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Data Update core data update supplementary & add-on data update

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1 Data Update core data update supplementary & add-on data update
NutNet workshop July 2016 core data update supplementary & add-on data update data acquisition

2 NutNet database: core data schema

3 species occurrences 169,749 observations 2368 distinct taxon binomials
2937 distinct 1m x 1m plots

4 Taxon observations Connect to site
Taxonomy presents a common challenge to large ecological datasets Species are the terminal identity in a nested hirearchy, easily captured by relational db models Lookup and intersection tables can connect single taxon identity to multiple local names A lot of work has been done trying to reconcile the taxonomy


6 biomass by functional group
37,527 observations

7 core data * most commonly missing part of core datasets within year
20% plot-year records missing PAR info

8 core data: soil data pre-treatment: 59 sites post-treatment: 31 sites
pct_C pct_N ppm_P ppm_K ppm_Ca ppm_Mg ppm_S ppm_Na ppm_Zn ppm_Mn ppm_Fe ppm_Cu ppm_B core data: soil data pre-treatment: 59 sites post-treatment: 31 sites pH PercentSand PercentSilt PercentClay Classification

9 core data 37,527 observations
Michael Anderson: bulk nutrient content matched to 319 values of mass of a category (grass, forb, legume etc) for a plot in a given site-year

10 supplemental ‘core’ data: climate / weather etc.
Nitrogen deposition: site-level deposition rates from global model (Detner et al. 2006) Climate data: site-level characteristics derived from WorldClim / Bioclim dataset (Hijmans et al. 2005); PET and Aridity Index (AI) from CGIAR-CSI RECOMMENDED climate data to use as general covariates: MAT = mean annual temperature (C) TEMP_VAR = standard deviation in temp (NOTE SD not actually VAR despite the name) ANN_TEMP_RANGE = mean annual range in temp (C) TEMP_WET_Q = mean temperature during wettest 4 months MAP = mean annual precipitation (mm) MAP_VAR = coefficient of variation of precipitation (=seasonality)

11 supplemental data: weather (modeled)

12 supplemental data: weather (modeled)

13 other data resources: Phylogeny
so now we have this behemoth death star of evolutionary information, what are we going to do with it? how do we summarize the information content? relationships among co-existing plants within plots on the ground?

14 Add-on data update

15 data acquisition

16 data acquisition comb_byplot_plus_clim_soil_diversity
main "combo" dataset at the plot level all core data plus worldclim variables, soil derived diversity stats by plot - simpson's diversity - evenness

17 data acquisition full_cover

18 data acquisition full_biomass

19 data requests: the more specific the better
by , including specific data fields, sites, and years if any written, in my notebook unlikely to be fulfilled due to my addled brain: requests communicated only verbally keep in mind as you watch the science lightning round that ANALYSIS is made much easier by proper arrangement of the data…

20 NutNet Results are based on your data – QC is critical
* Note any data issues as you work * Changes to data should be made in one place. Any changes, updates or deletions necessary to the raw NutNet data should be given in to Eric Lind * suggestions for further QA / QC procedures are welcome.

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