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World Geography 3200.

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1 World Geography 3200

2 Unit 2: Patterns in Weather & Climate

3 Temperature Patterns 2.2.1 Greenhouse Effect
The greenhouse effect is often misunderstood and mistaken for "Global Warming".  This effect is important because it moderates the earth’s temperature.  Planets without atmospheres have an extreme range in temperature between day and night. On earth the atmosphere reflects and absorbs almost 50% of radiant energy.  Planets where there is no atmosphere get very cold at night due to the absence of sunlight.  No atmosphere results in loss of heat. On the earth, the atmosphere acts like the glass on a greenhouse keeping some heat. 

4 Greenhouse Effect!

5 2.2.2. The Tropics and The Poles
The tropics refers to warm equatorial climates. They are located between 23.5 degrees north and 23.5 degrees south.

6 The Tropics

7 The more direct the sunlight the more intense the heat
The more direct the sunlight the more intense the heat. The tropics receive direct sunlight. Areas outside the tropics receive more indirect sunlight. The further you move outside the tropics, temperatures tend to decrease, and seasons become more severe.

8 Do Worksheet 4.1 and 4.2 Read pp Using the slides/notes and the textbook reading, answer these questions: Page 56, # 10 a & b Page 57, #’s 11 & 12

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