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Overcoming Obstacles March 8, 2017 Kindness – Part 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Overcoming Obstacles March 8, 2017 Kindness – Part 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overcoming Obstacles March 8, 2017 Kindness – Part 2

2 Checking In How many acts of kindness have you completed since the last Overcoming Obstacles lesson? How does it feel to do something nice for yourself or others?

3 Introduction Watch Video

4 Community Kindness Day
Big Red will be participating in a community kindness outreach project. Each home room is responsible for planning and executing a kindness project together. The purpose of this project is to extend our acts of kindness beyond the individual level and into the community. Community Kindness Projects will be completed May 10th during an extended Overcoming Obstacles period. You will have two homeroom periods to continue your planning.

5 Brainstorm As a group, generate ideas that could be used for your Community Kindness Project. Be creative! Things to consider: Who do you want to impact? What are your strengths? What materials are necessary for your idea? What are your limitations?

6 Consider the ideas on your list
Consider the ideas on your list. Think about the pros and cons of each project. Together as a class, narrow down your list of possibilities. Already have an idea of exactly what you want to do? That’s great! Fill in your top 3 choices on the brainstorm sheet. Return your sheet to Mrs. Filtz sometime today.

7 Kindness Challenge We made it! Together Big Red students have completed over 550 acts of kindness. THANK YOU to all who participated! Congratulations to the winning homeroom!


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