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The Word of the Week is: tenacity

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1 The Word of the Week is: tenacity
Have you ever heard this word before or seen in a book? Turn and Talk to a neighbor about your knowledge of this word.

2 tenacity noun tuh-nas-i-tee
*sticking to something even when the going gets tough *persistency of purpose

3 tenacity adjective tenacious tenaciously tenaciousness related forms:
adverb tenaciously noun tenaciousness

4 tenacity *perseverance *grit *persistence *backbone *courage
Synonyms *perseverance *grit *persistence *backbone *courage *determination

5 tenacity The crew of the raft showed tenacity when they refused to give up as they navigated through the white water.

6 tenacity It was sheer tenacity that allowed the child to hang on to his sheep.

7 tenacious The tenacious plant grew under adverse conditions.

8 tenacious The tenacious cowboy refused to be bucked from the bull.

9 tenaciously The man tenaciously pursued his goal until he reached the summit of the mountain.

10 tenacity Writing Prompt
*As our school year is almost over, think back to all of your accomplishments. *What is something that you achieved, that required you to have tenacity? *Think about physical goals and academic goals too!

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