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1. 2 / ˡrestrɒŋ / restaurant 3 problems problems / ˡprɒbləmz /

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 / ˡrestrɒŋ / restaurant 3 problems problems / ˡprɒbləmz /"— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 / ˡrestrɒŋ / restaurant

3 3 problems problems / ˡprɒbləmz /

4 4 starter, main course, dessert 1.pea and ham soup 2.Cumberland sausage 3.spotted dick / dɪˡzɜːt /

5 5 the desert

6 6 grill, bake, fry a baked potato = a jacket spud (informal) a frying pan

7 7 mushroom, prawn, steak

8 8 rare, medium, well done mediumwell done raremedium rare raremedium rare

9 9 Soup or soap?

10 10 Soup or soap? / suːp / soup / səʊp / soap

11 11 How do you pronounce it? / prɔːn / Prawn rhymes with yawn and corn.

12 12 How do you pronounce it? / ˡsæmən /Salmon has a silent L.

13 13 How do you pronounce it? / steɪk / Steak rhymes with break and bake.

14 14 How do you pronounce it? / reə / Rare rhymes with care, chair and wear.

15 15 How do you pronounce it? / təˡmɑːtəʊ / Tomato: the stress is on the long vowel.

16 16 How do you pronounce it? In the USA, tomato rhymes with potato. / təˡmɑːtəʊ / Tomato: the stress is on the long vowel. In the USA, tomato rhymes with potato.

17 17 How do you spell...? Tomatoes and potatoes: add es for the plural.


19 19

20 20 chips

21 21 UK - USA chipsFrench fries

22 22

23 23 crisps

24 24 UK - USA chips crisps French fries potato chips

25 25 the bill

26 26 UK - USA chips crisps the bill French fries potato chips the check

27 27 a cheque

28 28 UK - USA chips crisps the bill a cheque French fries potato chips the check a check

29 29 a £20 note

30 30 UK - USA chips crisps the bill a cheque a note French fries potato chips the check a check a bill

31 31 a takeaway

32 32 food to go

33 33 UK - USA chips crisps the bill a cheque a note a takeaway French fries potato chips the check a check a bill food to go


35 35 Offers: helping and reacting No problem. Ill change it. Im very sorry. Ill send it back. I apologise. Ill get you a new bill.

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