy, VP Technical, and VP Editorial, They are responsible for six working groups: Regional Board(RB) for membership service, Organizing Committee(OC) for Conference etc., Technical Board(TB) for Design Code, Sustainability Forum(SF) for Research, Editorial Boards for Journal(EBJ) and Magazine(EBM). 12 / 32
2. Introduction of ACF □ Executive Council (EC)
□ Advisory Committee (AC) These are the members of EC and ACF Advisory Committee 13 / 32
2. Introduction of ACF □ Regional Board (RB) & Organizing Committee (OC) □ Editorial Board for Journal & Magazine (EBJ) & (EBM) These are the members of RB, OC, EBJ and EBM 14 / 32
2. Introduction of ACF □ Technical Board / Committee Chairs ( TB / TC ) / Sustainable Forum □ TC1 : Design These are the members of TB and TC1 □ TC1 : Design 15 / 32
2. Introduction of ACF □ TC2 : Material & Construction
□ TC3 : Maintenance These are the members of TC2 and TC3 16 / 32
3. Activities of ACF □ Operational Meetings 17 / 32
5th GA Meeting in Seoul, Korea (Sep. 2014) 10th PVP Meeting in Taipei, Taiwan (April. 2014) Now, You can see the Activities of ACF. These are the Operational meetings: the 5th GA meeting, the 10th PVP meeting, the 10th EC meeting and the 4th TB/TC meeting 10th EC Meeting in Seoul, Korea (Sep. 2014) 4th TB/TC Meeting in Seoul, Korea (Sep. 2014) 17 / 32
3. Activities of ACF □ International Conference Contents Date Location
Plan 7th ACF Int. Conf. 30 Oct.-2 Nov. 2016 Hanoi, Vietnam 1st ACF Int. Sym. 7 Oct. 2015 Kolkata, India Past 6th ACF Int. Conf. Sep. 2014 Seoul, South Korea 5th ACF Int. Conf. Oct. 2012 Pattaya, Thailand 4th ACF Int. Conf. 29 Nov-1 Dec. 2010 Taipei, Taiwan 3rd ACF Int. Conf. Nov. 2008 Hochiminh, Vietnam 2nd ACF Int. Conf. Nov. 2006 Bali, Indonesia 1st ACF Int. Conf. Oct. 2004 Chiangmai, Thailand The most important event: ACF International Conference is introduced here. We had 6 ACF Conferences, every other year. The last ACF Conference was held in Seoul, Korea, in 2014, During the Conference, 261 papers were presented by 360 participants from 27 countries. 18 / 32
Mark Alexander (RILEM)
3. Activities of ACF □ The 6th ACF 2014 Conference – Keynote Speakers Presenter Institute & Title Title of Presentation Tamon Ueda ACF President Debonding in strengthened concrete members James K. Wight ACI Past president Modern codes for design of concrete structures Gordon Clark fib President Concrete bridges – Lessons for durability by design Mark Alexander RILEM President Suitable single-score life-cycle environment assessment metrics for reinforced concrete structure Tamon Ueda (ACF) James K. Wight (ACI) We had four Presidents of the four Major International Concrete Institutes as Keynote Speakers: the President of ACF, the Past President of ACI, the President of fib, and also the President of RILEM. Gordon Clark (fib) Mark Alexander (RILEM) 19 / 32
3. Activities of ACF □ The 6th ACF 2014 Conference – Invited Speakers
Presenter Nationality Title of paper Keunjoo Byun Korea The state-of-the-art recycled aggregate concrete Jongsung Sim Why do we need Asian concrete model code? Jin-Keun Kim Development of devices for measuring semi-adiabatic temperature rise and thermal stress Yan Xiao China Impact behavior of reinforced concrete members Bao-Chun Chen Experimental study on the ultimate load-carrying capacity of UHPFRC arches Koji Sakai Japan The current state and future of Asian concrete / construction industry Koichi Maekawa Thermo-hygral simulation of RC decks and monitoring data assimilation for bridge maintenance A. K. Mullick India Pozzolanic properties and utilization of bottom