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Grant Orientation Session
Heritage Trust Fund Grant Orientation Session
HTF Staff and Contact Information Katrina Ringler Grants Manager ext. 215 Marsha Longofono Grants Assistant ext. 240
Contents of your Binder
2018 HTF Grants Manual Checklist for documents to be returned ASAP: Grant agreement Contractual provisions attachment W-9 DA 130 – electronic deposit form Grant Project Checklist Monthly progress report blank form Reimbursement blank form Project completion report blank form
GRANT AGREEMENT Please review and return a signed copy ASAP No work may begin until the grant agreement is signed by both the property owner and the SHPO. Work must begin within 60 days of signed contract unless okayed by Grants Manager. The document includes: Scope of work Schedule Reimbursement criteria Budget line items Reimbursement & procurement procedures Responsibilities of grant recipients Scope of Work, Schedule, and Budget line items: These items are taken from the grant application and may need to be revised slightly before signing.
grant agreement Make sure all the bold information is correct
Ask if there is anything you don’t understand Sign and return to SHPO staff as soon as possible A photocopy of the signed agreement will be sent back to you. Be sure to keep a copy on file with your grant materials
All grant agreements contain this provision (Section H) Agree to maintain grant-funded work for 5 years All work associated with the property shall be reviewed by SHPO within that 5-year period. Completion report requires a schedule of property maintenance covering no less than 5 years
CONSULTANT SELECTION If your budget includes consultant services (i.e. architect or engineer), then: contracts with those consultants must be reviewed by SHPO before they are signed. plans / specifications must be produced and reviewed by SHPO before hiring contractors
CONSULTANT SELECTION Competitive bidding is not required
Suggested “best practices” included in manual (Page 4) Consultant Contracts and Compensation Page 5 Contract styles vary, but all must contain Start date / end date Fee for consultant services Description of services to be provided Property is listed in the National Register Must meet Standards All changes in writing Fee must be flat fee or “not to exceed” maximum
CONSULTANT SELECTION If your grant award does not include consultant services, then: plans and specifications or a scope of work still must be reviewed by SHPO before hiring contractors
Work may not proceed until the planning documents related to the project have been approved Projects with consultant services: Consultant-produced plans and specs to be reviewed by SHPO staff Projects without consultant services: Grantees will develop a scope of work in consultation with SHPO staff. See example in Appendix C.
Applications are online at or upon request.
Easiest way to submit your scope of work? Tax Credit Application The HTF grant program is separate from the Kansas state tax credit program. To utilize both programs you must submit separate applications, documentation, etc. To help facilitate quicker reviews, HTF grant staff review tax credit applications for grantees, but applications must be submitted BEFORE work begins. Applications are online at or upon request.
PROJECT PLANNING – General Conditions
All work must follow the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties Specifically… the Standards for Rehabilitation
Page 7 Competitive bidding is not required Follow ‘best practices’ to seek out qualified contractors Contracts must be approved before they are signed and must contain the following: Start date and completion date Fee for services (must be flat fee or not-to-exceed) Property listed in the Register All work must meet the Standards
The grantee shall pay, in full, all costs of the project as they become due and payable. To receive reimbursement: Line item must be 100% complete Work must be part of approved scope of work and must be covered by approved contracts Work must be done during the grant period Work must conform to the Standards Reimbursement must be requested via provided forms
Reimbursement request forms can be submitted via Reimbursement request forms must accompany: documentation of the cost (invoices, bills, requisitions, purchase orders, etc.) proof of payment ( copy of check, receipt, credit card statement, etc.) photographs of completed work
Mobilization is 100% complete and Materials are 90% complete.
HTF cannot reimburse for these until physical line items from your grant agreement are complete!
Complete requests will be processed within 30 days NOTE: Ten percent (10%) of the reimbursement will be withheld as retainage pending satisfactory completion of the project. This will be reimbursed upon receipt of a final completion report and supporting documentation including the project sign.
How does that work? Contractor’s bill for work = $10,000
Grantee pays bill with a check, but withholds 10% per their contract = $9,000 Reimbursement request is submitted to SHPO for review along with photos, copy of the invoice, and copy of the payment check. SHPO adds back the 10% retainage and calculates the grant reimbursement based on the full $10,000 bill. $10,000 x 80% = $8,000 grant reimbursement SHPO deducts 10% retainage from reimbursement $8,000 - $800 = $7,200 payment to grantee
All changes will be in writing Be sure to ask for extensions 30 days before the project deadline Submit your completion report within 30 days of construction ending and bills being paid Progress reports are due by the 10th of each month Report on the progress made the previous month Use the supplied forms or just is okay too Please send photos of work in progress so SHPO staff can verify work is meeting the Standards Failure to submit reports is considered a breach of the grant agreement and can delay reimbursements.
Retain and maintain property for 5 years following grant to avoid recapture of funds Please acknowledge support by the grant program when issuing public statements and press releases Display project sign during construction and return it with your completion report. NOTE: Examples of various documents can be found at the end of the manual. Contact SHPO staff if you need additional assistance or examples.
Review your grant agreement carefully!
WHAT’S NEXT? Review your grant agreement carefully! property owner and property name correct? grant amount correct? project description correct (section B)? project schedule reasonable (section B)? project line items and costs correct (section D)?
Make sure you understand Sections E-J before signing.
Return to my attention after signed by the property owner. Send along with the other documents at the front of your binder
WHAT ELSE? HTF staff needs these items immediately:
Grant Agreement - signed Contractual Provisions Attachment with date W9 Form Electronic Deposit Authorization In the interim: Please read the Grants Manual Contact us with any questions
For additional information, please refer to the
Grant Agreement / Grants Manual or contact: HTF Grants Manager Kansas State Historical Society 6425 SW 6th Avenue Topeka, KS ext. 215 Fax or
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