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HaMpton Home monitoring of Hypertension in Pregnancy.

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1 HaMpton Home monitoring of Hypertension in Pregnancy

2 The Problem Standard care pathways
Frequent hospital visits (2/3 times per week) BP, Symptom and Urine monitoring (Avg appt time = 166mins) Frequent hospital visits Inconvenient for patients (Work/Cost/Family) Anxiety provoking for women and families Significant cost implications for the NHS

3 Our Solution AIM: to empower women to be involved in their own clinical assessment, improve patient experience and satisfaction, and reduce hospital waiting times

4 How it works Pregnant women who are at risk of developing pre-eclampsia were supplied with automated blood pressure machines and urine dipsticks The women input their blood pressure readings and urine test results on the app (downloaded from the app store) They then answer a set of trigger questions that help identify women with symptoms of pre-eclampsia

5 Data Monitoring Data from the app is stored in a secure database which is regularly monitored by trained staff On screen alerts advise patients to seek help in the event of a reading triggering the alarm criteria For patients who are non-compliant, if we fail to contact them, their community midwife will conduct a home visit

6 100% 52% Achievements and Results
patient satisfaction; excellent staff satisfaction reduction in number of BP follow-up appointments in DAU. Reduction in average DAU appt times from 114 mins to 66 mins 65.6% of women felt less anxious when checking their BP at home compared to in hospital and also noted significantly lower BP readings Safety: no suboptimal outcomes; no patients discontinued

7 (Triage Nurse-Led/ Dr Led) 3.7% of Patients at StG use the app
Cost Effectiveness Study NATIONAL SAVINGS Cohort Av. Cost Per Week (Triage Nurse-Led/ Dr Led) App HBMC £72.34 / £72.44 No HBMC £ / £ Savings £286.53 6 Week Savings (Average Monitoring time) £ 3.7% of Patients at StG use the app 697,000 Births (2015) 25,789 Potential Users £ x 25,789 Annual Savings - £44.3m

8 Recognised as an innovative service improvement in the official report by the CQC with positive feedback (November 2016) Excellence in the Healthcare Innovation Awards 2016 St George’s University of London

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