ash in cement and concrete FX Supartono Indonesia Sunda strait bridge: A titanic project connecting Java island and Sumatra island Surendra P. Shah U.S.A. Nanotechnology and sustainability Sashi K. Kunnath Modeling and simulation of progressive collapse of reinforced concrete frame buildings Györge L. Balázs Hungary Possibilities of computed tomography (CT) for diagnosis of concrete structures The 12 world renowned scholars were attended as Invited Speakers. And the papers that they presented during the Conference will be published in the ACF Journal. Prof. Keunjoo Byun Prof. Koji Sakai Prof. Surendra P. Shah 20 / 32
September 23, 2014 (Wednesday)
3. Activities of ACF September 21, 2014 (Sunday) 08:00 ~ ACF 2014 Registration 09:00 ~ 12:00 EC Meeting 1 12:00 ~ 13:30 Lunch 13:30 ~ 15:00 EC Meeting 2 15:00 ~ 18:00 GA Meeting 18:30 ~ 20:00 Welcome Reception September 22, 2014 (Monday) 08:30 ~ 08:50 Opening Ceremony 08:50 ~ 10:10 Keynote Speech 10:10 ~ 10:30 Coffee Break 10:30 ~ 11:50 11:50 ~ 13:00 13:00 ~ 14:30 Parallel Sessions 1 14:30 ~ 14:50 14:50 ~ 16:20 Parallel Sessions 2 16:20 ~ 16:40 16:40 ~ 18:10 Parallel Sessions 3 September 23, 2014 (Tuesday) 08:00 ~ 09:30 Parallel Sessions 4 09:30 ~ 09:50 09:50 ~ 11:50 Parallel Sessions 5 Parallel Sessions 6 Parallel Sessions 7 16:30 ~ 18:30 Closing Ceremony 18:30 ~ 21:00 Banquet September 23, 2014 (Wednesday) 09:00 ~ 10:20 ACF TC & TB Meetings 1 10:20 ~ 10:40 10:40 ~ 12:00 ACF TC & TB Meetings 2 12:00 ~ 13:00 13:00 ~ 18:00 Technical Tour □ The 6th ACF 2014 Conference – Program & Photo Opening Ceremony Han River Cruise As activities of ACF, you can see Opening Ceremony, Conference Brochure, and Tours after the Conference. Conference Brochure Lotte Tower Tour
3. Activities of ACF □ ACF Awards The ACF Awards
The ACF Awards will be given in ACF 2016 International Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam The ACF Awards Title Num. Qualified Person / Organization 1 Distinguished Service Awards 1~2 Past president / Honorary member 2 Best Academic Awards Vice president / distinguished member 3 Best Technical Awards 2~3 Construction Companies / best OM 4 Best Project Awards Monumental Construction Projects (Civil/Architectural) 5 Best Paper Awards 4~5 Best Papers among ACF Journal / ACF Conference 6 Best Engineer Awards Young Doctors (PhD) / Engineers below 40 7 Best Member Awards Best Active RM / OM / IM / EO 8 Best Committee Awards Best Active Committee / Board 9 Special Awards Significant Contribution for ACF (not listed above) The precious ACF Awards were given to the Distinguished Members, Best Papers, and Best Members. 22 / 32
3. Activities of ACF □ Sustainability Forum (SF)
Contents Date Location 9th SF Apr. 2015 Fuzhou, China 8th SF Sep. 2014 Seoul, Korea 7th SF May. 2014 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 6th SF Sep. 2013 Surabaya, Indonesia 5th SF Mar. 2013 Ho chi minh, Vietnam 4th SF Oct. 2012 Pattaya, Thailand 3rd SF Apr. 2012 New Delhi, India 2nd SF Nov. 2011 Seoul, South Korea 1st SF Apr. 2011 Bangkok, Thailand 7th SF in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (2014) □ Young Researchers & Graduate Symposium (YRGS) Sustainability Forum is also the important activity. It had two forums every year. Young Researchers and Graduate Symposium, YRGS was held every year. Contents Date Location 6th YRGS Oct.2014 Thammasat University, Thailand 5th YRGS May.2013 Malaviya National Inst. Tech. India 4th YRGS Apr.2012 Hong Kong Univ., Hong Kong 3rd YRGS Sep.2011 National Taiwan Univ., Chinese Taipei 2nd YRGS July.2010 Zhejiang Univ., China 1st YRGS Apr.2009 Kunsan National Univ, South Korea YRGS Symposium in Bangkok, Thailand (2014)
