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The Nebraska Economy Chapter 6 Page 131.

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1 The Nebraska Economy Chapter 6 Page 131

2 Agriculture Nebraska is known as the ”Cornhusker State”
Agriculture is the centerpiece of our economy Ranked fourth in terms of cash receipts from AG 1995- worth 8.7 billion dollars AG- not just crops and livestock Also includes agribusiness- technology used in raising crops and livestock as well as the distribution and marketing of them Why such good AG? Abundant ground water, usually favorable climate, fertile soil 90% of land in state is devoted to ranch land

3 134,000 farms before Dust Bowl, 1995 about 56,000 farms
Size increased to average of 841 acres Crops Corn- most important, known as “Nebraska’s gold” Raised in almost every county, billion bushels produced annually 3rd leading corn producer in country Uses Livestock and poultry feed 1/4 exported sweeteners margarine Oils biodegradable plastics cosmetics Ethanol paper? Popcorn- second nationally in popcorn production

4 Soybeans Sorghum or Milo Sugar beets
Second leading crop Began planting in 1950’s Adds nutrients to soil Sorghum or Milo Grown in southern half of state Mostly for livestock feed Sugar beets Mostly grown in panhandle 6th nationally Labor intensive Crops- Corn, soybeans, sorghum, oats, barely, wheat, rye, sunflowers, hay/alfalfa, dry beans, potatoes, sugar beets, popcorn, apples

5 Livestock Nebraska ranks 2nd in the state
Beef cattle are largest agricultural item Beef cattle found in almost every county Over 5 million marketed annually Largest ranches found mostly in southwestern, panhandle, and sand hills of Nebraska Large number of dairy cattle as well, found mostly in eastern half of state 12 dairy plants found in Nebrasak

6 Pork Sheep Poultry Bees 4th largest in the Nation
Mostly in eastern half of state Food, heart valves, insulin Sheep Million pounds of wool are produced each year Mutton and lamb meat Poultry Turkey and eggs along with chicken Eastern half Bees Top ten honey producer 6 to 8 million pounds each year

7 Technology More efficient equipment Computers with internet
Cell phones GPS Genetic engineering- has led to new and better strains of crops and livestock Center pivot has expanded farming Invented by Frank Zybach Became widely available in the 1950’s Diversification Trying to come up with new animals and crops Christmas trees, asparagus, llamas, ostriches

8 Manufacturing Nebraska’s second leading economic activity
Most still related to agriculture 100,000 people work in manufacturing jobs First manufacturing job- blacksmiths, sawmills, flour mills ,144 manufacturing establishments Food processing leading type Four, Pasta, Cereals, Meet products Industrial machinery ranked second 5 counties with most industrial workers Douglas, Lancaster, Hall, Platte, and Scottsbluff Ethanol- fuel made from sorghum, potatoes, wheat, and sugar gain Alternative to fossil fuels

9 Tourism 3rd largest industry Top Tourist attractions Henry Doorly Zoo
Mahoney State Park Lake McCanaughy Robinson State Park

10 Transportation and Communication
Has evolved over time Wagon trains to railroads to highways to airports Interstate 80 most important Communication Letters/pony express to telegraph to telephones to newspapers and radio to tv to internet and satellite systems Employment Nebraskan workers known for being dependable Unemployment rate in Nation was 5.8 Most work in service industry- Health, Business, Telemarketing, govt, sales, fiance, insurance, and real estate

11 International economics
40 percent of exports go to Japan 20 percent go to Canada 60 percent are food products Our economy is tied to other sates and other nations

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