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American Revolution.

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1 American Revolution

2 Vocabulary Preamble Privateer Alliance Cavalry Continentals Guerrilla
Traitor Civilian Vocabulary

3 Declaring Independence
How did the Loyalist and Patriots go about obtaining their goal? What were two documents used by Patriots to promote their goal? Declaring Independence

4 Declaring Independence
By the beginning of 1776 colonist were still faced with the decision to split from Britain or stay. Loyalist attempted to scare colonist to stay with Britain and Patriots used publications as an attempt to convince colonist to leave Britain. Declaring Independence

5 Declaring Independence
Two of the most important documents produced by the Patriots were the Common Sense Pamphlet by Thomas Paine and Richard Henry Lee’s Va. Resolution (Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams assisted). Declaring Independence

6 Declaring Independence
How many parts was the Declaration of Independence broken into? What does each part of the Declaration of Independence explain? Declaring Independence

7 Declaring Independence
By the summer of 1776 the colonist put together the Declaration of Independence. The 1st part used John Locke’s theory of natural rights which explained how colonist were granted rights from God. Declaring Independence

8 Declaring independence
The 2nd part of the Declaration of Independence explains how Parliament and the king violated their natural rights with unfair taxes, trials, and ignoring colonist petitions The 3rd and final part explain why the colonist had the right to break away from British control Declaring independence

9 Declaring Independence
When was the Declaration of Independence officially signed by all delegates? Who did the Declaration of Independence apply to? Who did it not apply to? Declaring Independence

10 Declaring Independence
The Declaration of Independence was approved by colonist on July 4, 1776 but wasn’t signed by all delegates until Aug 2. The signing officially meant colonist were fighting for their own nation. Declaring Independence

11 Declaring Independence
One of the most famous lines from the Declaration is “all men are created equal” but ironically colonist only applied the declaration to white male property owners. Declaring Independence

12 Critical Times How did the British take over the New York area?
Why was Nathan Hale known as a American legend? Critical Times

13 After declaring their independence the colonist weren’t fairing very well as they lost New York and New Jersey. as the British led by William Howe out numbered the colonist with about 34,000 in the army and 10,000 in the navy against the colonist 20,000 soldier army led by George Washington Critical Times

14 Colonist also tried to send spies in attempt to gain advantages
Colonist also tried to send spies in attempt to gain advantages. One of the most known is Nathan Hale who was caught and hung by the British. Critical Times

15 Critical Times How did George Washington and his army gain a victory?
How did Washington and the colonist escape from Delaware? Critical Times

16 After taking over New York the British pushed the colonial army into Delaware where Washington and his men discovered a German camp of mercenaries. Washington and his over 2400 men overtook the camp of 1000 Germans. Critical Times

17 After defeating the Hessians Washington and his men had to escape Delaware before the British caught up to them. Washington had his men set up a camp with campfires and fled in the middle of the night. Critical Times

18 What was General Burgoyne’s plan to defeat the Americans?
How did King George affect Burgoyne’s plan? What happen in Saratoga, New York? Critical Times

19 British General John Burgoyne came up with a plan to take over New York by attacking it from the north, south, and west but the plan was affected when King George ordered Howe to attempt to take Philadelphia. Howe finally joined the battle in New York but were weaker because of Philadelphia Critical Times

20 Burgoyne continued with his plan and attacked from the north (Canada) as they retook Ticonderoga but by the time they reached Saratoga they lack supplies. Horatio Gates led men and defeated the weaken Burgoyne led army. This victory by the Americans gave them loads of confidence and saved New England. Critical Times

21 What were three countries that joined the colonist during the Revolutionary War?
Who were three Europeans who helped the colonist during the Revolutionary War? Critical Times

22 After the battle of Saratoga the French decided to join the colonist in 1778 because now they felt that the colonist could actually win the war. Critical Times

23 By Feb the colonist made an alliance with France, Netherlands, and Spain. The French fought mostly in N. America, Netherlands fought in Europe, and Spanish fought in the Caribbean's. Critical Times

24 Alliances also brought individuals who specialized in vital aspects.
Marquis de Lafayette (France)- officer under Washington Thaddeus Kosciusko (Poland)- built forts Friedrick Steuben (Germany)- trained American army Critical Times

25 During the winter of the American army struggled at Valley Forge as they lacked clothing, food, and became ill. To assist the colonist sent women to help nurse the men back to health and prepare them for battle. Critical times