4. Publications of ACF □ Asian Concrete Model Code (ACMC) Design Code
Division Code No. Contents Design Code Sep. 2014 ACFC0-3-14 Asian Concrete Model Code (ACMC 2014), 3rd ed. Jun. 2006 ACFC0-2-06 Asian Concrete Model Code (ACMC 2006), 2nd ed. Mar. 2001 ACFC0-1-01 Asian Concrete Model Code (ACMC 2001), 1st ed. National Standard Jan. 2014 ACFC3-4-14 Thailand Std. Spec.: Materials and Construction ACFC3-3-14 Thailand Std. Spec.: Durability and Service Life Design Jul. 2004 ACFC3-2-04 Vietnam Std. Spec. (TCXDVN 318: 2004): Concrete Reinforced Structure - Guide to Maintenance Technical Report Mar. 2011 ACFC3-4-11 Maintenance for Carbonation Guidelines for maintenance and rehabilitation of concrete str. Subjected to carbonation-induced deterioration Nov. 2010 ACFC3-3-10 Seismic Assessment and Retrofit Guidelines for the seismic assessment and retrofit of concrete structures Nov. 2009 ACFC1-1-09 Design for Seismic Actions Guidelines for designing transverse confinement reinforcement of RC columns against seismic actions Jun. 2007 ACFC1-2-07 Design for Fire Actions Guidelines for the design of reinforced concrete buildings against fire actions Aug. 2005 ACFC2-1-05 Materials and Construction Guidelines for materials and construction based on Japanese standard specifications Apr. 2004 ACFC3-1-04 Maintenance for Chloride Attack Guidelines for maintenance and rehabilitation of concrete structures against chloride induced deterioration Jul. 2001 ACFC1-1-01 Design for Seismic Action An example of seismic performance examination for RC building design according to the AIJ Guidelines Publication is also very important activities of ACF. ACF published ACMC Design Code which were revised three times, and three National standards and seven Technical Reports were published. 24 / 32
4. Publications of ACF □ ACF News letters ( 2007 ~ 2014 ) 25 / 32
Number Date Contents Vol. 8 No. 4 Oct 2014 The 6th YRGS 2014, Vietnam’s Largest Cable-Stayed Bridge, The Best New Tall Buildings on the Planet, ... Vol. 8 No. 3 Jul 2014 The ACF P&VP Meeting in Chinese Taipei, ACF Member Institute "HAKI", PhD abstracts, ... Vol. 8 No. 2 Apr 2014 Meetings with CIA and ISO/TC71, ACF Member Institute " MCA", YRGS 2014 Announcement, ... Vol. 8 No. 1 Jan 2014 Message from ACF President, YRGS 2013, VCA-ACF Joint Seminar, ... Vol. 7 No. 1, Oct 2013 Message from ACF President, New ACF Secretary General, the 9th EC Meeting, the 2nd TB Meeting, ... Vol. 6 No. 2 Dec 2012 Brief history and future expectation of ACF-SF, election results, new ecological concrete, ... Vol. 6 No. 1 Jul 2012 Future of cement and concrete, ACF and ISO/TC71, sustainable prefabricated structures ... Vol. 5 No. 1 Dec 2011 Message from president, major activities and future plans, ACF-JCI-VCA joint seminar ... Vol. 4 No. 3 Dec 2010 Farewell message from outgoing president, Taipei declaration on sustainability ... Vol. 4 No. 2 Oct 2010 Advanced concrete technology in Korea, ACF-JCI-VCA joint seminar ... Vol. 4 No. 1 Jun 2010 High performance concrete, engineered cementitious composites ... Vol. 3 No. 3 Dec 2009 Role of ACF, contribution of ICCMC and ACMC to sustainable development in Asia ... Vol. 2 No. 2 Aug 2008 Foreword by Vice President (Technical), news from Secretariat ... Vol. 2 No. 1 Apr 2008 Foreword by President,`President and Vice Presidents meeting ... Vol. 1 No. 3 Dec 2007 Foreword by Vice Presid``ent (Policy), 2nd President and Vice Presidents meeting ... Vol. 1 No. 2 Aug 2007 Foreword by Vice President (Technical), Ferrocement rainwater harvesting (RWH) system ... Vol. 1 No. 1 Apr 2007 Foreword by President, ACF awards ... Newsletter were served as a tools to communicate between members. They were published four issues per year since 2007 for eight years. 25 / 32
