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2 Feeling stress is a natural part of life
STRESS- is the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands Can appear QUICKLY or come on SLOWLY

3 Perception- The act of becoming aware through your senses
Your perception about a specific event will determine the amount of stress you will feel Example: Fights with friends………….. Your reaction to stressful events depends on your previous experiences

4 Two Types of Stress Positive Stress- Stress that can motivate you
Eustress stress that inspires you to work hard if you have a deadline approaching Negative Stress- Stress that interferes with your ability to perform Dis-stress Causes you to feel distracted, overwhelmed, impatient, frustrated, or angry Can harm your health

5 Causes of Stress Stressor- Anything that causes stress
May be real or imagined Anticipated or unexpected People, objects, places, events and situations Sirens

6 Body’s Response to Stressors
Alarm-Your mind and body go on high alert Fight or flight. Prepares your body to defend itself or to flee from threat Dilated pupils Increase in perspiration Faster heart rate and pulse Rise in BP Faster respiration rate Narrowing of arteries to internal organs and skin Increased blood flow to muscles and brain Increase in muscle tension Release of blood sugar, fats, and cholesterol

7 Body’s Response to Stress Continued
Resistance- When a stressor continues, your body adapts and reacts to the stressor Might perform at a higher level with more endurance Fatigue- When exposure to stress is prolonged, your body loses it’s ability to adapt Tire and lose ability to manage stress effectively

8 Stress and your Health Psychosomatic Response- A physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness Headache Weak immune system High blood pressure Clenching jaw or grinding teeth Digestive disorders

9 Mental/ emotional and social effects of stress include:
Difficulty concentrating Irritability mood swings The use of alcohol or drugs to relieve stress may create more problems, and the person may start to abuse these substances

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