26 Who was one of the famous African Americans who fought in the battle at Bunker Hill and Saratoga?
Why did Washington finally allow African Americans to join the Revolutionary War? Why did Southern colonies deny African Americans from joining the war? War Widens

27 During the Revolutionary War African Americans fought on both sides of the war. About 9 served with the minutemen and Peter Salem fought at Bunker Hill and Saratoga. War Widens

28 British began to offer freedom to runaway slaves who join their army
British began to offer freedom to runaway slaves who join their army. Most African Americans were cooks, blacksmith, and teamsters. War Widens

29 Washington banned slaves from joining the American army until the British offered freedom to slaves. Southern colonies refused to let slaves join the fight because of the fear of them having weapons. War Widens

30 How long did most soldiers have to stay in the arm forces after enlisting?
How did most American women affect the revolutionary war? Why is Deborah Sampson a American legend? How did the war bring financial problems to the Americans? War Widens

31 Women and men were affected greatly by the war
Women and men were affected greatly by the war. Most men who enlisted in the military for a year which made it hard to keep the military filled and those who didn’t go to war were still in danger of being attacked and suffered from food shortage. War Widens

32 Few women actually join the war as soldiers such as Deborah Sampson who dressed as a man a joined the army. To keep her secret she had to nurse her own injuries. War Widens

33 The war also brought financial problems to the men and women of America as they ran low on resources and were forced to print more money which lowered its value. War Widens

34 As the war spread west, what side did most Native Americans join?
What disease killed more people than the revolutionary war? Who leads the American troops who took over the land around the Mississippi River? War Widens

35 The war began to move west as it put Native Americans in a situation where they either could join the war or stay neutral. Most Natives join the British as most natives also went to war with each other as they chose sides of the war. War Widens

36 The thing that really hurt Natives was small pox which killed more people than the actually war as it spread through America. War Widens

37 American eventually sent troops west of the App
American eventually sent troops west of the App. Mountains led by George Roger Clark from Va. Clark and his men took over land along the Mississippi River (Kaskoskia and Cahokia). Clark received help from Bernardo de Galvez (gov. of La.) as he sent supplies and protection which secured most of the west. War Widens

38 After creating a army the next step for America was to create a navy
After creating a army the next step for America was to create a navy. One of the most famous battles on the water happen when John Paul Jones led the Bonhomme Richard ship to defeat the British ship Serapis. War Widens

39 The American navy also used privateers which acted a pirate ships that raided British ships for their supplies and wealth. War Widens

40 By late 1778 the British decided to take over the south and move north as Charles Cornwallis and the British forces took over Ga and S.C. The British also attacked a lot of backcountry patriots by killing and burning their lands. Winning Independence

41 To combat the strong British forces in the south, Americans begin using Guerrilla warfare led by Francis Marion (swamp fox) in S.C. Winning Independence

42 By Oct 1780 Americans began to gain victories in the south as 900 frontier soldiers defeated British at Kings Mountain in S.C. and in Jan 1781 Daniel Morgan led troops to win the Battle of Cowpens. Winning Independence

43 One of the last major battles took place later in Yorktown, Va as Cornwallis and British troops made the decision to go the Yorktown peninsula to regroup but he didn’t know that the French had taken over the port with their navy. Winning Independence

44 As the French took over the coast of Yorktown, Nathaniel Greene led American troops to take back most of the south except for Savanna, Ga. and Charlestown, S.C. Winning Independence

45 By Oct 1781 the British were trapped as Washington brought troops from Va, Greene brought troops from the south, and the French navy controlled the coast causing Cornwallis and the British to surrender on 10/19/1781. Winning independence

46 After the battle in Yorktown peace talks began in France in 1782 (Treaty of Paris) as delegates Ben Franklin, John Jay and John Adams led the charge for the Americans. Winning Independence

47 The Treaty of Paris was approved 4/15/1783 giving the Americans their independence and granted them land as far north as Canada, far west as the Mississippi River, as far south as Ga (Spanish got Fla), and as far east as Atlantic. Winning Independence

48 The results of the American Revolution also encourage other revolutions such as the French Revolution which involved Marquis De Lafayette. The French also created the Declaration of The Rights of Men which was similar to America’s Declaration of Independence. Winning Independence

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