4. Publications of ACF □ Journal of ACF Topics of ACF Journal
The 1st ACF Journal: to be published in Sep. 2015 - The invited papers of ACF 2014 International Conference are included - Editor in Chief is Prof. D.U. Choi - Editorial Board Members are consisted of World Renowned Scholars Topics of ACF Journal 1 Concrete Structures 2 Concrete Materials and Technologies 3 Maintenance, Monitoring, Repair and Strengthening 4 Sustainability 5 Construction and Engineering 6 Recent research and related topics ACF Journal will be published in September 2015, two month from now. The invited papers of ACF 2014 International Conference will be included. And the Editor in Chief is Professor Dong Uk Choi. Editorial Board Members are consisted of World Renowned Scholars. 26 / 32
4. Publications of ACF □ ACF Magazine Divisions No. Contents
The 1st Magazine: published in July 2015 - Four issues per year - Editor in Chief is Prof. J.S. Kim - English Editors are from Australia, New Zealand, India & Hong Kong Divisions No. Contents Introduction 1 Foreword 2 Introduction of Organization Technical Topics 3 Member Country Actively 4 Advanced Technology 5 Construction Record 6 Product and Practice News 7 ACF Activity 8 Book Review 9 International News ACF Magazine is published in July 2015, The magazines were mailed to the 4000 potential subscribers such as ACF members and concrete engineers and libraries and construction companies all over the world. There will be four issues per year, and the Editor in Chief is Professor Jee-Sang Kim. ACF has English Editors from Australia, New Zealand, India and Hong Kong 27 / 32
4. Publications of ACF □ ACF Magazine
▣ Foreword - Greetings & Congratulatory Remarks ACF President ACF Past President KCI, JCI President fib, ACI President The inaugural issue of ACF Magazine contains Greetings from President and Past Presidents of ACF, and Congratulatory Remarks from President of KCI, JCI, fib and ACI. I feel great thanks for their well-wishing remarks. 28 / 32
4. Publications of ACF □ ACF Magazine
▣ Introduction of Organization / Member Country Activity Land Development Master Plan in Korea ACF KCI JCI Representative Members are introduced such as ACF, KCI, and JCI. Land Development Master Plan of the RM are included. 29 / 32
4. Publications of ACF □ ACF Magazine ▣ Advanced Technology
Japanese Action for Debris due to Earthquake Integrated Life Cycle Assessment of Concrete Hi-PC Girder Bridge UHPFRC Bridge Advanced Concrete Technologies were introduced from member countries. A summary of fib’s bulletin is also included. 30 / 32
Repair & Strengthening Material
4. Publications of ACF □ ACF Magazine ▣ Construction Record / Product and Practice Repair & Strengthening Material PCA’s Awards Lotte World Tower Yi Sun-Sin Bridge GNSS System Construction Records include the summary of the PCA’s 2014 Concrete Bridge Award which is an article of ACI Magazine, and the world 5th tallest building, and the 4rd longest bridge were introduced. Two very high-tech Products and Technologies were introduced, too. 31 / 32
Thank You Very Much !!! Asian Concrete Federation
Thank You Very Much !!! Thank you very much for your attention and You can access to ACF website through and Asian Concrete Federation Lotte World Tower, 123 story, 555m high
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